Wednesday 8 February 2017

Nigel: My Family And Other Dogs

I used to watch Gardeners' World religiously when I had my allotment but I have to confess, I only caught the odd glimpse of the last series. When I did watch, I always enjoyed seeing Nigel, Monty Don's beautiful golden retriever, whenever he featured in a segment of the programme. Mick bought me Monty's latest book, Nigel: My Family And Other Dogs, for Christmas and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

Split in to short chapters, it tells Nigel's story right back from puppy hood through to his back injury, his life 'on set' and everything in between. There's lots of snippets of information about Longmeadow, the garden which Monty and Nigel share with viewers on Gardeners' World, along with tales of other dogs which have shared Monty's life.

I'm not ashamed to say that I shed tears, both of sadness and joy, as Monty describes the relationships he's had with various dogs throughout the course of his life. It's a charming read and would appeal to any dog lover.

If you want to know what else I've been reading lately, you can find a list in the sidebar. This shows all the books I've read this year and there's also lists of the books I've read right back to 2012.


  1. This sounds lovely, I like Monty Don. I had one of his gardening books, I don't know if I've still got it, I'll have to have a look.

    1. There's quite a bit in the book about Longmeadow so it's interesting for gardeners as well as dog lovers but not too much that it takes over what the book's actually about.

  2. I love watching GW just to see Nigel - and his new partner in crime, Nellie! I love how Nigel always seems to have a tennis ball in his mouth and just spits it out into the wheelbarrow expecting Monty to toss it for him. I remember I was so sad when he injured himself and was so happy when he came back again. Forget the gardening, we want to see Nigel! LOL

    1. Nigel's definitely got his own fan base. There's lots in the book about Nigel and his tennis balls. It was a terrible injury when he hurt his back, I can only imagine how hard it must have been to keep such an active dog cooped up but I'm so pleased that he recovered well.

  3. I haven't watched Gardener's World in years, and I have to say I'm not a fan of Monty Don. However I will be reading this book sometime. Flighty xx

    1. I can't say I was a fan of Monty when he took over Gardeners' World but he's really grown on me. The book's definitely worth a read.

  4. Glad you liked it. Our local library are purchasing a copy & I get to read it first, as I put in the request, but it's still not here yet. We watch Gardeners World when it comes, but it's usually about 3 years old. I don't mind as I really enjoy. Take care & thanks for this post.

    1. I hope the book comes in soon so that you can get to read it. It's a shame they're so far behind with the episodes you get to see over there but at least they do come eventually.

  5. Sounds like a really good read. Am I right in thinking that Monty Don suffered from Depression at times? I imagine that Nigel did a great deal to help. Jx

    1. Monty does suffer from depression. It isn't really discussed in the book, however, I'm sure you're right, dogs are a great source of comfort in all sorts of situations.

  6. It's one book on my list, nowl want to read it.

    1. I had this book on my list of books to read too, it didn't disappoint.

  7. Both my husband and I are both fans of Monty so would be a great choice for us both.

    1. I'm sure you'd enjoy it, it's an interesting read.

  8. My DH will probably get this from the library, he's a GW watcher.

    1. I think it's a good choice for dog lovers and gardeners alike.

  9. Love a good dog story, particularly when it's true. We try to catch Gardner's World whenever we're in England.

    1. I think Nigel's personality shines through in the programme, it was enjoyable to read all about him too.

  10. This is one of the few 'paper' books that we have bought for ages. I really enjoyed it and like many books where the author is well known, I could hear Monty reading it.

    1. I often wait until books are out in paperback, when they're reduced on Kindle or when I find them in a charity shop but I put this one on my Christmas list, I was really looking forward to reading it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I think Monty's a good storyteller.

  11. Nigel is such a star! Roll on Spring, I'm missing Gardeners World.

    1. He is. You know when winter's finally over because Gardeners' World's back on.

  12. Nigel is such a star, almost as much as Monty is! I do think I might like this book!
    Margaret P

    1. The viewers have certainly taken a liking to Nigel. I think you would enjoy the book, especially if you enjoy Gardeners' World and you're a fan of Nigel's.

  13. Books like this are so often a joy to read, although often do bring tears to your eyes.

    As you say a great read for many dog lovers and those who know Nigel!

    All the best Jan

    1. There were a couple of sad parts in the book, only to be expected really in a book like this, but lots of happy parts too.

  14. I do like Monty, we've been watching him in Big Dreams Small Spaces (I think that's right). Love hearing about people's love for dogs xx

    1. I've never seen that programme. I enjoy reading books about dogs, especially people's experiences with them like this book and I've read a couple about Battersea Dogs and Cats home which I've enjoyed.

  15. I'm more of a cat lover than dog lover Jo but this is on my must read list. It sounds as if it was a book that made an impression on you. I've recently finished Claire King's second book. It took a while to get into but most worthwhile as she writes so beautifully. Have you read it yet?

    1. I'm a cat lover as well as a dog lover, there's no hope for me. I'm sure you'll enjoy this book anyway, especially the bits about Longmeadow. I haven't read Claire King's book yet but I've downloaded it to my Kindle.

  16. The book looks fantastic, especially as I have a special golden retriever myself.

    1. I think you'd enjoy reading about the things that Nigel gets up to.

  17. What a lovely gift. Nigel, what a greta name for a dog!
    Lisa x

    1. It is, isn't it. Monty's got another dog now called Nellie.
