Friday 28 January 2022

Coming Home

Daniel left home to go to university back in September 2013, I never thought for one minute that he'd never come back home to live again. He went to university in York, a city not far from home, but he lived in student accommodation. 

After leaving university in 2016, his girlfriend had secured a job in Essex and not wanting to be too far away from her, he looked for a job down south. He found a job in Woking in Surrey, not ideal as it was seventy miles away from Jasmine, but it was closer than it would have been if he'd been living back in Leeds. They lived separately for two years, seeing each other on weekends, before Daniel got a transfer with his company to their London office. This meant that they were able to rent a property together in Essex where Jasmine was working and where he was able to commute to London from.

Not long before Covid struck, Daniel had started working from home, visiting the office only occasionally. During the pandemic, Jasmine also worked from home, and both of their companies now realise that they're able to work remotely, meaning that they can easily work from any location.

Both Daniel and Jasmine's companies have now agreed that they can work from home indefinitely, meaning that they're now able to come back to live in Leeds. Whilst they were here at Christmas, they found a flat to rent, very close to where we live. When Mick took them home in the New Year he packed up the car with as much of their stuff as he could to bring back with him. Eleanor's old bedroom is packed full of their things, above is just some of them.

Mick's gone down to Essex again today to bring another car load back with him, as well as Daniel and Jasmine. They'll be saying goodbye to Essex. We're hoping that they'll be able to fit the rest of the things they want to bring back with them in the car, if not, they'll have to make another trip, but they'll leave some things behind just for convenience more than anything. There's things which just won't fit in the car and it's more cost effective to simply replace them rather than spending extra money on transporting them back to Leeds. Mick was thinking of hiring a van to move all their things but he'd rather not if he doesn't have to, it's much cheaper doing things this way.

They ordered some furniture while they were here at Christmas but their bed isn't being delivered until some time next week. They're not sure when their broadband, which they need for work, will be set up either so they'll be staying with us for a little while, hopefully moving into their new flat properly during next week.

I waved Daniel off to university over eight years ago. We haven't seen much of him and Jasmine at all over the past five years when they've been living down south and especially so during the last two years so I'm so excited to be getting them back home again where we'll be able to see them on a much more regular basis.


  1. How lovely to have Daniel - and Jasmine! - close again, Jo. I hope they managed to get all their stuff into the car and that no other trips are needed.

  2. It'll be lovely to have your family close again. The pandemic has certainly changed things with folks being able to work from home. I hope Daniel and Jasmine will be very happy in their new home once everything is sorted out for them.

  3. I'm so happy for you.
    My experience is that they always come home to roost ( and sometimes bring the next generation with them!)

  4. Nothing beats having your family close, very exciting for the couple to be setting up another new home.

  5. How wonderful, Jo, that your son will be so close now. I am very close to our kids and most live within just a few miles. The one we thought would never leave the area lives about 6+ hours away. xo Diana

  6. How lovely that they're moving back, it will be so nice to have them near. I hope the move into their new home goes well and that they'll be very happy there. CJ xx

  7. Such a nice feeling these days to have our family close. So happy for you. An adjustment also to be made after being empty nesters for so long. Truly worth the effort and I wish you clear sailing ahead. Archie will be happy to have his people under one roof. At least for awhile.💖

  8. It is exciting Jo how lovely to have them near, I miss my youngest son so much it's like an ache. I hope that the move into their new home goes smoothly next week and you all have a lovely weekend together. xx

  9. I'm not surprised you're excited about Daniel and Jasmine coming back to live closer to you after so long and I wish them all the best for life in their new home :)

  10. So good to be having them closer & being able to share more times together as a family. It's something we miss with living in such a big country. Hope the move goes well for them. Take care & hugs.

  11. so happy for you . I 1ong for the day mine move c1oser

  12. Great news, I think WFH permanently will be going on in many companies after all it reduces their overheads dramatically. So happy you have them back.

  13. What wonderful news Jo. I am so happy for you and your family to be closer together again. I do hope the bits and pieces that need sorting are done so soon and they can settle in their new flat. Enjoy the time you have them with you.

  14. I reckon it'll be lovely for you to have them close by and I hope all the wrinkles are ironed out quickly. x

  15. How wonderful to have Daniel, and Jasmine, close to you.
    We are fortunate to have four of our six children living close by.

    Happy settling in.

    All the best Jan

  16. I so relate to you. When we sent our daughter off to college, we didn't know she wouldn't be back either; but once they spread their wings, it's hard to come home again. She was gone 4 years for college, then a year internship, then another year and a half in a different state to get her graduate degree, then back to the city where she did her undergraduate degree. She's now been away from home longer than she lived at home. We visit several times a year. Hope all works out well for you all.
    Sandy's Space

  17. Hope it all works out well for them both, it'll be a change after London and for you both too after being just the two of you. Wishing them all the best. X

  18. How lovely it will be to have them close
