Tuesday 2 August 2016

Knitting Update

I started a couple of knitting projects before I went on holiday. I had thought that I'd work on them whilst I was away but things didn't really turn out that way, I'm not sure why, I just didn't seem to pick them up. I only did a couple of rows on each in the whole fortnight.

I haven't worked on them since I've been home all that much either but it's good to have them there for when I am in the mood. They have grown a little since I last showed them on my blog.

The No-Fuss-Shade-Loving Shawl by Susan Ashcroft is working up really nicely. It's such an easy pattern and I can work on this whilst I'm chatting or watching television as you don't have to keep a count of anything. I think this pattern would be lovely in a thinner yarn but knitting it in James C Brett Woodlander double knitting will keep the chill off my mum when she's wearing it.

I was on the cuff when I last showed you my sock but the first leg has now been knit and I'm ready to work on the heel. I'm knitting Hermione's Everyday Socks by Erica Lueder. It's a nice easy pattern which creates a textured fabric. I'm really liking how the Laughing Yaffle yarn in Mango Tango colourway is working up.

I'm still enjoying watching podcasts and have added a couple of crochet ones to the knitting ones I mentioned in a previous post, Love Made My Home, which you may already know about if you read Amy's blog and Crafternoon Treats,  a podcast from here in Yorkshire which I'm really enjoying at the moment. I'm catching up on Kathryn's earlier episodes at the moment and now only have a couple to watch until I'm up to date.

The problem with reading crafty blogs and watching podcasts is that I see lots of projects which I want to have a go at myself. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if only there were more hours in the day.


  1. Gosh, yes, more hours in the day to have a go at lots more crafty projects would be good. I'm sure that shawl will be lovely and toasty for your mum. Are the socks for you, or will they be a gift? xx

    1. I have to keep putting the shawl down as it makes me hot as I'm knitting so it will be a lovely addition to my mum's winter wardrobe. I'm not sure about the socks yet, I'm tempted to keep them myself as they're so pretty.

  2. Love the colors of the shawl, it does look warm.

    1. The yarn I'm using for the shawl has some wool content so it's lovely and warm. It's really pretty with a mix of blue, beige and cream.

  3. I don't watch any of the podcasts, I think if I started watching them they would take over I don't have enough hours in the day as it is. Love the shawl, such a beautiful colour mix.

    1. Podcasts can become a bit addictive but they're great to watch if there's nothing on television or whilst crafting. The colours of the shawl work really well together, it's knitting up beautifully.

  4. You are very clever, I couldn't do anything like that. You must have a lot of patience.

    1. There's people far cleverer than I am, I'm not an advanced knitter by any stretch of the imagination but I manage to knit the things I want to.

  5. I am very fond of the Mango Tango colours! Not that I can knit very well, but I can admire.

    1. They're gorgeous colours, I've got another skein in a very similar colourway in my stash, I seem to be drawn to oranges for some reason.

  6. You do get some lovely coloured wool. How I wish I could knit!xxx

    1. There's some beautiful wool around these days. It's never too late to learn to knit, I only learn to crochet a few years ago.

  7. Lovely colours in both the shawl and the socks, Jo. I wonder if the Laughing Yaffle yarn is named after Professor Yaffle in Bagpuss? Probably not but it was nice to think of that fat furry catpuss again! LOL

    1. I always think of Professor Yaffle when I hear Laughing Yaffle too, I loved that programme.

  8. hello jo,
    the shawl for your mum looks wonderful,beautiful colour.Love the wool of your socks.
    happy knitting,

    1. I think my mum will be pleased with the shawl, she often gets chilly so it will be ideal to wrap around her shoulders.

  9. As you mention Jo, there are not enough hours in the day to do everything we see. Both knitting projects are coming along a treat. I've never watched a podcast. Take care.

    1. There's so many things I'd love to have a go at but finding the time can be tricky. I'm really enjoying watching podcasts, they can be really interesting.

  10. Nice projects and progress :-)
    I've watched Crafternoon treas podcast from when she started, i like it because she seems so natural and is not snobbish about yarn, some podcasts always seems to use the more expensive hand dyed yarns and while they are lovely its nice to see someone using yarns that are readily available to us and are within a more realistic budget.
    Happy knitting :-)

    1. I agree totally. I just knew when I started watching Kathryn's podcast that she'd be very down to earth being a Yorkshire lass like me! Amy's podcast is the same, she's not snobbish about yarn either. I do like to hear more about the cheaper brands that we can all afford.

  11. Your knitting is looking great, Jo. I *love* that mango yarn, the colors are so cheerful. It's making some lovely socks.

    1. I've used Laughing Yaffle yarn many times previously, it's really nice to work with and it comes in lots of lovely colours.

  12. I was watching country file this week and there was a craft shown on there which I'm going to have a go at.

    1. I wonder what that was, I'm intrigued now and looking forward to hearing more about it.

  13. Both of your projects are coming on very nicely. So true about the hours in a day...that's one of the reasons I try to stay off things like pinterest, at least for now...I so easily while away hours just pinning projects I want to do.

    1. I've never succumbed to Pinterest, not Facebook or Twitter, I just know I'd get sucked in and I don't have time for everything I want to do as it is. I think Pinterest is a really good idea though, it seems like a great place to get inspiration for things.

  14. The Woodlander is lovely yarn to work with, it even crochets up quite well, I have seen the shawl and the socks on a few podcasts and liked them, so better get the patterns. I find that watching podcasts encourages my work to flow well and they are much better than telly programs. I have some hand dyed wool on order and am thinking of trying a batch myself.

    1. I've never tried crocheting with Woodlander but I know Mitzi from Lazy Days & Sundays who gifted me the yarn in a giveaway I won on her blog has and it made a beautiful blanket. I'm really enjoying watching podcasts, I've got lots of inspiration from them. Looking forward to hearing more about your venture in to hand dyed wool, there seems to be lots of people trying it at the moment.

  15. Thank you for the mention! Glad you are enjoying podcasts and your knitting. Love the colour of your socks!

    1. You're welcome. These knitting projects are the first for me this year and I'm really pleased I've got back in to it, I do find it really relaxing.

  16. Love the colors of your wools. The shawl pattern is so pretty...

    1. The shawl is coming out really nicely, yet it's such a simple pattern. I quite enjoy a bit of mindless knitting where you don't have to concentrate.

  17. Your mu will really appreciate that pretty shawl when the colder evenings come, what a lovely gift for her. The shoes remind me of fruit salad sweets!
    Lisa x

    1. My mum uses the lap blanket I made for her loads so I think she'll definitely be pleased with the shawl. The socks do look like the colours of fruit salad sweets, not surprising really with a name like Mango Tango.

  18. your knitting is looking great, love the shawl. How is Archie? I saw your post about his heart murmur yesterday. My dads been into hospital for his op and then rushed back in again. So I'm trying to catch up with blogs and my posts x

    1. Thank you. Archie's fine in himself, which is good. He'll need another scan next year to see if things remain the same of if they've got any worse but there is medication which can help if that happens. I'm sorry to hear about your dad, it's such a worrying time and very stressful too. I hope he's feeling better soon.

  19. I love both the projects - the colours in the shawl are gorgeous.

    1. I'm really pleased how they're both working up.

  20. loving both projects , great yarn choices.

    1. I'm enjoying working on both projects, and though I used to be a one project at once kind of girl, I'm loving alternating between the two projects.

  21. Your knitting is beautiful! Happy Thursday ♥


    1. Thank you. I'm happy how it's turning out.

  22. You have been busy and your shawl is very pretty. I'm knitting another hitchhiker as a gift and then two more after this one is finished. It's a fleeting visit I hope to start blogging again next week and I hope Archie is doing fine too xx

    1. I really want to knit a Hitchhiker, I've seen so many of them on blogs and they look great. Archie's doing well, thank you for asking, he's fine in himself so I hope that continues for a long time. Looking forward to seeing you blogging again.

  23. I like the colours you've used in both of these.

    All the best Jan

    1. They're lovely colours and the variegation makes it interesting to work with.

  24. I love the colour of those socks, the stripes look great! I have never listened to any podcasts not sure I have the time for them as well!

    1. I really like how the colour in the socks is working up, it will be interesting to see how it works around the heel when the rows change. I tend to listen to podcasts whilst I'm doing something else, it's a good way to while away the time whilst I'm busy.
