Sunday 27 March 2011

Eleanor's Busy Weekend

If you read my last post you will know that Eleanor took part in a local music festival on Friday. They say that everything comes at once, and it certainly has this weekend as last night Eleanor took part in a concert with her drama group.

The whole company took part, the younger children singing songs from Jungle Book and the older ones singing songs from Glee. Eleanor is 12, about middle of the age range, so she sang songs from both.

For Jungle Book she sang with the other children, but for Glee she did a solo of Christina Aguilera's Beautiful as well as singing the verses of the final song, Heal The World, solo.

It was a wonderful concert, held in the local church, and there was such a wide range of songs which was nice.

I'm so proud of Eleanor having the confidence to do something which I wouldn't dare do today, never mind when I was 12. She absolutely loves to sing and it really is wonderful that she gets the opportunity to do so at such fantastic events.


  1. You are certainly right to feel proud of your daughter.

    Well done to her,

    Victoria xx

  2. You have been kept busy by your talented daughter this weekend.
    The venue looks very special too, I'm sure it must have been enjoyed by all.
    Lisa x

  3. Bet Eleanor had a fantastic time. Well done Eleanor and what a brave young lady you are for singing a solo.

  4. Well done to her - I bet that was a lovley weekend. x

  5. Thanks, everyone. Eleanor really enjoyed herself this weekend, and we enjoyed it too.
