Friday 4 March 2016

Taking My Time

I can't be accused of not taking my time over my Spice Of Life Crochet Along blanket, I think it was last September when I started it, though I ended up pulling that first attempt out and starting it again as my tension was all to pot.

February has been a funny sort of month with quite a few things going on so I haven't really got to grips with much crafting at all. A couple of rows have been added to the blanket but that's it.

I thought I may run out of yarn before completing the blanket and it looks as though this is now a certainty. As far as I can tell, I will need at least another five balls of yarn in colours which I've run very low on. I wonder if many people have found that the yarn stated isn't sufficient or if I use more yarn than most. It's a bit annoying that I'm going to have to buy extra but I don't want to use an alternative and spoil it after spending so much time working on it.

I really want to spend some time working on it this month so that I can see some progress when I next do an update post.

I'm joining in with Jennifer's Winter Project Link Party over on her Thistlebear blog. Do pop over and take a look what it's all about, and how about joining in with the fun? I'm sure many of you have projects on the go for winter.


  1. Your blanket looks beautiful. I made a similar one and I believe I too ran short of yarn for a couple of times. It turned out so big that I didn't do those rows. I'm excited to see how it looks when it's completed. Have a fabulous weekend, Pat

    1. I remember seeing your blanket, it's absolutely beautiful. It's so annoying to run out of yarn but you really can't tell you've missed any rows out. I don't think I can do the same thing with my blanket, it's not a big as yours so I think you'd probably be able to tell.

  2. I hate it when I use more yarn than stated. Fingers crossed you manage to get the same dye lot. It really is looking good, a great winter project.

    1. I'm not so bothered about getting the same dye lot, I don't think it will matter if the colour's slightly out as the rows are spaced out somewhat. It's annoying having to buy more yarn though.

  3. I respect your thorough attitude to the blanket! My tension was all over the place as well, but I found myself swept along with all the other excited people crocheting at the same time. I actually felt quite pressured to get it done for some crazy reason, and told my husband afterwards that I didn't think CALs were for me. My tension problems don't show when my toddler is dragging it about anyway!

    1. At least working with all the other crocheters doing the CAL meant that you got the blanket finished in good time. I've got lots of other projects on the go at the moment so I'm enjoying taking my time with it, there's no rush and it will get done eventually. The tension seems to be a bit of a problem for some of us, I think it's because of all the different stitches.

  4. I have a never-ending blanket too - it's an on-again, off-again project that I do while watching tv. Like you, I'm in no rush to finish it & will often set it aside and work on other projects. Knitting while watching tv is a great way to make progress on those long stretches of stockinette. The one rule is that it has to be simple, with little thought being placed into stitch counts, etc., or else I inevitably mess up....and then have to spend a good portion of the time undoing my mistakes.

    1. I think it's good to have a long term project on the go, something which can be put to one side whilst you work on something else. It keeps me interested if I have short breaks from working on it and then come back to it again.

  5. Its looking lovely. I really want to learn to crochet.

    1. I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to learn once you retire. All the things you don't have time for at the moment will be within your reach.

  6. Your blanket is very pretty, it would be a shame not to finish it in the same colours.

    1. I agree. It's a bit annoying having to buy more yarn but now I've got so far I'd hate for it to be spoilt.

  7. Hey I bet you will be finished by the April Link up. Keep going, it looks fabulous. Jo x

    1. I doubt it, there's all those pesky ends to sew in and they'll take me ages.

  8. I always sit back and admire you crafters ... and all I can say is ... well done on adding "a couple of rows"

    Enjoy the weekend, whatever your plans - and keep warm!

    All the best Jan

    1. I'd be lost without my crafting. Even if I only get chance to add a couple of rows, I thoroughly enjoy it.

  9. The patterns and colours in your blanket are lovely. I hope you manage to get some more yarn ok.

    1. I don't think I'll have any problems getting the yarn, it's just a bit annoying that I have to but I'm sure it will be worth it when I see the blanket completed.

  10. It's looking lovely, Jo. :o)

    1. I'm enjoying working on it and I think it looks better and better the further along I get with it.

  11. I do like your Spice of Life blanket with those rows of different colours done in a variety of stitches. What a shame about the yarn as that's a lot to have to buy to complete your project. I agree that you want to use the right colours after spending so much care and effort on it. I'm enjoying making granny squares in wool using just two colours and basic trebles. I'm enjoying doing a little in an evening. Even when we have company such as when our grandson and girlfriend are with us I can work at it and chat at the same time.

    1. I'm loving working with so many different stitches, the blanket's been great for teaching me a bit more about crochet. It's a lovely hobby and as you say, you can work on it even when you have company. Granny squares are great, the blanket which gets the most use in our house is the One A Day blanket which you can see in my sidebar. Each square is made up of just one colour but I love the overall effect.

  12. Oh that is a bit annoying, running out of yarn. I always worry, when I buy yarn for a project, over whether I will have enough. I tend these days to buy less than needed as I find that I have lots left when I have finished but then I end up worrying that this will be one time I need the exact amount!

    1. It's typical, isn't it. If you buy what's stated you often have lots left but if you decide to buy a little less, you run out. You can't win.

  13. How annoying to run out of yarn. I hope you get want you need to finish it. Flighty xx

    1. It's really annoying but I'm sure buying more will be worth it. I'd hate to spoil it at this late stage.

  14. I will be so cosy once it is finished, this blanket. I am sure it will be worth all the extra yarn and effort. x

    1. I'm sure it will. I don't want to spoil it when I've put so much effort in to it so far.

  15. I think you are doing well Jo, and I do love your colours. Doing things in your own time, means that you don't rush and you work on them when you want. Life has a funny way of interupting lots, but then we all have different priorities and your crochet is to relax with, not find it a chore, so take it out when you need me time. I didn't need any more wool and have lots left over, but maybe mine were bigger balls, as it was on special and isn't the nicest with limited colour palette. May be getting together with 2 friends and DD to buy some from Wool Warehouse. Hope that happens. Enjoy yarny time and take care.

    1. I think the colours work so well together so I don't want to spoil things by using a different yarn at this late stage. Wool Warehouse is a good company to buy from and it has great reviews from those abroad too, I hope you manage to place an order.

  16. In buying more yarn as annoying as it is it will just mean that you will have to make something else with the leftovers.

    1. Very true. I might even have enough left over to make a matching cushion.

  17. I love seeing your projects, even though I can't crochet or knit.

    1. I've been able to knit since I was very young but seeing everyone's crochet projects on blogs is the thing which made me want to learn to crochet, I'm so pleased now that I did teach myself.

  18. You maybe taking your time, but it is time well spent. It is a beautiful blanket.

    1. I hope it will be when it's finished. I'm enjoying the process of working on it so it is indeed time well spent.

  19. As long as you are enjoying your project that is all that matters isn't it! Hope your extra yarn comes and you can finish it soon. xx

    1. It is. I haven't ordered the yarn yet, I'm still getting as far as I can before ordering more so that I don't buy more than I need but it won't be long now until I have to.

  20. That will be gorgeous when you finish it, and there's no rush to do that. Enjoy, wish I could create something like

    1. I'm really pleased with how it's turning out so far, I'm really enjoying working on it.

  21. Hi Jo, thanks for joining my linkup. I'm glad you're still enjoying your blanket and that you're not putting too much pressure on yourself. It really has been a labor of love. I think you'll be very proud of it when it's all done.

    1. I used to have one project on the go which I'd work on until it was finished, now I tend to have a few things to work on at any one time, I think it keeps me interested in each one. Having a variety of things on the go keeps them all interesting.

  22. It will certainly be worth the effort of having been thorough once it's finished. It's a bit annoying to have to buy some more wool isn't it. The blankets I've crocheted have been made up by me as I went along, so I just bought the wool as I needed. I have used Wool Warehouse and been pleased with them.

    1. I don't know why I've ended up needing so much extra yarn for this project, it would be interesting to know if those who used the same yarn had the same experience and were left short. I've used Wool Warehouse quite a few times, there's quite a few online retailers which I consider excellent.
