Tuesday 24 June 2014

True Blue

This is Eleanor before her trip to the hairdresser's this morning.

She decided that she wanted her hair dip dyed blue. This is the after photo.

The blue is only semi permanent so will fade eventually, but in order for the blue to cling, the hair first has to be bleached blonde. This is permanent, so if Eleanor doesn't keep refreshing the blue, the bottom part of her hair will fade to blonde.

At least it matches her bra straps.


  1. Eleanor looks pleased with the fashionable result after her trip to the hairdresser. Was the session a long one? Our grand daughter has long hair and has done the same thing in the past, but on the inside strands so that it looked pretty when put up in a pony tail and was still suitable for school when she's worn her hair down.

    1. Eleanor's really pleased wtih the outcome. It took about three and a half hours, but most of this time was waiting for the dyes to take. She had to wait until she left school to get it done as they won't allow any kind of dyed hair in school.

  2. That has to be a great way to start the summer holidays for a teenager!! xx

    1. She had to wait until she'd left school to get it done, but she's very pleased with it.

  3. I think its lovely... like a sweet mermaid that has emerged from the sea.
    Any thing goes nowadays and she's taken the chance to express herself. You go girl!
    Susan x

    1. I've been quite strict when it's come to things like dying her hair, so I think she's pleased that I've allowed her to get it done at last. She's been asking for quite some time, but she wouldn't have been allowed in school if I'd agreed.

  4. I love it! My hair ranged from purple to red to orange at that age.

    1. I had mine bleached blonde at her age, then I let it grow out and I've never dyed it again.

  5. She looks beautiful Jo, and lets face it if you cant have blue hair at her age when can you have it?!

    1. I'm hoping this will get it out of her system, but I doubt it will somehow. I do like it though.

  6. I like it! It really suits her.
    Lisa x

    1. I think it does too. I liked it when it was just blonde too, before she'd had the blue put on.

  7. Does no comment sum up your opinion? I have to say when you started with "This is Eleanor before her trip to the hairdresser this morning..." I was steeling myself for the cropped head shot like Carey Mulligan. The blue dip dye was a relief. I like it (it's very fashionable) and it's not permanent.... unlike my niece who went for a tattoo!!
    I've nominated you for a Why I Write blog hop; would you, could you write about why you write? I did mine here; http://angeljemscitycottage.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/why-i-write-angel-jems-city-cottage.html
    It would be interesting to know the motivations!

    1. There was no way Eleanor was having her hair cut, she's been growing it for quite a while and didn't even want the ends cutting off, but of course she had to have it tidied up a bit. I'm sighing with relief that she's gone for hair dye rather than wanting a tattoo, or dare I mention piercings. One of the boys she goes around with went in to Leeds on Friday and got snake bites piercings in his lips, I think I've got off pretty lightly with blue hair. I shall pop over to your blog to read your latest post shortly and I shall continue the blog hop too, thank you for nominating me.

  8. We weren't allowed pierced ears when I was at school (back in the Victorian era!! :oD) so, as soon as I left, I was at the jewellers getting them done. I wonder if I would have been brave enough to get my hair dyed blue? Probably not! Eleanor's looks fab!

    1. I think everyone rebels a little when they haven't been allowed something, that's why I've tried not to be too strict at home and allow things in moderation. School is a different matter, they have to abide by the rules, though many don't and end up lots of trouble. I definitely wouldn't have been brave enough to get my hair dyed blue, though it wasn't so common in those days as it is now.

  9. Wow, what a change! It's a fun look for summer. I have hair chalks and use those once in awhile. I have red and purple. It's a punky look without the commitment (which is good for us old people. :)

    1. I think it's a great idea to be able to change your look without it being permanent. I thought at least if Eleanor's hair turned out awful, she could get the bottom bit cut off and have a bob, it's not quite so drastic as getting the whole of her hair dyed blue.

  10. Oh dear, the fashions that come and go. I did think it would be a drastic hair cut, but "blue".You may not remember all the old ladies with their blue rinses when their hair went grey or white. That was something, but I agree with no tatoos or odd piercings, which a requite unbecoming. Take care.

    1. I do remember blue rinses, I mentioned this to Eleanor when she said she was getting her hair dyed blue. There's lots of worse things she could have asked for so I don't mind really, and I actually quite like it, If only I was as daring.

  11. Hi Jo

    Eleanors hair looks lovely. I can remember number one going through a phase of always having different colour hair anything from bleached blond to blue and greens. Daughter's hair is naturally auburn but has been various colours over the last few years. She's back to a colour of different tones of brown at the moment but as she flies off to Turkey this Saturday when I pick her up from Uni tomorrow it could be any colour.

    All treasured moments to add to their baby pics. It will be interesting to see when they have teenagers of their own what they think is acceptable hair colour :-)

    1. Ha ha, I know what you mean, it will be interesting to watch how they parent their own children and what they think is acceptable or not. Eleanor's been quite good up to now and has accepted my rules but I do think they should be allowed to express themselves, to a point, as they get older.

    2. We all have our baby pics don't we. I liked and still do like Fleetwood Mac and my poor mum said the only colour I would wear was black with an occasional bit of colour in a scarf she said it was like living with a black widow spider black all over with a hint of colour.

    3. Ha ha. It was the 80's when I was in my teens so we were covered in make up with perms, big hair and shoulder pads. What a sight we were when we went out.

  12. My daughter sometimes does her hair purple.

    1. There's so many colours to choose from, I was mesmerised when I saw the choice. There were different shades of blue, I think Eleanor made a good choice with what she went with.

  13. Love the blue.......looks like she is pleased with the end result. I do love all the different coloured hair these days....wish I was brave enough to put a few purple bits through mine

    1. Eleanor's really pleased with it, she went straight out to show all her friends. I quite fancy it myself after seeing Eleanor's, if only I was a bit younger and more fashionable.

  14. Lovely blue, looks great, Rebecca has purple in her hair, she waited for so long for it to regrow and now just enjoys it. xcx

    1. Purple seems to be a very popular colour. I'm glad to hear that Rebecca is having fun with her hair too.

  15. Nice color. :) Mikayla is thinking blue or purple, but you have to keep up on it, as when it fades it doesn't look as nice, she's not sure on the up keep. So she is still deciding.

    1. Eleanor definitely won't mind the upkeep, she loves messing about with her hair. I like this colour too, it's a lovely shade of blue.

  16. It looks lovely. Edens rebellion was to have "seconds" a second piercing in her ears as they were only allowed one earring at school so I think we got off quite lightly here too!

    1. My rebellion was to have a second piercing in my ears too, though I wish I'd never had it done now. It's years since I've worn two pairs of earrings yet the holes just won't close up.

  17. One of my girls opted for red a while back, but that's now been swopped for something a bit more mahogany. Another rite of passage :)

    1. I think they all change their hair colour just as they change their clothes these days. I had blonde flashes in my teens but have never dyed my hair since so it's all foreign to me.

  18. Oh Jo! I have all of this to look forward to having two girls. :) I am quite open minded about these things and i think it's great that Eleanor is trying to be individual in her style. I remember when I was so angry with my dad about something, so I went out and had my ears pierced twice more (having three piercings). He hated ear piercings at the time. I walked about in front of him and he didn't even notice. Then, after a few days, they were really sore so I took them out and let them heal over. He never even noticed I had them done! Ha ha.

    1. It's funny when we look back at the things we've done. I had my ears pierced a second time, my mum said I'd better not let my dad see, yet when he did notice them he didn't say a word. When I was expecting Eleanor, I couldn't imagine myself having a girl as I'm not really girly myself, but it's wonderful having her and seeing her develop her own individual style.
