Sunday 31 March 2013

Challenge Update - March

My 2013 challenges are:-

1) Watch one old film each month.

2) List five items on Ebay each month.

3) Have a date night with Mick each month.

The film I watched in March was Mildred Pierce. I've never seen this film before, or the remake which was made in to a mini series and starrred Kate Winslet. Although I guessed the ending almost as soon as the film started, I did enjoy it. Joan Crawford won an Oscar for playing the title role.

Five more items have been listed on Ebay during March, and I shall make use of the free listing day tomorrow and get my next five items listed for April.

Mick and I went on our date today. Just like last month, we had a meal in the local pub. Being close to home, it's handy if we want a drink, and the food is good.

The Easter weekend weather has been better than expected so far. We had a day out yesterday and it was quite pleasant in the sun, but still cold when the sun disappeared behind a cloud. It's been a bit warmer today. I wonder if spring's finally here.


  1. Good for you Jo! I love the idea of date nights and we do try and get out a couple of times a month anyway. Ebay for me is something I have never got to grips with I'm afraid.Hope you are not eating too many choccy eggs!

    1. It's years really since we've had regular nights out on our own, so I think it's time, now that the kids are nearly grown up, that we have time to ourselves again. I'm really enjoying our date nights. No choccy eggs for me, I'm trying to shed a few pounds, though I've been a little bit naughty this week. I must get back on track again.

  2. Sounds brilliant Jo, all of it..
    Your selling 5 items a month sounds like a good thing, I should do that actually, I'm finding that my downsizing in my small apartment hasn't been enough! I still have no room! "stuff" needs to go!

    1. I've got loads of things to sell, but it can take such a long time weighing everything, photographing it and listing it, but setting myself a target of listing five items each month is manageable. I hope that by the end of the year, I'll have cleared plenty of things.

  3. Happy Easter to you and your family Jo!
    Good for you for sticking to your resolutions!
    Gill xx

    1. Thank you. Happy Easter to you too. My challenges are enjoyable, so it's quite easy to stick to them.

  4. It sounds as if you are really enjoying your challenges!
    Beware of the increased postal charges if you are going to list on ebay tomorrow. Items that cost me 2.20 to post last week will be 5.20 as from Tuesday due to them charging by parcel size aswell as weight. I've been having a look on ebay myself and lots of people are going to be caught out horribly when they go to post the things that they have sold.

    1. They're enjoyable challenges, which makes it easy to keep on top of them. Thank you for the reminder. I did know about the change to postal charges, they were expensive enough before the change, but some things just aren't going to be worth listing with the increase.

  5. Good for you, keeping to those challenges. Happy Easter, although belated as we have just got back from Canberra, where we spent the Easter break.
    I think I'll follow your lead and try to clear out as we must downsize too.

    1. Thank you. Happy Easter to you too, I hope you've had a lovely break in Canberra. I've taken loads of things to the charity shop over the years, so I'm hoping that now I'm using Ebay, I'll be able to make a bit of money whilst clearing out.

  6. You're doing well with your challenges, Jo. Well done! :o)

    1. Thank you. I'm enjoying them, so that makes them easy to keep up with.

  7. Happy Easter. I saw Mildred Pierce on TV a while ago and loved it. It really seemed to capture the feel of the times and draw you into the story, which a lot of films don't! Debbie

    1. Hope you had a good Easter. I agree about the feel of Mildred Pierce, I really enjoyed it. I thought Joan Crawford was very good in it.

  8. Good job on keeping up with your challenges! But they seem like nice ones to do anyway.:)Never watched Mildred Pierce, remember it coming on but never got around to it. Game of Thrones started last night. Do you watch that?

    1. I try to set myself enjoyable challenges, I'd never keep up with them if they were things I didn't want to do. I've never heard of Game of Thrones, I'll have to look out for it.

  9. Sounds like you're enjoying your challenges - and that's the most important bit! Happy Easter to you all. Jx

    1. They're easy challenges to keep up with, I'm really enjoying them. Happy Easter to you too.

  10. All challenges going well. JC had such a hard edge to her I think.
    Lisa x

    1. I know what you mean about Joan Crawford, I don't think of her the same after Mommie Dearest.
