Thursday 13 October 2016

Happy Mail

When Eleanor moved to university, I decided that I'd send her some parcels throughout the year made up of bits and bobs, lovely things, happy mail if you like. I know she's only been gone three weeks tomorrow but after the first week or so, homesickness can kick in. It hasn't, but I thought I'd get the first parcel off to her just in case and she received it at the start of the week.

As soon as I saw this plaque I loved it, such an apt sentiment for someone starting out on their university journey. I really do hope that Eleanor chases her dreams, she's worked so hard to achieve what she has so far, I hope she accomplishes everything she wants to.

Eleanor loves pugs so as soon as I saw the cup and straw I had to buy it, it's just sooooo cute. Mick actually bought the mug for her, he saw it and knew she'd like it. The shot glasses are something she'd mentioned she wanted, the drinking games started on day one!

I went in to M&S to buy her some new underwear and saw these trainer socks which had been reduced from £8 right down to 79p, I couldn't believe it. Hmmm, I'll have a couple of packs at that price.

A girl has to be able to pamper herself so I bought her some face masks. She only has a shower, no bath, so I doubt it will be the same as pampering herself during a soak, but nevertheless.

I wrote about the Short Socks in my last post. They were a big hit and are doing their job of keeping her feet toasty warm.

Her room is tiny but it doesn't mean it can't be pretty. I sent a couple of packs of fairy lights to hang, a warm, cosy glow makes the place look homely.

I suffer from chapped lips as soon as the weather turns cold and Eleanor's the same. Added to the fact that she's full of cold, or Fresher's Flu as it's so named, I'm sure she'll put this Cherry Shine lip balm to good use.

I couldn't send a parcel of treats without adding some edible goodies. Lindt Lindor Truffles are her favourites but rather expensive so she got a small bag of those. A bag of strawberry Haribo Balla Stixx, sickly sweet but she loves them. I'm glad to see these Snow Bites back in the shops, yum yum. Toffifee, very moreish.

I also put a few food items in the parcel, things that don't weight too much, it cost me enough to send the parcel as it is.

Eleanor's settled in to university life really well, she had a great time during fresher's week, made lots of new friends and found her feet so to speak. Her lectures, seminars and lab sessions have now started, she's working hard and loving it. She doesn't seem to be missing home at all, which is good, it stops me worrying about her, and she hasn't made any plans to come home as yet. Her boyfriend has gone to a different university but he's travelling to see her tomorrow and staying for the weekend.

Daniel graduated from university this year and I thought that as Eleanor left home for uni, he might be returning. This isn't to be. He's got three job offers and the one he's decided to take is in Surrey, three and a half hours away. He was only half an hour away door to door when he was at university so this will be a big difference. I'm glad he feels confident enough to travel to, and live in, a different part of the country where he doesn't know anyone. It's a bit different from university where there were literally thousands of students all in the same boat, here he'll be on his own, but you've got to go where the work is these days and he's been offered a good job with good benefits, he feels he's got to give it a go.

I'm so proud of both of them, they've grown up in to independent young people and are working hard at building lives for themselves.

So that leaves Mick and I rattling around in the house on our own. I thought I'd miss Eleanor much more than I do. That sounds like I don't miss her, of course I do, but I have enough things to keep me occcupied and it's actually nice for us to have some time on our own for the first time in twenty one years. The times they are a changin!


  1. Isn't it strange how we feel about our children leaving home. We left DD in Tasmania when we moved and the 2 boys left home, one to live with a girlfriend and the other because of a job transfer and that was all of nearly 20 years ago when the last one left and I still miss them not being here. Congrats to Daniel on getting a job and hope all goes well. Lucky Eleanor with all those goodies. Take care.

    1. It's strange having an empty house but we're getting used to it. I'm hoping that things go well for Daniel, he'll be living much further away than he does now but it's such a good job that he couldn't turn it down.

  2. I'm glad that Eleanor is settling in to Uni life, and i know exactly what you mean about not missing her as much as you thought you would, of course we miss them, but we just get on with everyday life. Congratulations to Daniel on his new job! It will be hard with him living further away, but i think that if he has the confidence to do that then you have done your job as parents right.
    I'm sure Eleanor will love getting her parcels in the post, i know Stevie used to :-)

    1. Eleanor's having such a good time and I think this time away from home is so good for them, they soon become independent, learn how to look after themselves and it gives them confidence and skills they'll be able to use for the rest of their lives. I'm so proud to think that Daniel is taking this step, I would never have had the confidence to move away and fend for myself, I lived at home with my parents until I moved in with Mick a year before we married and I do feel as though I missed out on things when I look back now so I'm happy that my kids are much more independent than I was. I shall enjoy putting these little parcels together for Eleanor, it's fun shopping for bits and pieces.

  3. If you keep sending Eleanor parcels like that she will not be able to move if her room is small.

    1. I know, she hasn't got much room as it is.

  4. It's good to see that Eleanor has settled in okay and is enjoying herself. Your parcels must be much appreciated.
    Also good to see that Daniel has a job, which I hope all goes well for him. Flighty xx

    1. It sounds as though Eleanor's having such a good time, though of course she knows she's there to study too. She was thrilled with the parcel. Daniel's job sounds really good, it's just a shame that it's so far away but he's excited about starting.

  5. I'm sure Eleanor loved her happy mail, Jo. Lots of things in there that would definitely make her happy! Good luck to Daniel in his new job. Both of your children are a credit to you and Mick. :o)

    1. Eleanor was excited to receive a parcel and loved everything it contained. Thank you so much, what a lovely thing to say. We all do our best for our children but then it's up to them, we just have to hope for the best.

  6. ooh, yes, times they are a changing indeed. What a lovely thoughtful idea to send her boxes of nice mail, I may just have to copy that next year when we are in the same boat. You seem such a kind thoughtful person Jo. Enjoy your time with your husband x

    1. I think putting a parcel of nice things together for Eleanor was as much for me as it was her, it was fun thinking of things she'd like to receive and shopping for them. Thank you, it's lovely of you to say so. Mick and I are enjoying our time together, though we'll be very happy when the family are home with us again.

  7. Congratultions to you son on the wonderful job offer, I wish him well in his chosen career.
    Great parcel for your daughter, filled with lots of nice goodies.

    1. Thank you, we're all thrilled to bits for him, it's just a bit of a downer than he'll be so far away but at least it isn't as bad as it used to be when family moved away with all the technology we have these days. Eleanor loved the parcel, she's looking forward to the next one being delivered now.

  8. Good Morning Jo, Oh you remind me of myself when our daughter went to university. I loved sending parcels, which she loved receiving.
    I do know what you mean about not missing the children as much as you'd expected to. When our girls left home, it was very strange at first, but we soon discovered a new rhythm to our life.... we had more time for each other and as you say, more time to do the things we love. We stay in touch with our girls via skype and they always love coming home.... which I am so grateful for.
    Congratulations to your son for getting a job, so soon after leaving university. Before you know it, he will find his feet and he will make new friends.
    Best Wishes

    1. I love nothing more than having my family all around me but I'm so thankful that both my kids are confident enough to go off and explore the world, I wouldn't want them to stay here with me no matter how much I miss them. As you say, there's always Skype these days, it's good to be able to keep in touch. The interview process these days is nothing like it was when I was applying for jobs, there's so many stages to it now. Daniel's had online tests, telephone interviews, technical telephone interviews and assessment days before he's even got his foot in the door for a face to face interview, and then he had to have two of those, he had to return to Surrey for a second interview with the head of Europe before they offered him the job so I'm confident that they're taking on the person they want and Daniel seems very happy with the job himself so I hope it all works out for him. I'm sure he'll make more new friends, it's just another stage in his life.

  9. Blimey! That's better than a Red Cross parcel! My parents never did anything like that for me... In fact I think they had no idea what life was like at a University.

    1. Ha ha. I'm going to hang my head in shame now and admit that I never did it for Daniel, though to be fair he was only half an hour away so many was the time we'd just pop over and take him shopping. Also, it's hard enough thinking of little surprises for Christmas gifts for him without having to think of odds and ends to send to him at uni. It may have to change now that he'll be all that way away from us though, I'm sure everyone enjoys receiving a bit of happy mail every once in a while.

  10. You certainly got a bargain with the socks. A great parcel. Towards the end of term I used to put food vouchers in so they could buy some treats it saved such a lot of money on the postage. My girls had to move quite a distance for work which is why they are all scattered around the country now, it does make it quite hard for us all to get together. The bonus is at least he has got job offers.

    1. I've never seen anything reduced in M&S like that before. That's a great idea putting food vouchers in the parcel, it's so expensive to post things these days. Daniel knew that he'd have to move away in order to get a job he wanted, he did get an offer from a company in Leeds but it wasn't what he wanted. He may not stay in Surrey for ever, once he's got some experience it will open up other opportunities for him, but who knows, he might love it down there and decide to stay.

  11. this Happy Mail is such a lovely idea, much nicer than receiving nothing but bills and junk mail!

    1. I totally agree. How lovely it would be if we got this instead of all those brown envelopes.

  12. What a lovely gesture and fantastic variety of pressies. Brilliant news about Daniel too.

    1. I thought it would be nice to include a bit of everything, Eleanor seemed to like it all. We're all thrilled for Daniel and hope he likes his new job.

  13. She will be delighted, both your children are doing so well, it is hard for us parents but when they achieve their dreams it will be wonderful.

    1. It's lovely to see them both doing so well for themselves. They've both put a lot of effort in so I'm pleased it's being rewarded, it's what we all want as parents.

  14. What a lovely present for Eleanor. I am keeping a note at the back of my mind for when my children leave. I am glad she is loving University. x

    1. She was really excited to receive the parcel. I'm so glad she's loving university, I worried that she may think she'd chosen the wrong course as she came to Biology quite late but she's had her first lab sessions now and she's so pleased that she's taken this course.

  15. I'm sure Eleanor felt very loved when she opened the parcel you sent to her. It's an interesting time when the final child leaves home. A time of mixed feeling for sure.

    1. I hope she did, the parcel did include a lot of love. I think it's definitely been harder Eleanor going that when Daniel left, as you say, it's the final one leaving home, but then again, it's mixed emotions as you feel glad they're on their way to a good life.

  16. What a lovely parcel to send! My daughter has decided to live at home and started her course a few weeks ago. It's been so exciting hearing all her news. I really look forward to her walking through the door and telling us all about her day. She brought home a stethoscope the other day and practiced on us all- including the cat and dog!

    1. I'm glad your daughter is enjoying university too. Daniel was thinking of living at home when he started university but he decided to move in the end, perhaps your daughter will move further down the line. There's so many opportunities for them these days.

  17. It's such a big change for all of you, but the fact that Eleanor has settled into university life so well must put your minds at rest. That's such a lovely parcel to receive from home......enjoy your new found freedom.

    1. It's a big relief to know that Eleanor's settled so well, it's certainly made it much easier to settle myself in to a new routine.

  18. It's always fun to receive a gift pack, our daughter use to love it when she was at college. We still send her boxes of goodies in Japan.

    1. It is, I love it myself. I'm sure your daughter still enjoys receiving gifts, especially living in Japan, there'll be things she can't get over there that she's pleased you send.

  19. We call those "care packages" - what wonderful choices you made! I LOVE shopping for little its and bits for my kids and always keep my eyes open when I'm out and about and then squirrel them away for their birthday or Christmas stocking stuffers. I must say that I can totally relate to your comment about finding it difficult to find little things for Daniel - I find girls a lot easier to shop for, especially when it comes to these types of things.

    My heart just flutters when I think of my kids leaving home - but I suppose it will be just like all the other firsts...scary at first, but then you get used to it much quicker than you think you will.

    1. I think these type of gifts are the best, they don't have to cost much but they're things we all love. I could go on and on buying for Eleanor, there's so many things for girls, it's easy to buy for them but boys, they're so hard to buy for. I've always dreaded my kids leaving home. I knew from a young age that I wanted a family and I'd have had more if I could but it really hasn't been as hard as I expected it would be. I think the fact that it's so easy to keep in touch these days makes it much easier too. I'll be glad to have them both home though when they do return.

  20. Your such a lovely mum (and Mick as a dad)to receive the parcel is to know you are not forgotten. It's so hard when you realise they won't be coming back to live with you, but your comments about him being well adjusted to be able to move away is correct. Now is your time, star to have fun as a couple.

    1. Thank you for saying so, I do try my best. I think it makes it easier to adjust to life as a couple again when they're happy with the choices they've made. Both Daniel and Eleanor seem to be enjoying the paths they've chosen which makes me very happy.

  21. Happy Mail and a Happy Post - full of lots of good positive things.

    I'm so pleased Eleanor has settled well at Uni, and great news about Daniel's job.

    Times do change as the young fly the nest ... it makes get-together's so special.

    All the best Jan

    1. That's one thing I'm really looking forward to, having everyone back together again. I'm happy that they're off enjoying their lives but like you say, it will make get togethers very special.

  22. Can you please adopt me and send me happy mail!!

    1. Ha ha. I wish someone would do the same for me too.

  23. What a lovely package, it'll be so much fun rummaging through and finding her surprises. Well done Daniel, it's a big step, but part of life's exciting journey xx

    1. Eleanor really enjoyed opening everything, it was all a surprise to her. It's action stations for Daniel now, he's got to find himself somewhere to live down there before he starts his job, it's all very exciting.

  24. Hey Jo,
    What lovely thoughtful gifts! I send Sam a parcel from time to time. It usually contains chocs and sweeties. You can't send boys frou frou, which is a shame. I'm glad that Eleanor has settled at Uni, and is making the most of all opportunities (love the shot glasses).
    Leanne xx

    1. Daniel wasn't that far away when he was at uni so we used to make boxes of treats up which we'd take to him, nothing posted which, looking back, is a bit of a shame. I think everyone likes to receive a happy parcel from time to time. The shot glasses were sent against my better judgement but I know what she'll be up to whether she's got pretty glasses to drink out of or not.

  25. Aw. How thoughtful. I hope someone sent me goodies when I went to college. It wouldn't have been as tough.

    1. I think the parcel let her know that we're thinking about her, she certainly enjoyed receiving it.

  26. What a lovely idea and wonderful surprise for Eleanor, I´m sure she was thrilled and delighted to open such lovely thoughtful gifts. So glad she is enjoying uni and having fun along with the hard work. Congrats to Daniel too, Surrey is a lovely place, but maybe I´m biased having been born and brought up there, Redhill then Weybridge. Nice too that you two can spend your time together exploring exactly what you wish to do. Have a great weekend, xcx

    1. I think Eleanor will be expecting parcels on a regular basis now, she thoroughly enjoyed receiving this one. I don't know Surrey at all but I'm sure we'll be popping down to see Daniel once he's settled in. He's got to find somewhere to live first and I expect it will be more expensive than it is around here, one of the downsides of moving south. Mick and I are enjoying spending time together, it's a bit of a novelty at the moment but I'm sure we'll get used to it again in no time.

  27. Such a lovely package of goodies. I bet the sweets didn't last long! Those socks were a huge bargain and I know someone here who would also love the pugs.
    Such wonderful news about Daniel and his job offer, please pass on our huge congratulations to him. Well done to him.
    Lisa x

    1. I couldn't believe the price of the socks, I hadn't intended buying any but I bought two packs when I saw them at that price. Thank you, I'll certainly pass on your congratulations to Daniel. It seems it's all change for us all at the moment.

  28. Those socks look so cozy and cute ♥

    1. Eleanor was thrilled with them, they're keeping her feet nice and cosy.

  29. I love your positive attitude! It's good to have the memories, but the times change whether we want them to, or not, so you might as well be positive! Eleanor sounds like she's doing well; I wish I'd had care parcels like that at Uni!

    1. That's true. There's so many stages to life, each one, hopefully, with lots of good points so no point clinging to the past. Eleanor's loving university, I hope David's enjoying it too.

  30. What a lovely thing to do, I am sure she loved receiving the parcel.

    1. She certainly did. I'm trying to think of ideas for the next one now, though that won't be sent for a while now.

  31. You have so much to be proud of with both of your children, they are doing everything they should and sound so responsible. Congrats on your son's job and with Eleanor doing so well her first semester away from home.

    1. Thank you. They're both doing so well for themselves, that's all we can wish for, isn't it. I do hope they're both happy in whatever they choose to do.

  32. You are such a lovely mother. My parents didn't do things like this but I would have enjoyed it a lot. I'm sure Eleanor will appreciate your thoughtfulness and know that she is loved from afar. You can't go wrong with candy and I would imagine her friends will benefit a little too. :)

    1. Eleanor definitely enjoyed receiving the parcel and I'm sure the edibles will be handed round the flat. I've started putting another parcel together but I'll leave it a few weeks until I send it.

  33. Awwww.....what a lovely parcel, I'm sure she loved it. You are so considerate! You must be proud of your wonderful children, they are a credit to you!
    Yes, an new era has begun, enjoy!xxx

    1. The parcel was very well received, so much so that she's waiting for another delivery. We're extremely proud of both Daniel and Eleanor, they've worked hard for the success they've achieved so far.
