Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Twinkle Twinkle Blanket

It seems a long time since I've finished a crafting project, one of the downsides of splitting my time between a number of projects and working on them all at once, it means that no one project gets an awful lot of time spent on it. I have finally finished something though, the Twinkle Twinkle Baby Blanket by Helen Stewart. Not that there's any babies to knit for at the moment but I just fancied knitting this when I saw it. I enjoy knitting things for babies as they're so small and knit up in no time at all.

I used Drops baby merino in the light beige colourway and it took about 226g. It's lovely and soft and has a good drape to it too. I like the colour, it's neutral so it will be suitable for a boy or a girl.

It was an easy knit, I could watch TV whilst working on it as there were no complicated stitches or pattern to follow and I enjoyed knitting it, so much so that I'd quite happily knit another one. 

I'd be quite tempted to make it bigger next time, I ended up with 74g of yarn left over so I could have added a few extra rounds but I think a cot size blanket would be lovely.

I love the lace edging, it finishes it off beautifully and the detail was so easy to achieve.

Now that this is finished it leaves a space to add something else to my crafting rotation, I think it's time for a new cast on.


  1. It's gorgeous Jo well done on the finish, I can see how lovely the drape is and it looks so squishy and soft. I'm looking forward to seeing what your next knitting project will be.

  2. Beautiful work, and such soft yarn.

  3. Beautiful blanket! Someone will be very lucky to receive it.

  4. That's beautiful and such a nice colour.

  5. That blanket is absolutely beautiful. You really are extremely clever.

  6. Hasn't it turned out brilliantly. I really like it, such a pretty pattern with a great border.

  7. The blanket looks beautiful, Jo. :o)

  8. It's gorgeous & it's nice to have a few gifts on hand instead of having to rush to make things. Well done. Take care & hugs.

  9. Lovely work Jo. The blanket looks very luxurious.
    Jean. x

  10. Beautiful blanket! I love the look of the lace edges.

  11. So lovely - both the colour and the pattern! I love blankets that you can just work on without worrying about following a pattern - such great "pick up and knit" projects to always have at hand.

  12. That is so pretty, perfect for a little one.xxx

  13. What a beautiful blanket, Jo, and it looks so soft. X

  14. That is a beautiful looking blanket and I really like the colour.

    All the best Jan

  15. Your finished blanket is gorgeous Jo! That will be much loved when the time comes I bet ;-)
