Thursday 21 February 2019

Hobonichi Techo

I wrote about my current planning system recently in A Planning Update post. I touched on the journal that I keep at the moment but I did hint that I was going to change things a little.

I've kept a journal on and off for a long time. I used to try to write in a diary every day but I never kept up with it and the empty pages which I hadn't filled in would put me off continuing with it, and so eventually, I found that using an undated journal worked best for me.

The journal I keep now was started back in 2006. It's just a plain old A4 size lined note book and I write in it as and when I have something to say. That's got a lot more frequent over the last few years as I gained more time for myself, so I've decided to go back to a dated diary and try writing on a daily basis again.

Sucked in by posts on Instagram and videos on You Tube, I've fallen on the Hobonichi bandwagon. A Hobonichi Techo is a planner notebook, though I'm happy in the way I use my Filofax for planning so I won't be using it as such, it will just be used as my journal.

One of the things I like about it is its size, it's a compact A6 which I think will give me just the right amount of space. There's a page dedicated to each day which is enough when I've got something to say but not too much to overwhelm me. The pages are printed on Tomoe River Paper which is incredibly thin. This helps keep the book compact enabling one whole year to fit in one small planner rather than in separate books. This paper is bleed resistant meaning that I'll be able to use my fountain pen without the ink showing through onto the next page.

The Techo is a Japanese planner which is used for more than scheduling, it's also used for sketching and chronicling daily life.

I just hope that I can keep up with jotting something down each day.


  1. Ohhhh a real pen!!!!! It's been so long, since I used a real pen. -sigh-

    Bleed proof paper! Wonderful! Because so many papers of all kinds, bleed. Ugh....

    I have kept bits of Journal-ing over the years, but ended up tearing them up. Because they were, the personal truth. And that is simply not meant for someone else being able to read it, at a later time.

    Well, I guess great writers have their personal journals published, but...... -grin- That's not me.

    So glad you have a way, to do something, you have wanted to do!!!! Enjoy!!!


    1. Mick bought me the pen a few years ago, I used to use a fountain pen at school but it had been years since I'd used one and it took some getting used to again but I love using it. I really enjoy keeping a journal and reading things from years ago, I suppose it's a bit like blogging in a way.

  2. Good luck with the change of journal. A6 wouldn't suit me as I have big handwriting but I do like writing on grid pages

    1. Hobonichi do an A5 size as well but I like the idea of the A6, I don't think I'll get as overwhelmed by having to fill the larger pages. I like the grid pages too.

  3. Oh Good luck!! I kept tons of notes when my kids were little and Im so glad i did. I had forgotten so many funny things when I reread some last week. I do see the button on your side bar that I can follow you. But I don't get an email when you have a new post . I have to go to some blogger site to see you've posted. Maybe blogger doesn't offer the feature that other blog sites have . No big deal.

    1. I wish I'd kept a book to jot down all the funny things my kids said when they were little, as you say, you forget them over the years. I can see you've followed me through Blogger but above there it says Follow By Email, I think if you enter your email address there you'll receive an email each time I post.

  4. It looks wonderful, I have recently started to journal a little each day but creating pages rather than writing. Such fun.

    1. There's so many different ways to journal, it's just a case of working out what works best for you. Even keeping a blog preserves memories, I enjoy looking back over past posts every once in a while.

  5. A6, just the perfect size to write a little note each day ... enjoy your new journal. I like the little squares on each page instead of it being ruled as most are. You could even colour in a few on days when you haven't anything to say but need a little mindfullness time.

    1. I'm really enjoying jotting something down each day, but as you say, it's more about having a little mindfulness time more than anything. I'm really having fun with it, using stickers, inks and stamps and paints, and the great thing with this journal is that nothing bleeds through the paper.

  6. That's a good size. How about a sketch a day, I'd love to be able to dash one off effortlessly in 5 minutes and catch the essence of the day. Unlikely!

    1. Hmmm, you wouldn't suggest that if you saw how I sketch. I've never been very good at art, though it's something I'd love to be better at.

  7. That does look just perfect for a journal, good the ink doesn't bleed

    1. I love the size of it, and this type of paper means that I can get a bit creative and also use my lovely fountain pen.

  8. Interesting post, & I've also played with the idea of journaling too recently, but don't really know how, or whether I'd make the effort to do it on a regular basis. We'll see. Thanks for a bit of enlightenment on the subject. Have a lovely weekend & take care.

    1. I've tried lots of different ways of journaling over the years and I found the best way to start, especially if you don't know if you'll do it every day, is to just sit down, open up a book and start writing. Date it yourself rather than having a diary and then you can write as and when you want to, you don't have to keep to filling something in every day, which can be a bit overwhelming at times. Once you do that, you'll get into your own rhythm and see whether writing on a daily basis is something you could keep up with or not. I love looking back at what I've written over the years, and putting things down on paper can really help sort out anxieties and worries, it really helps me.

  9. That looks very interesting Jo I'll be interested to see how it works for you. I have a journal on my phone and often jot little things in it as they are happening when I'm out and about, maybe in a coffee shop or when I'm waiting for a bus or train. :) xx

    1. There's so many different ways of journaling and capturing the moment. I'm really enjoying the size of this journal at the moment, it's encouraging me to write something each day but not putting me off because of the amount of space I have to fill, it's working really well.

  10. I love my fountain pen and like you I use a book as a journal, somehow its less pressure to write in it than a diary. So lovely you are having fun with your new book and being creative. Have a good weekend xcx

    1. It had been a long time since I'd used a fountain pen until Mick bought me this one a few years ago, I'm really enjoying using it. Using a book as a journal rather than a dated diary is definitely less pressure, though my new Hobonichi is encouraging me to use it every day and I'm really enjoying it.

  11. That planner notebook looks rather useful and is a compact size which I like. Well done on using a fountain pen, I must find mine and use it. xx

    1. It's working well so far, I'm enjoying using such a compact planner. I love writing with my fountain pen, though I love all kinds of pens and stationery.

  12. I do wish you luck with doing this.
    I'm sure you will enjoy it and with the paper being thin, thank-goodness the ink doesn't bleed through.

    Hope you've been enjoying this spell of good weather:)

    All the best Jan

    1. I'm enjoying my daily journaling so far, it's nice to sit down and jot a few things down from my day. It will be nice to look back on too.

  13. It sounds nice. I like the idea of thin paper and grids instead of lines. I tried to find a grid notebook recently and failed, why are they so hard to find? Anyway, I use an A5 diary and write in it almost everyday, I'm doing well so far this year, but often start to miss days in the middle of the year. I love looking back on them though.

    1. Journals are great to look back on. I've never used a grid notebook before but I'm really enjoying using this. Have you looked on Etsy? You can find almost anything on there.
