Monday, 17 February 2020

Another New Phone

I've had a couple of new phones over the past few years, not because I like new or up to date technology but because I've been trying to find a phone with a decent camera so that when I'm out and about I'm able to snap things I see without having to carry a separate camera with me. Unfortunately I haven't been very successful so far.

Up till now I've gone with android phones, I've heard good and bad things about iPhones, but two things have now persuaded me to go with the Apple brand. The first is that I haven't found a decent camera on any of the android phones I've had, and the second is that I've been using an iPad for over a year now and I've got on with it really well.

You can pay hundreds of pounds for a phone but I don't want to spend all that much, so when I saw that Argos were selling second hand iPhones on Ebay with a years warranty, I decided I'd buy one from there. It arrived in perfect condition and it was easy to set up and get working. Being used to how my iPad works has made the transfer from android to iPhone very easy. I'll admit that I haven't actually used the phone to take any photos yet so I've yet to see how that function performs but I'm very happy with it otherwise.

Time to get snapping.


  1. Good idea to find one being recycled & hope it produces a good photo. My poor old Samsung is one of those fliptop things, but it will do for me. How did you get along during the storm? Tae care.

    1. We were very lucky in the storms, just a few panes out of the greenhouse but they're polycarbonate so they'll slot back in once the wind dies down.

  2. I hope you get on well with it. I've had my phone for over three years now and I don't like the idea of having to get used to a new one, although it would be a good idea to look at getting a reconditioned one when I need to. X

  3. I'm very satisfied with my Iphone 7 for some years now. The camera is really good and I managed to make some nice pictures of the wedding of our son.

  4. New phones take ages to work out, I have iphone for years, but my last 2 phones have been androids, mine is now 3 years old, but I won't change until this one breaks.

  5. I look forward to seeing the pictures you take with it. I still use my old Nikon Coolpix camera rather than a phone. xx

  6. I've only ever had adroid too, Mark has an iphone and doesn't like it so I stuck with a Samsung when i got a new one recently, it's an A70 it was expensive but well worth it as the camera is excellent. Hope you can get on with you new phone, i hate getting to grips with new things

  7. I'm like you Jo I am not a gadget person unlike my children who for years laughed at my dinosaur of a phone. D changed me over to an iphone some years ago and I do like them. The camera is ok but not as good as the one that D has on his so may be when I get to the point of upgrading again I'll have a change. For now it does what it says on the tin and I'm quite happy with that.


  8. Enjoy your new phone, Jo. I have had an iPhone for years and love the camera. I probably should update it as their cameras get better and better with each new model. I was thinking of you in storm Dennis and hope you are OK. P.x

  9. I do hope you enjoy your new phone ... looking forward to seeing some photographs.

    Enjoy the week ahead, hopefully the weather may improve a little.

    All the best Jan

  10. I went “completely Apple” a few years ago, first with a Mac desktop, then an iPhone (only because I destroyed my old one in a puddle and getting an iPhone made sense) and subsequently an iPad.

    I’ve found the iPhone cameras surprisingly effective, so much so that at present, I am too lazy to get the big DSLR out and all my blog pictures are taken on the phone. Hope you get on as well as I have. X

    As you have an iPad you now have the convenience of any pictures you take on your phone automatically being available in Photos on the iPad (assuming you set it up to share between devices).

  11. Seems phones take marvelous photos, these days. -smile- I'm sure you will love yours.

    Here, we still have old fashioned simple flip phones, just for safety and between ourselves.... Like out grocery shopping in a big store... We can contact each other, when done with our list, and meet at front. -smile-



  12. Good luck with your new phone. Usually by the time I get familiar with a new phone it is obsolete!

  13. I would love an iphone, the cameras on them are awesome. My children and grandchildren have Apple everything and love them. Sadly they are out of my price range right now. 💖

  14. Interesting. I look forward to seeing how you get on with the camera, I've found that zooming in is a good test as some make the photos seem a bit cartoony.

  15. I’m completely with Jayne and an Apple lover. I’ve just upgraded to the newest iPhone and love it to bits. The camera is even better than on my old phone. It’s just depressing that all I have been snapping is photos of the local floods.

  16. I got my first smartphone late last year, it looks to be the same phone as you have. The camera is a good but not as good as on the latest model. I have taken some really lovely photos with my phone but I do still take a camera out sometimes too. I hope you manage to get to grips with you new phone.

  17. What a good idea to get a recycled one, hope it lives up to your expectations. It is so handy to have a decent camera with the phone, always to hand and I find the photos come out well. Have fun xcx

  18. I've only had a cheapish iphone in the last year and haven't really had got around to taking many photos with it although it can be useful to have it with you instead of taking a digital camera. Interesting information and I look forward to another update about your purchase. Have a good week. (My wifi is playing up at the moment probably due to the weather so I'm hoping I can send this comment while it's on)!

  19. I always had an iPhone and I love them! The camera on mine (8 Plus) is amazing!

  20. There is a brand called 'one plus'which has an excellent camera. It is an android phone. In India, where I live, it's very popular and reasonable too. I phones of course are the go to phones, these days, but the new ones tend to be prohibitively expensive!
    Hope you enjoy yours 😊

    1. I believe my son has a One Plus phone, he used to have an iPhone but he's very happy with the phone he's switched to. I know his was very expensive though so perhaps that brand isn't as reasonable here as it is in India.

  21. I hope it takes good pictures. My iphone has a decent camera. Looking forward to see how it

  22. DH and I have both upgraded our phones this week. He had to get one as he accidently left it in his overalls and put them in the wash (silly man!). Mine was 5 years old and I cant believe the updated stuff that this new ones does, and i'll no doubt find more in the coming weeks as I use it.
    Have fun playing with the camera.
