Sunday 15 March 2020

When She Got There, The Cupboards Were Bare

Thank you for all your good wishes for my dad. We finally got him home from hospital yesterday but each episode requiring treatment as an in-patient seems to take its toll. His health is very bad now and it just seems that we bring him home from hospital only to wonder when we'll be back there again.

Once we'd got him home, we went to the supermarket to stock up his cupboards. With cases of Coronavirus on the increase, it's quite worrying wondering how we'll cope if we have to self-isolate as he's beginning to rely on us more and more. One thing we can do is make sure that he has plenty of food to last should we be unable to visit for a while.

Unfortunately, scenes like the one above are quite common in most supermarkets at the moment. Empty shelves are a common sight. What is wrong with people? There really is no need to panic buy to the extent that people are doing so. We visited three different supermarkets and there wasn't one single toilet roll in any of them. Tins of beans had been bought up so there were none left and so had every packet of pasta. I read a news item this week where two women had thrown punches at each other over a toilet roll, the Coronavirus really is bringing out the worst in people at a time when we should be pulling together.

Daniel and Jasmine were supposed to be visiting her family in Colorado in just under a month but now that a travel ban from the UK to the US has been announced, their trip will have to be put on hold until later in the year.

It's such a shame that so many people think only of themselves when faced with a global crisis, surely we should be thinking of others and helping each other out as best we can.


  1. It certainly makes you think and realise what type of people some are! We are all in the same place trying to do the best we can and need to be mindful of those who need a little extra support and help. Greed and selfishness will not help anyone. Those who have hobbies will be glad of them to ease the worry and stress.
    Take care Jo x

  2. You say it so well. I am astounded by people being so selfish. I can't believe this is actually going on when so few people have actually died here in uk.
    Tom is very vulnerable so he's sitting in the car while I shop but that's not foolproof.
    What will be, will be I think. Let's hope it all blows over quickly.

  3. I keep a pretty well stocked pantry so we just had to pick up milk, eggs and bread. I am running a low on wipes so I looked for those, but all the stores we went to were sold out. I just diluted some bleach with water and put it in a spray bottle. People are just going crazy... we were told that one man at Walmart bought eight CASES of toilet paper! Stay safe and healthy!

  4. I think a lot of people are panicking thanks to the media. Whatever happened to 'Keep Calm and Carry On'? That's what I am doing - buying only what I need, taking sensible precautions and washing my hands more frequently and thoroughly. We're all in this together so, as you say, we need to think of others too.
    Best wishes

  5. It's true I think people are over-panicked. I saw a post where a woman and her husband bought almost twenty 8-packs of toilet tissue. What about everyone else ? My neighbor works at a retail location that sells out of sanitizer, tissue and water within two hours of stocking the items. It's like we're in a sci-fi movie !
    Hoping your Dad's health stabilizes.

  6. Good that your Dad is out of hospital, and sending you my very best wishes for his good health over the coming weeks. Sorry to hear Jasmine is not going to be able to go and visit her family.

    The panic buying? I think it is because people are scared and not really thinking this through. I have not bought anything extra, but I always have fairly healthy stocks of basic things, my only concern for the future is the need to go out for fresh vegetables & fruit . . .

    But something occurred to me about toilet paper earlier - if you are normally at work all day, and maybe socialising a couple of times a week, then perhaps as many of 50% of your ‘bathroom breaks’ happen outside the home. If you were to be confined to home for goodness-knows-how-long, then you would need twice as much loo roll as usual because you would be using your own bathroom all the time, not someone else’s. Clearly if I can come up with gems like that I have far too much time on my hands ðŸĪŠ ðŸĪŠ ðŸĪŠ

  7. A lesson for all to learn, from this... Keep our pantries well stocked, at all times. Then, we will be more prepared.

    We prepared before, and did not wait, till the panic set in. Panic, fueled by the so-called news.

    Best of luck with your father.

    I would not want to fly anywhere, right now. Avoid unnecessary travel seems wise. Just in case.

    My only message is, please do not let the news Drum Beat of Panic and Blame, effect you. Fear weakens our immune system.

    And please do keep blogging! We need to hold each other's hands, in Cyber, at this time.

    Stay wise.
    Stay calm.
    Stay safe.

  8. I took my mother in law shopping yesterday, there was little loo roll averrable in the supermarket but several stalls selling it in the town outdoor market at reasonable prices. Locally to me there was some averrable in our small chemist and local Co op, people are targeting the supermarkets but it is still possible to shop in other places. Wishing you all well. x

  9. Glad to hear your Dad is home for the moment, but such a worrying time for you. Our youngest has had to postpone a trip to UK with his 2 kids too, & are very disappointed. As for panic buying, I just don't get it. We've usually got a small amount of non-perishable in the pantry & will only have to worry about fresh stuff, although I do have plenty of blueberries in the freezer & lots silver beet & tomatoes in the garden. 😊 Take care and huggles.

  10. Pleased that your Dad is out of hospital …

    Yes, this panic buying is lunacy.
    Eddie and I went shopping a few days ago and managed to get all the essentials. I always like to buy, and use, fresh produce but this week I did also buy some frozen vegetables.

    Stay well.

    All the best Jan

  11. Hope your Dad's health improves. It's very worrying having parents! On the Coronavirus front, I can't believe that people have even been stealing the hand sanitisers from hospitals! What kind of low-life does that?

  12. Oh Jo, those empty shelves are sad and frightening for many! So sorry the family vacation plans to Colorado are going to be delayed. STAY WELL!!!
    We may miss Allison s graduation from grad school.
    I hope that we will be a sharing community should people run out of food. Here in the country we have lots of people who have chickens and they are always selling eggs, and we are lucky to live in Dairy Land. I hope that people show their goodness and they share where you are too!!!! Hugs

  13. Yes, I went to several supermarkets today to find bare shelves also. I pity those people who are down to their last roll. Fortunately I always have extra of everything so we will be ok for a couple of weeks.

  14. I do hope the toilet rolls come back soon . . .

  15. I hope you managed to get supplies for your dad. It must be a difficult time for him (and you). Fingers crossed he recovers well enough to look after himself. My mum says that she already feels loneliness creeping in (she is widowed) and she is not looking forward to the next few weeks, maybe months.

  16. I have to pass an Aldi on my way to work and the car park was rammed at 8.15 this morning, it's usually empty on a Monday morning. My mum has meal delivered twice a week it's just the other day, but if it gets any worse I might suggest her getting more if she can. I can understand people with health conditions buying extras so as not to go out so often, but this is madness, my son in law went shopping yesterday and there was hardly anything on any of the shelves. I hope your dad improves, it's very worrying. Take care x

  17. Sorry to hear about your Dad, such a worry. Maybe try Wiltshire farm foods who deliver meals for the freezer. MiL care home shut its doors to visitors this morning, but at least she will still get her meals. We are restricted to one person travelling in a car, only 1 person per family allowed in the supermarket, and unless it is an emergency or for food, the chemist or banking we are locked down. We are being advised to keep all receipts to prove our reason for travel as the police and army have powers to stop and hefty fines are being dished out. A good time to tackle those household jobs we put off and enjoy our hobbies. Take care xcx

  18. I can imagine what a worry it's for you trying to help your Dad by getting food and other essentials in and finding shelves empty because some people are being selfish and taking more than they need. Our daughter is shopping for us in between her demanding hospital work. We have to be careful who is in contact with us. It's a shame that just as we are more able to get out and about we are in the middle of this pandemic with restrictions about to be stepped up a level for older people. I hope your Dad's health stays stable.

  19. I agree with what you say about the way some people behave. I went to the supermarket before lunch, where it was busier than usual but okay, and got everything I wanted except one item. Take care. xx

  20. Well said, Jo. We have a similar situation here - bare supermarket shelves -- wish folks would be less selfish. I think people are really afraid. I'll hold your Dad in my prayers. Such a difficult time to have an ailing parent to worry about. Take care of yourself and stay healthy. P. x

  21. I'm now very glad we decided to buy Who Gives a Crap toilet roll in bulk last year - at the time it was because it had no plastic packaging, but if these scenes are anything to go by, it might be the best decision we've made in a while!
    Selfishness is coming out, but so is the good in people, I guess we're dealing with extremes.
    Stay safe and hope your Dad is OK.

  22. WE do our main shop online each week but this time couldn't get a delivery slot for a fortnight. Then there was no flour and various other items that we buy regularly.

  23. I'm pleased to read your dad is out of hospital now, although I understand it doesn't prevent the constant worry.
    Shopping is definitely a challenge at the moment and the current situation is bringing out the best and worst in people. I find that smaller stores usually have a reasonable stock of products compared with the large supermarkets. X

  24. It is worrying how people are behaving. I am so glad you have written what is wrong with people as I have been thinking the same. I am really worried about those people who are not able to or cannot afford to go out every few days to do their shopping. I went to do my weekly food shop today, I had ten items to get in the supermarket and came out with five of them, the rest were not on the shelves at all. I do hope you can get the shopping you need for your dad, it is an extra worry that you don't need right now.

  25. I think they might be safer staying right where they are, the Us is getting worse and worse everyday and there is nothing on our shelves. I did go to the health food store today and bought some soup in cartons and lots of rice crackers, I spent about a million dollars on a frozen turkey but it will be good for sandwiches and since there is no other meat at the local grocery stores it was worth the price. Stay well and take care, you are under a lot of stress with your Dad.

  26. That is so sad, yes, what is wrong with people!!!I despair at times, but get human nature as see it all the time re the rescue. Really hope your dad is ok and you can get
