Thursday 28 October 2021

A Rainy Day In Scarborough

We looked at the weather forecast on Sunday and saw that it was going to rain at the coast, and yet we still set off, heading for Scarborough. To be honest, we just fancied a walk to blow the cobwebs away, and a walk on the beach in October, with the wind coming in off the North Sea, is definitely going to blow the cobwebs away!

It was fine, if dull, when we arrived so we did manage a walk on the beach. It was very cold though. Archie went to the groomers last week so he's sporting a very short cut at the moment and I was mindful that he'd be feeling the cold too. He isn't keen on wearing a coat though.

We walked on the beach at South Bay. It has a dog ban on the main section of this beach from May to the end of September, but being out of season, Archie was allowed on all areas. I was sad to see dog mess though, so I don't blame councils enforcing these bans at busy times of the year. As a dog owner it really annoys me as people who don't clean up after their animals spoil it for those of us who do.

It was just starting to spit with rain as we left the beach but business on the boat trips from the harbour was still brisk. Plenty of people were signing up for a pleasure cruise out on the sea.

As we walked along the front, the rain really came down so we decided to head back to the car. We munched on some snacks which Mick had packed and I drank hot chocolate from my Moomins flask, overlooking the beach in the rain. It did look rather bleak.

I enjoy our days out whatever the weather. I'm definitely a home bird but I like a change of scenery, and there's nothing better than a trip to the seaside.


  1. How lovely to see Archie again. He does look dapper in his new 'do! 🐶 💕

  2. It does look cold but it's so nice to be beside the sea at any time of year. I love those colourful boats, they look like bath toys!

  3. There's nothing better than a walk on the beach to blow away the cobwebs and Archie looks happy but I hope he wasn't feeling the cold. I totally agree with you about people not picking up their dog mess, idle and irresponsible people! We have the same dog restrictions here on our coast and I am always glad when it's the first of October so we can get down the beach and even better if we have it all to ourselves.

  4. I'm afraid I'm very much a fair weather walker and I hate the cold but when I really push myself to get out I feel so much better for it. It's a shame about the dog mess, they are generally good in my area but there's always some who spoil it for others. It sounds like a nice day out Jo and Archie looks as if he's enjoying his walk despite the weather. xx

  5. It is lovely to walk along the beach and have the cobweb blown away.

  6. Oh I do love a trip to the seaside as well. In wild weather it's pretty good. Hot chocolate from a Moomin flask in the rain as well, utter perfection. CJ xx

  7. Glad to see that you enjoyed your trip to the seaside despite the weather. xx

  8. How positively lovely! We spent a couple of days in September at Scarborough, we hadn’t been there in over a decade. No matter how old I get you can’t beat a good walk on the beach.

  9. I loved Scarborough when we went a few months ago, you are so lucky to have the seaside so close.

  10. Pleased that you enjoyed your day out.
    I like Archie's 'hair-cut' he looks great.
    Those boats are so colourful, lovely to see.

    Enjoy your weekend, I think we are going to get a lot more rain...

    All the best Jan
