Saturday 13 February 2021

First Time Buyers

Mick and I are now back to living on our own. Back in 2013 Daniel left home to go to university and he never came back. In 2016 he finished uni and moved into rented accommodation with Jasmine in York where they'd been studying, before moving to Surrey. They're now living in Essex.

As Daniel finished university, Eleanor was just beginning. We had the following three years living on our own, apart from holidays when Eleanor would grace us with her presence, and when she graduated in 2019 she came back home to live. After three years, we'd got used to it being just the two of us so it took a bit of getting used to her being at home full time again but we've always enjoyed having Eleanor here, she's such good company.

Eleanor and Jacob were looking for a house together last year but as with most things, coronavirus made things more complicated. There were large parts of last year when they were unable to see each other at all, but they managed to get together at the beginning of October when Jacob proposed and She Said Yes. It was only a couple of days later that a house came up for sale that they fell in love with and they put in an offer. It was around this time that the second lockdown came into force so they didn't see each other again after this time until Christmas. During this time, the house sale was going through, but it's been quite a stressful time. Buying a house can be trying at the best of times but when you're not able to see each other during this period, the stress is enhanced.

They were supposed to be completing on the house before Christmas, their buyers wanted a very quick sale as they were expecting a baby in January, so Eleanor and Jacob were all geared up for this. They instructed their solicitor to act swiftly but then the vendors started dragging their feet. Everything on Eleanor and Jacob's part was ready to go in the first part of December but the vendors dragged it out until after Christmas. I don't think anything ever goes to plan when buying or selling a house.

I'm pleased to say that they eventually got their keys and they've now moved in and are busy unpacking and arranging their new home. The house isn't very far away from here but it might as well be at the other side of the world as now they're a separate household we're not able to visit each other's houses. As things stand at the moment, one of us can meet one of them, socially distanced, for exercise so this is how I'm able to see Eleanor just now. Obviously, this could change at any time.

I'm so proud of them. They've only been working for a year since leaving university and they've managed to save enough money to buy their own house. They were hoping for a 90% mortgage but the banks and building societies withdrew these offers wanting a 15% deposit so they've had to put down a bigger deposit than they thought they would, but they've managed it.

We wish them many years of happiness in their new home. I suppose that's another milestone crossed off the list and wedding preparations will be the next thing on the agenda.


  1. Congratulations Eleanor and Jacob. Buying their first home during the pandemic must have been a very stressful time for them. I wish them much happiness in their new home.

  2. Lovely post, exciting times starting their new life together, sadly you can only watch from a distance. Very impressive to save for their 1st home, these days it's not a simple or easy thing to do. Having had my 1st covid jab I feel one step closer to being in control of this virus and closer to family days.

  3. Hello Jo,

    Such a good news story.

    It is always heartwarming to note that even in the worst of times, with energy and determination, one can generally win through. Eleanor and Jacob deserve their new home together and it will be all the more appreciated having been so hard won. May they enjoy many years of happiness and joy there.

  4. Oh how exciting for Eleanor and Jacob. All the best to them from me. Back to a quiet house again for you amd Mick - and Archie! :o)

  5. I'm so happy for them and you Jo, it's about time you had some good news.

  6. Congratulations to them both, buying a home is very stressful in normal times and I can quite imagine how hard it must have been for them both during this awful time of lockdown. That photo says it all! I wish them many years of happiness in their new home.

  7. Lovely news. Buying that first home is so much harder than it was in the 1970s and 80s when building societies were so keen to lend, so well done to them

  8. Ahh - that's wonderful news!! :)

  9. That's brilliant news, I'm so pleased they're on the property ladder.

  10. Well done Eleanor & Jacob, it's no wonder Mum is proud. Buying & selling is very tricky at the best of times, but in a pandemic it would be woeful. Glad it all came together in the end. It seems so long ago that I met her & she was still at school & now all grown up. Take care, stay safe & hugs.

  11. Congratulations to Eleanor and Jacob on getting their first new home together after only a year of saving, They look so happy together and I wish them all the best for the future :)

  12. Congratulations to Eleanor and Jacob on their new home! You are right, things never go according to plan when buying a house. I'm glad it all worked out for them!

  13. That's fantastic news. Congratulations Eleanor and Jacob. X

  14. That's fantastic! Well done to them for achieving their goal in such difficult circumstances.

  15. That is such good news Jo. I hope they will be very happy in their new home.

  16. Great news - congratulations to them both.
    Best wishes

  17. May their home be blessed with love and laughter! I think putting more down is a good read anyhow. IF it is possible. You must be proud and rightly so!

  18. Oh, such happy times for them now the stressful negotiations are behind them! And you are right to feel proud of them.💖

  19. Such exciting news for all of you and at least they are close, the lockdowns and distancing won't last forever and then you can pop in and say hello.

  20. Congratulations! I can imagine the thrill as they settle into their new home. It's good to see your children and their partners come through these stressful times. You must be proud of them. You deserve good news and I'm happy for them and for you too.

  21. Many congratulations to Eleanor and Jacob.
    I wish them every happiness in their new home.
    Happy settling in, it's so exciting.

    I am hopeful that the lockdowns and social distancing will ease later this year, I certainly hope so! You will then be able to go and see them and I will be able to visit family and grandchildren too :)

    Once again congratulations to Eleanor and Jacob.

    All the best Jan

  22. Such exciting news, great fun to set up, arrange and decorate your own home to your taste. Wishing them every happiness.xcx

  23. That's fantastic news, especially during such difficult
