Saturday 8 February 2020

Delft Blue

My Delft Blue hyacinths are beginning to open and they're giving off the most heady scent. It has such a big impact as soon as you walk into the room, absolutely beautiful.

I bought this pot of three planted bulbs from the supermarket and it's been a joy watching them grow and finally opening up. As you can see, the one at the back is very nearly fully open now but the other two still have a little way to go, they'll soon catch up.

Once they've finished flowering I'll pop them in the garden as I do with all the indoor bulbs I buy, or those I grow in containers. Sometimes they just rot away but they'll often flower again for a year or two and I can get more enjoyment from them.


  1. Beautiful. I've planted my earlier ones outdoors, now I really must buy some more. X

  2. I don't grow these, with some bulbs I get an allergic reaction, I'm OK with treated bulbs, but I find it easier just to avoid them. Yours is a beautiful colour.

  3. Lovely. I've never had much luck growing them but will try again sometime. xx

  4. I hadn't thought about planting the bulbs on outside, such a great idea. Worth a try.

  5. Lovely...

    Be safe, during your storm.

    We survived our Ice Storm, with power intact. But many, were not so lucky.

    ⛄ ☃ ⛄

  6. Oh! How beautiful!!! Nothing will bloom where I live until May. xo Diana

  7. Beautiful, they have such a lovely scent, how nice that you still have two blooms to flower, makes it last so much longer. Great idea to transplant them into the garden, well they have 2 choices! xcx

  8. So beautiful.
    I can almost smell them through the computer screen :)

    All the best Jan

  9. So pretty, these remind me of my gran who always had some in her garden. Mine are doing very badly, there is hardly any flower there to open at all, it is practically all greenery. x

  10. I love the hyacinth and hydrangea shades of blue; so soft and delicate. Storm Ciara is playing havoc here on the coast. Our trike shed blew right over and is almost in pieces. John and I had to get out there in it. We got it upright, got the trike out and into the house. We've tied an old lawnmower flex around the shed, securing it as best we can to the garage door handle. Hopefully that will hold it until we can assess the damage, but we think it's beyond repair :( Best, Jane x

  11. Beautiful! I can practically smell them through my computer screen.

  12. They looks lovely, sadly the strong scent of them gives me a headache.

  13. Feb.9, 2020
    Hope all is well, after the storm...

    ❄ 🌕 ❄

  14. Such a beautiful colour Jo, I do love the scent of hyacinths too. I haven't grown any for years.

  15. Lovely Jo & hope you have some luck with this one when you've popped it into the garden. Take care.

  16. Wow they are beautiful I can almost smell them..

  17. Oh my I love the scent of hyacinth. We are covered in snow. SO I love your post!

  18. Beautiful. It's been such a dull gray winter here, I was just thinking the other day I should buy some flowers for indoors to liven things up a bit. Hyacinth' smell heavenly, thanks for the reminder. I think I may pop over to my grocery store later today and see if they have any. Not sure how long they last inside, perhaps I go google next and see about the time of year to plant them outdoors etc. Thank you for the idea. Swing by for a visit.
    Sandy's Space

  19. Your hyacinths sure make a dreary day look a little bit brighter!

  20. What a lovely colour! I can imagine the scent!xxx

  21. I love the smell of hyacinths, and I like this colour in particular. It's nice to have some colour about at this dreary time of year.
