Wednesday 30 March 2016

Reading - March 2016

March has been another good month for reading, I've managed four books in total.

Why Didn't They Ask Evans? was the Agatha Christie book I read this month. It was a bit different in that it didn't have any people in it which we'd met before, no Poirot or Miss Marple, however, I enjoyed getting to know some new characters. I really enjoyed the story which had lots of twists and turns in it, and I was glad to eventually find out who Evans was as I'd been wondering right the way through the book.

I'm still working my way through Amanda Prowse's books and this month I read Perfect Daughter. I've mentioned before that I find her books quite hit and miss, some I really love and some, not so much, so I was pleased to find that this was one of her best, in my opinion. I think a lot of women will identify with Jacks, the main character, as she goes about her day to day life looking after her family and her mother who is suffering from dementia, trying to do her best by them all and wishing for a good future for her children.

One of the best books I've read for a long time is Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, I absolutely loved this book and it's one of those which stays with you after it's finished. I downloaded it to my Kindle after Jennifer from Thistlebear recommended it last September, had I known how much I'd love it, I would have read it long before now. A film which is based on the book is due out in June, do have a look at the Official Trailer for it. I rarely go to the cinema but I think I'll make an exception for this film, I'd better take plenty of tissues with me. If you haven't yet read the book, I'd definitely recommend doing so before seeing the film as I'm not sure it will do the book justice. The trailer looks like your run of the mill chick flick film but the book is so much more than that.

I'm quite particular when it comes to choosing books to read so I don't often come across books which I haven't enjoyed. I picked up Grey by E L James in a charity shop purely because I'd read the other three books in the Fifty Shades of Grey series, but I really wish I hadn't. I know the other three books got a real slating but I thought they were okay for what they were. Grey is the same story as the first book but told from Christian's perspective. Knowing the story already, I found this book really boring and I don't think it adds anything to the story which has been already told, I couldn't wait to get to the end.

I've had a problem with my Kindle, as you know I got it for Christmas 2014 so I've only had it for about fifteen months. The battery was draining within a matter of hours, even when not in use, but as the Kindle was out of it's twelve month warranty, the only thing which Amazon were prepared to do was offer me a discount on a new one. Hmmm, I don't think so, there's a little known EU law which allows faulty goods to be returned up to two years after purchase, though it is a little ambiguous. One mention of this though and Amazon decided that they would replace my Kindle, not only that but as the faulty one is no longer available, I've been given an upgrade. It was here with me the following day so I'm good to go with my reading again.


  1. Some good books there. Me before you sounds intriguing, think I will try and find it in my local library x

    1. I'm sure you'll enjoy Me Before You, I absolutely loved it. I hope you can find it.

  2. Interesting about the Kindle, glad you got a new one. I liked that Agatha Christie too and absolutely loved Me Before You, it made me cry and I don't often do that when reading books. I have the sequel Me After You, but I haven't read it yet.

    1. I didn't even know what Me Before You was about before I started the book, Jennifer had said that she was really enjoying it so I thought I'd give it a go. I'm so pleased I did. Like you, I cried but there were places in the book where I laughed too, I went through lots of different emotions. I don't think I'm going to read the sequel, I just don't think it needs anything adding to it.

  3. My reading this month has mainly been non-fiction, I'm reading around the restoration of London after the Great Fire and the book which is enthralling me is Liza Picard's Restoration London, which is about one decade: 1660-1670 during which the Great Fire occurs. This year is the 350th anniversary of the event.
    Also reading Carol Drinkwater's The Forgotten Summer, a lovely novel with a fair deal of intrigue in it too, and lovely descriptions of the wine making process in rural France.
    I tried one Amanda Prowse but didn't care for it, can't remember which one, but sent it packing to the charity shop. Nor have I read any of the Grey series, they don't appeal (anything over-hyped is a no-no to me). But this Prowse looks like it might be a good one.
    Margaret P

    1. I'm pleased your enjoying your reading. I definitely think that some Amanda Prowse books are better than others, I really enjoyed Perfect Daughter and another favourite was Clover's Child.

  4. Well doe Jo on the point of law. Thats a real useful piece of info. I'm convinced there is a little time bomb in some appliances that goes off after a year!

    1. I think I'd read twenty five books on the Kindle, the battery should certainly last longer than that whether it's a year or five years. Amazon obviously know about the EU law, they're just hoping that their customers don't.

  5. It sounds like a good book, I'm glad you got the kindle issue sorted out x

    1. I wouldn't have bought another Kindle had they not replaced it, not if the battery doesn't last past fifteen months.

  6. I don't know why but the few Amanda Prowse books I've tried, I just haven't enjoyed. This book may be different ...

    You are doing well with your reading and a good variety too.

    I've never owned a kindle always preferring to hold a book in my hand, a few of my friends have recently abandoned kindles and gone back to the 'old fashioned' book way... their words not mine!

    I wonder if kindle is as popular as it used to be?
    Glad you got yours sorted though.

    All the best Jan

    1. I think Amanda Prowse books can be a bit hit and miss but I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I didn't think I'd take to a Kindle as I have as I love proper books but I have to say that for convenience, they beat proper books hands down. I can adjust the print size so that reading is easier on my eyes, the Kindle is much lighter than a book and if I wake in the night I can read without putting the light on and disturbing Mick. I'd hate to be without an ereader now.

  7. Thanks Jo, I'll put some of these titles on my list of books to read.

    1. I get lots of book recommendations from blogs, my wish list is quite long.

  8. I will get perfect daughter, I'm looking for a good book, I loved me before you, it stayed with me, so I had to read after you, which I enjoyed as well.

    1. I'm always nervous about reading a sequel when I've read a good book, I think some of them are so bad that it takes something away from the original book and I really don't want to do that with Me Before You as I loved it so much. I'm looking forward to seeing the film though.

  9. I don't recollect this particular Agatha Christie book so I've put it on my to read list.
    Well done on pointing that out to Amazon and getting a replacement. Happy reading. Flighty xx

    1. I think this particular Agatha Christie book is very clever, there's so many twists and turns that I kept changing my mind about who I thought the murderer was. I've always had very good service from Amazon so I was a little disappointed that I had to point out this law to them before they agreed to do something but at least it got sorted out in the end.

  10. Well done on getting a new Kindle from Amazon! I haven't read any of these books - years ago I read a lot of Agatha Christie books, maybe I should go back and read them again, as I remember enjoying them.

    1. I used to read Agatha Christie books in my teens but I can't remember any of them now so I'm enjoying reading one a month very much.

  11. I'm glad you got a replacement on your Kindle and are all sorted again.
    I've not read of of the Grey books, although my sister has and she thought they were good!
    I've seen the Me Before You on blogs and thought it was probably too sad for me. I hope the film lives up to the book for you.
    Lisa x

    1. I'm really pleased to have a new Kindle, I wouldn't want to be without it, it's so convenient for when I wake in the night and don't want to turn on the light to read. Me Before You is very sad but it's such a good book in that it addresses certain issues and really makes you think. I'm looking forward to seeing the film and just hope it's done well.

  12. Well done on getting your Kindle replaced.

    1. I wonder how many people are happy when they're given the offer of a discount on a new one. It should definitely work for longer than fifteen months, I think that's really bad.

  13. With how busy you are now, I'm not sure how you manage to do so much reading. I don't and I'm retired. Pity about the kindle, but then books don't run out of battery. Glad you got a new one and didn't have to pay. Good on you for persevering. Take care.

    1. I only read in bed, I'd get through a lot more books if I read during the day too. The Kindle is great for me when I wake through the night as I'm able to read without turning the light on and disturbing Mick.

  14. That's great news on the Kindle. I have to say I have got rid of my Amazon account, I am not comfortable with the way they treat their employees. Four books in a month that is good going, I am intrigued by the JoJo Moyes book might have to check that out in the library tomorrow.

    1. I'm really pleased about the Kindle, it was a good result in the end. Me Before You is one of the best books I've read in a long time, I can thoroughly recommend it.

  15. I have had Me Before You on my list to read forever, I need to get on that one.
    Thanks for the suggestions,

    1. I downloaded Me Before You on to my Kindle last September, I'd haver read it a long time ago had I known how good it is.

  16. Glad you got the Kindle replaced because you were able to put your case to Amazon and knew the EU law. I didn't know that Me Before You has been made into a movie so thanks for the info as I liked the novel a lot.

    1. I wouldn't have known about the EU law had I not looked it up, it's very handy to know though. I'm really looking forward to seeing the film of Me Before You but I doubt it will be as good as the book.

  17. With 3 of 4 books being winners, that sounds like a good month. Companies do sometimes try to get away with not fulfilling their obligation to their customers; it definitely pays to know consumer laws.

    1. It's rare that you get good customer service from a company these days, you certainly need to know where you stand should something go wrong as the companies themselves won't tell you.

  18. Good news on the Kindle! And I like the Christie book. I've never read Me Before You, but it's on my list now!

    1. I don't know anyone who's read Me Before You and not enjoyed it. I'm glad I hadn't read anything about it before I read it as I think it would have spoilt it for me.

  19. Sounds like some interesting reading. Amazing how Amazon did a turn around, just goes to show what happens when these companies are given a little push.xcx

    1. It's so annoying that companies don't offer a good service to their customers in the first place. I had to quote this EU law before they'd do anything about the Kindle and it's the same with firms like Sky who give me a good deal when I threaten to leave or insurance companies who will match other companies quotes but don't give you a good price in the first place. It infuriates me.

  20. You've certainly increased your number of monthly reads Jo. Maybe having your kindle has helped there. Glad Amazon did the right thing by replacing your faulty one. I've had mine about 3 years now and touch wood no issues. I also have the kindle app on my iPad mini so I tend to alternate between the two as the iPad is lighter as I have the Kindle fire 8.9 so it's the size of a tablet with a lot the functions of a tablet but makes it heavy if holding for a long time. I tend to use it when I go up to bed as I can rest it again my knees. I also like the fact that I can use the text speech with some of the books so I get the pleasure of an audio book even if she sounds a little like metal micky. I've not read the latest Amanda Prowse yet I've got a few more books to get to on my bookshelf and on the kindle before I allow myself to download or purchase more and I already have a pile sitting next to my bed that were gifts at Christmas and my birthday. Surprisingly for me I have been very restraint and working through my backlog. It won't last it never does but the thought will have been there.

    1. The books I've read each year are listed in my sidebar, last year I read more than ever before and I seem to be keeping at the same rate again this year so far. I find I can get through books much quicker on my Kindle. Glad to hear that your Kindle is still going strong after three years, I hope this new one lasts longer than the last one. Mick has a Kindle Fire so I knew the weight of it before I got my Kindle and went for the Paperwhite because I wanted something lighter, I wasn't bothered about a tablet, just an ereader. I've downloaded the new Amanda Prowse book but I've still got the one before that to read yet. I wonder if you've read Me Before You as I'm sure it's a book you would enjoy.

  21. Amazon customer service are usually pretty good, so I'm glad you got another Kindle from them in the end. Always best to stick to your guns when you know your rights.

    1. I agree, Amazon customer service is usually good so I was surprised how I came upon a brick wall when I reported a fault with the Kindle, it was quite disappointing to have to point out the EU law in order for them to do something about it.

  22. Me Before You was a wonderful read, needed the tissues t the end of it though.
    Have you read The Ice Twins by S K Tremayne, that's a good read, my book group have just read it and we all foud it a page turner.

    1. I know what you mean about needing the tissues, that's the only thing which puts me off going to see the film at the cinema, it's not a pretty sight when I cry. I've had The Ice Twins downloaded on my Kindle for ages but haven't read it yet, I may get to it this month.

  23. Some interesting reads there! I haven't read the Grey books. What a handy little EU law, I really must remember that! Glad you got your kindle

    1. I thought the first Fifty Shades of Grey books were okay but can't see the reason for this fourth book when it's exactly the same as the first one, just from a different perspective. I'm really pleased that I got a new Kindle, I would definitely miss it now as it's so handy to have.

  24. I always enjoy your book reviews, Jo. I think it's time I started reading Agatha Christie again. And I just downloaded a sample of Perfect Daughter onto my Kindle, on your recommendation. That's one of the benefits of Kindle: you can read a decent amount of the book before deciding if you want to purchase it. P. x

    1. I'm enjoying my Agatha Christie reads, it will take me some time to get through them all though. I must admit that I've never downloaded a sample of a book on to my Kindle, it's a good tip though if you're not sure whether you're going to enjoy a book or not. Another Amanda Prowse book I'd recommend is Clover's Child.

  25. I'm about to start on my Agatha Christie too. So looking forward.

    1. I hope you enjoy it. She was such a good author keeping the reader in suspense throughout her books.
