Thursday 30 April 2020

An Abandoned Abode

Mick decided to clean the shed out on Saturday. We don't have a garage so all our outdoor, DIY and gardening things are stored in our shed. As you can imagine, it does get rather cluttered and needs keeping on top of in order to keep it organised. Unfortunately, it's some time since it was last cleared out so it was a bigger job than it should have been really. Still, it's lovely and tidy now and there's plenty of room to move around in there.

I don't know how long this had been there but look what we found, attached inside the shed on the ceiling.

It's a wasps nest. Look how intricate it is. It was obviously abandoned, thank goodness, almost as soon as building had begun as it's not very big, about an inch square.

Taken from the internet "Wasps nests are made of a substance similar to paper that the insects produce by chewing wood into a pulp and then sticking it together with saliva to form a honeycomb-type structure". Aren't they clever.

I find nature fascinating but I'm glad that the wasps didn't stay around to continue building their nest. We want none of that business here thank you.


  1. Wow Jo that's amazing, great photos, we have been lucky and never had a wasp nest on any of our properties.

  2. Lucky for you it had been abandoned! Last year we saw wasps entering and leaving our neighbouring house through a gap in the gable end. The house was empty and in between tenants so we would imagine if the wasps were nest building it was found before they re-let the house. They had a new bathroom and kitchen fitted so I would imagine the workmen would have been up into the loft.

  3. It's rather beautiful really (without the wasps).

  4. Interesting post and pictures. Wasp nests are fascinating, but the residents can be a nuisance. xx

  5. Isn't that cool - but only because it's empty! LOL

  6. We’ve listened to as well as watched wasps rasping our fence gathering material to build their nests. I wonder whether yours was a starter home begun by a queen wasp who died before creating her colony. The cells don’t look used.

  7. How beautiful. We had one in our shed just like that. I think it may be a solitary wasp's

  8. They are amazing structures. Sometimes I can hear wasps scratching on the wooden fence in the garden. X

  9. Beautiful photos! We have wasp nests like that all over the outside of our house and shed. As many as I've knocked down, I've never gotten a close-up look like that before. Very pretty!

  10. wow, what great photo's, have never seen one up close, what amazing structure.

  11. A few years ago we discovered a really large and very beautiful wasps nest in our garage. John got it down and binned it; I wish I'd asked to keep it. Best, Jane x

  12. They are so amazing aren't they. We had one in the back of our garage once.

  13. Interesting to see the nest up close and personal. Our shed needs to be cleaned out as well. Hubby's job...sometimes there are critters in there, so I will let him take care of the cleaning it out. Stay well.
    Sandy's Space

  14. Like you, nature fascinates me & their nests are so detailed, but evidently not the European kind which nest in untidy shrubbery. We used to get hornets' nests under our eaves when I was little, which are again made up of a honeycomb like structure. As long as you aren't bitten, I suppose they are part of our eco-system. Take care, stay safe & huggles.

  15. That is a beautiful lovely papery creation.

  16. Wasps are such clever builders, aren't they. Don't you feel good when the cleaning out is done? I keep my potting shed pretty tidy but Duane has areas he should tackle. We thought we would have lots of time on our hands with the lockdown, but still aren't getting through the 'to do' list. Stay safe. P. x

  17. Isn't it beautifully made, clever old wasps!

  18. It's a work of art, so beautifully made … but yes, you must have been so pleased that the wasps didn't stay around to continue building it!

    Happy May Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  19. It is amazing, how wonderful to be able to look at it close up, safely! It is a work of art, you are right they are so clever.

  20. I'm glad that wasp nest was empty. Sometimes I see them at the very top of my roof where I can't get to them and just wish they would go away!

  21. You're right, it's a lovely work of art! 💖
