Sunday 24 March 2013

A Musical Fortnight

Eleanor has been very busy with her musical activities over the past fortnight. First of all, she took her Grade 5 singing exam. Her song choices were Home from Beauty and the Beast, Somewhere Over The Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz, and an Italian song, Sebben, crudele. She also had an aural test, had to sight read, and perform a vaccai vocal exercise. She did really well and came out with a merit, which I think is excellent. Eleanor was a little disappointed as she's always got a distinction in her previous exams. She got 83 marks out of one hundred and would have needed 87 for a distinction, so she wasn't far off. She's a bit of a perfectionist where music's concerned, so she's very self critical, but we're very proud of her achieving a merit as we know she's put a lot of work in.

On Friday, Eleanor took part in the local competitive music festival. Her first class was the Girls and Boys Solo, 14 years and under. She had to sing a set song, Five Eyes by Armstrong Gibbs and she came second. The second class she entered was the Girls Solo, 16 years and under. Again, it was a set song, The Sky Above the Roof by R Vaughan Williams. She did very well and came first. She was awarded a cup for this. The Junior Show Class, 18 years and under was the third class she entered. She could choose her own song, so she chose Home by Menken and came third. She really enjoys competing in this festival, it's the fifth year she's taken part.

This morning, Eleanor performed a Passion Play at church with her drama group. She was a narrator as well as taking the part of Mary Magdalene. It was very well received by the congregation.

I think after this flurry of activity, she's due a rest now before her next concert, which is in June.


  1. Well done to Eleanor - she has a beautiful voice, and definitely deserves a rest after such a busy time!

    1. Thank you. She won't be resting too much, she's got rehearsals for June.

  2. How wonderfully talented Eleanor must be, she certainly deserves a rest after performing so well :) xx

    1. She absolutely loves singing and acting, so it's been a great fortnight for her.

  3. Well done to Eleanor.You sound a very proud mum Jo.Hope you're keeping warm X

    1. I'm a very proud mum. I'm snuggled up in my crochet blanket whilst I'm catching up with my blog reading, it's freezing.

  4. Congratulations to Eleanor! :o)

    1. Thank you. I think she's done really well, no matter what she thinks herself.

  5. Huge congratulations to Eleanor, such fantastic achievements.
    Lisa x

    1. Thank you. She was a bit fed up about the merit, I think she wanted distinctions right the way through her exams, but a merit it very good and I'm proud of her.

  6. Well done Eleanor, and to her proud mum! Flighty xx

    1. Thank you. We're all very proud of her.

  7. Wow what a talent. Much congratulations to her on such wonderful accomplishments. I agree with you she most certainly deserves a nice break. Much to be proud of for all of you. :)

    1. Eleanor loves performing, I don't know where she gets it from as I would die a thousand deaths if I had to get up in front of anyone and sing.

  8. Congratulations to Eleanor.
    Love from Mum

    1. Thank you. She's loving everyone's comments.

  9. Well done Eleanor, you certainly deserve all those congratulations and the family must be so proud as well.

    1. You're right, the whole family is extremely proud of her.

  10. So many achievements! Well done to Eleanor, you must be so proud of her. x

    1. We're very proud of her. She always seems to be either performing in something or rehearsing for something. Her next concert is in June but rehearsals have already begun.

  11. Huge congratulations to Eleanor. I always feel extremely envious of people who are musical as I can't hold a note, or play an instrument.xx

    1. I'm just the same, I don't know where she gets her musical ability from as it's not from me or Mick.

  12. Pass on my congratulations. I was really impressed to hear that she was so successful with the Vaughan Williams song. I think it's really hard to perform well and she clearly 'captured its spirit' to win the class. I bet you were really proud! Jx

    1. Thank you. I don't particularly like the Vaughan Williams song if I'm honest, but she did sing it well and told the tale. We're always very proud of her.

  13. Well done to Eleanor! KP loves singing too and has started singing lessons! Great to have a trophy!

    1. Thank you. Eleanor was really pleased to have a trophy to bring home. I hope KP enjoys her singing lessons as much as Eleanor does.

  14. Congratulations to Eleanor! I'm sure you are very proud of her hard work and pleased that her talent is being nurtured in this way.

    1. Thank you. It's really lovely to see Eleanor rewarded for the hard work she puts in to her singing.

  15. Hi Jo, Congratulations to Eleanor!! Its so nice when they are rewarded and recognized for their hard work.

    1. Thank you. Eleanor was delighted that she won a cup, she's had one for the last three years so whe was pleased that she didn't miss out this time.
