Tuesday 9 March 2021


We're spoilt for choice at this time of year with all the gorgeous flowers that are in the shops. I always start the year off with Daffs but tulips are always close on their heels.

The flowers come in such a wide array of colours that I'm spoilt for choice and it's hard to make a decision when making my purchase. This time I opted for this gorgeous red and yellow variety and though I usually stick a pin through the stems just underneath the flowers, a tip I learnt which keeps the flowers standing upright, I didn't on this occasion and they're still standing tall. Often, tulips will go rather droopy, but I think that just adds to their charm.

Daffodils are still available in the shops, usually just 99p a bunch in the supermarkets, and these tulips were just £1.79. A small price to pay when they bring so much enjoyment and brighten up the living room.


  1. I have my fake tulips out again, I love how they bring colour and life at a time where there is not much about.

  2. Tulips are beautiful aren't they, I have planted quite a few in pots and I can't wait for them to bloom. My choice was daffodils at the supermarket yesterday I tend to alternate. Thanks for the tip about the pin I didn't know that.

  3. They're a lovely colour, I do like tulips. I've never heard of that tip before, I must try it.

  4. They are beautiful, Jo! Spring is definitely coming! :o)

  5. I love tulips too, the yellow ones in particular are my favourite but those pink and yellow are gorgeous!

  6. I love tulips too. They are beautiful. I have planted some new bulbs in pots this year and I can't remember what colour they were so it will be a surprise.

  7. I much prefer tulips and the best array of colours they come in. They just cheer me up so much.

  8. Beautiful colour, they are so pretty.

  9. Another tip for keeping tulips upright.Put a couple of 1por 2p coins in the water and it stops them drooping.I didn’t believe it but it works!!!

  10. Aren't they lovely? That's a handy tip about the pins! I'll have to try that.xxx

  11. Love the tulips,they are a very pretty colour :)

  12. It is funny Jo, Ive been thinking of flowers for my bedroom deck. Last years vegetables for the hungry was a disaster. This year I think I only want tea roses in pots, I think. I think..

  13. These photos made my evening. So pretty and they give me hope that soon the ice will melt! Thanks for sharing.💖

  14. Love a tulip, I do the pin prick thing too, it’s amazing! CN x

  15. I like tulips, preferably plain colours such as yellow, white and red. Interesting, and useful, tip. xx

  16. Very pretty, and good tip with the pin. I'm beginning to see a wee bit of green popping up in the flower beds, but that's it so far. Haven't been inside a store in a year to buy. But, maybe soon.
    Sandy's Space

  17. They are beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing my tulips in the garden, once they begin to flower. X

  18. Beautiful tulips, delicate colours, must admit daffs win every time, at 99p a bunch I would have vases of them, such a cheap way to add cheer to the home. One year Daniel decided to bring a couple of bunches over on a trip, but they were not their best after being in the hold lol. xcx

  19. Yes daffodils and tulips are two of my favourites.
    These tulips are lovely ...

    All the best Jan

  20. I love how tulips keep growing when cut and placed in a vase.
