Thursday 9 May 2024

In My Garden

I'm not sowing many seeds this year, in fact the only seeds I've bought are Tigerella tomato and sunflower Rouge Royale.

I always used to start my sowing much earlier than May but with a cold rainy April, I just couldn't motivate myself this year. In fact, I'm not even sure I'm going to sow the tomatoes as I saw that a local garden centre had some heritage tomato plants, I may pop back and buy a couple of those. There's so many interesting tomato varieties that it's nice to try something new.

We've done quite a bit of garden centre visiting just lately and we've made a few purchases too, they're not all shown here. The better weather has encouraged lots of garden activity. I've bought some plants to plug gaps in the flower border as well as others to put in pots. I'm not a huge lover of bedding plants but they have their place. We've also bought a tree, rowan Joseph Rock. Its leaves turn a flame red in autumn and it produces amber yellow berries. We've got an ornamental cherry tree in the front garden at the moment but it's diseased so we're going to replace it with this.

Mick bought me a plant stand for Christmas so I'm enjoying filling that with an assortment of different pots and plants. There's still space for more.

We've bought a few of these metal planters to hang on the fence. I've filled them with violas and lobelia as they'll be emptied at the end of summer and stored away to prevent them from rusting. Who knows, they may rust anyway being outdoors in our British summer. Time will tell.

Of course, if I'm trying to get some photos of the garden then Archie is going to photobomb them!

I have a few different areas in the garden where I group pots together. Here at the side of my bench I have an acer, a pieris, a pot filled with strawberry plants, a dahlia and a sedum.

We're lucky to have a nice outdoor space. I think many people came to realise during the pandemic that a garden can be a haven and though our garden is now smaller than the one we left behind two years ago, it's still a good sized space, big enough for us, and we enjoy being in it when the sun puts in an appearance.


  1. I like your collections of pots. It's good to see a variety of colours and textures.

  2. I think that buying a couple of heritage tomato plants is a good idea. The rowan is a good choice as they're lovely trees. Using various containers like that gives you plenty of choice.
    Happy gardening. xx

  3. It's so therapeutic to get out into the sunshine and look at the new plants - as long as the slugs haven't got there first! It's all looking great and Archie looks as if it has his seal of approval too.

  4. Your flowers are so pretty, and the pots look really lovely grouped together like that. Xx

  5. I love those metal planters! I have small metal pots that I need to plant (I have the plants, just not the motivation!)

  6. I always enjoy a visit to a garden centre, so much to see and choose from.

    Your new plant stand is looking good and I like the metal planters.

    I like how you've grouped the acer, Pieris, strawberry plants, dahlia and sedum. That's so sweet of Archie to get in the photograph :)

    It's always rewarding to see a garden grow.
    Enjoy your May days.

    All the best Jan

  7. April was cool and rainy and May has been so far, but the sun appeared this afternoon and we are forecasted a sunny, warm weekend ahead and I'm so ready for it. Hopefully, I'll get around to planting some plants I bought last week. I managed to get my mint and basil planted between the showers earlier this week. Your garden is looking lovely - I love the hanging planters over the fence. They are such a pretty color! And Archie can photobomb anytime - he's the cutest! Have a great weekend! Hope it's sunny and warm where you are.

  8. Now that the weather has improved you'll enjoy your garden even more. I like the planters and the plant stand. It's good to see the photo of Archie. Have a lovely week. Hopefully the warmer weather will continue.

  9. I bought a couple of tomato plants this year and have four different ones . Some are better in the greenhouse the others have been planted outside. It will be interesting to see how they all do. I have a planter like your green one for the fence. I've had it a few years and left it outside. It seems to still be rust free. Pretty group of pots with plenty of colour. Enjoy your garden this week.

  10. I'm not a fan of bedding plants either other than for containers
