Monday 27 February 2017

The One Plus One Giveaway

Mick bought me The One Plus One by Jojo Moyes for my birthday last year without realising that it was a book I'd borrowed from the library a month or two earlier.

I'd been encouraged to read more books by Jojo Moyes after reading Me Before You, which I loved, and though I didn't think The One Plus One was as good as Me Before You, I still really enjoyed it.

'One eternal optimist . . .
Jess Thomas, with two jobs and two kids and never enough money, wears flip flops in the hope of spring. And when life knocks her down she does her best to bounce right back. But no one told her it's okay to ask for help.
Plus one lost stranger . . .
Ed Nichols is the good guy gone bad. He had it all, then one stupid mistake cost him everything. Now he'll do anything to make it right.
Equals a chance encounter . . .
Ed doesn't want to save anyone and Jess doesn't want saving, but could Jess and Ed add up to something better together?'

The One Plus One which Mick bought me for my birthday has never been read and so I thought I'd offer it as a giveaway prize. Just leave me a comment on this post by noon on Tuesday the 7th of March 2017 after which time I'll draw a name at random. I'm afraid that this giveaway is limited to the UK as to send it overseas would cost nearly as much as the book's worth.

Good luck!


  1. I enjoyed Me Before You but haven't read any other Moyes. I would be interested in reading this - I'm sure the local library would have a copy.

    1. I've recently read the sequel to Me Before You, After You. I wasn't going to bother because I think a sequel often spoils the original book because it doesn't live up to expectations. It was an okay read but not a patch on Me Before You.

  2. I absolutely loved Me Before You and although I have read some of her other books i think for me this is her best work, (so far). I have read One Plus One so please don't enter my name in your draw. I enjoyed it, I thought it was a quick read that bumped along quite nicely.

    1. I loved Me Before You too. I've read three other Jojo Moyes books but I haven't found any as good. I did enjoy The One Plus One, just didn't think it was as good as Me Before You.

  3. I have never read this writer so please include me in the draw.
    Margaret P

    1. The first book I read by Jojo Moyes was Me Before You and I loved it. I've read another three by the same author now but I haven't found them to be as good as Me Before You.

  4. I'd love to win this book as Jojo Moyes is on my to-read list but so far I haven't to them. I love reading your blog but don't often comment. 😀

    1. I hadn't come across Jojo Moyes before reading Me Before You but I'm working my way through her other books now.

  5. You are lovely to do the giveaway Jo. Best of luck to the winner.

    1. I hope the winner enjoys the book, I certainly did.

  6. I must admit to never coming across this author,

    1. I saw Me Before You recommended on another blog and decided to read it, I'm glad I did as I thoroughly enjoyed it. The three Jojo Moyes books I've read since then have been good but not quite as good as Me Before You.

  7. What a lovely idea for a giveaway, despite the modern technology, there is something very tangible in holding and reading a book. Good luck to those who enter.xcx

    1. I have a Kindle which I love, but I do still enjoy reading a proper book too.

  8. Loved Me before you and After you, so please add my name to your list.

    1. I wasn't so sure I'd enjoy After You, I did but I don't think it added anything to Me Before You, I don't think it needed a sequel.

  9. I've read a few Jojo Moyes books but not this one. Me Before You was a very special read, nothing of hers has been that good again.

    1. I agree, I loved Me Before You and though I've enjoyed the other Jojo Moyes books I've read, none have been as good.

  10. My uncle suggested Me, before you to watch as a film, my cousins always read the books and then he watches the film suggests them to me and I do both. I must admit that the write up didn't much appeal and so I have not watched yet as I have never had anyone else suggest it. This sounds up my street though so maybe I will give them both a go. Happy reading.

    1. I saw Me Before You when it came out at the cinema and I did enjoy it but I don't think any film ever lives up to a book. I'd definitely recommend reading it before seeing it.

    2. I loved 'Me Before You' although I thought the book was much better than the film. I would love the chance to win this new book. Blessings

    3. I thought the same. I absolutely loved the book and will definitely read it again at some point even though I rarely reread books.

    4. I will definitely give the book a go but I have to watch the film first or I will never enjoy it. I read P.S I love you one of my favourite books and watched the film afterwards and I have never been so dissatisfied in my life.

    5. I haven't found anyone before who prefers to watch a film before reading the book. Each to their own though, whatever works for you. I do hope you enjoy it.

  11. That does sound like a good read!xxx

  12. That's a lovely idea Jo and whoever wins the draw, will enjoy the read.

    Please do not include my name though.

    Sending good wishes for the new month of March

    All the best Jan

    1. I'd rather the book go to someone who would like to read it rather than it sit on my bookshelf unread. I hope whoever wins it enjoys it.

  13. what a fab idea, thank you, I love jojo moyes books and haven't read this one yet, actually I have lost my reading mojo,but this has nudged it!

    1. I think we all go through phases where we lose our reading mojo, mine went for several years when my kids were small, I just didn't really have time to read. I'm making up for it now though.

  14. Sounds like an interesting book - I'm currently on a fictional knitting book kick. But I'm such a snail at reading and only spend 10 or 15 minutes a night with book in hand before falling asleep that it takes me well over a month to get through one book.

    1. I only read in bed and sometimes have the same problem as you, falling asleep as soon as I pick up my book. Even when I'm at a good bit and I want to know what happens next, when my eyes start to close there's nothing I can do about it.

  15. How kind of you, don't include me though as I have a ridiculous pile to work my way through already xx

    1. It's so easy to let the books pile up, isn't it? I think I've got more waiting for my attention at the moment than ever before. There's lots I can't wait to get to though.
