Friday 4 September 2020

Who Fancies A Bit Of Stitching?

I recently stumbled upon the Sunday Mystery Sampler which was a stitch along on the Plum Street Samplers blog back in 2015. I'm really taken with this Twelve Days of Christmas design and have decided to stitch it myself.

Obviously, the stitch along finished a very long time ago but I know that quite a few of my readers cross stitch and I wondered if any of you fancy stitching along with me. I'm not going to set myself any targets, I shall just stitch at my own pace and if any of you do decide to join me, you can stitch at your own pace too. I thought it might be quite fun to keep each other company on this project.

I've started getting my supplies ready. I was going to stitch on 32 count Belfast linen - Vintage Country Mocha.

After thinking about this, I've changed my mind and I'm going to use the same colour - Vintage Country Mocha, but on 32 count Murano Lugana. I prefer an evenweave fabric to linen, and as this is going to be a large piece I've decided to stick with what I like best. The Belfast linen will be used for some smaller projects in the future.

Only four colours are required for this sampler: red, green, gold and black. I had a look at the colours in the DMC range and I've gone for 498, 367, 782 and 310. I think they should look quite Christmassy together. You can go along with what I've chosen too if you like, or choose whatever takes your fancy.

I'm stitching the sampler as one large piece so the stitch count is 237w x 166h. It can be stitched as twelve separate ornaments though and in this case, the stitch count of each piece is 60w x 56h.

If you want to see how big the finished piece will be, depending on the count of your fabric, you can use the Cross Stitch Calculator on the Yarn Tree website. You just need to enter the stitch count, 237 x 166 if you intend stitching as one piece, or 60 x 56 if you intend stitching twelve seperate ornaments, and enter the fabric count that you're going to use, click Calculate Size and it will tell you how large the stitched area will be and what size your fabric should be.

All the charts are printed on the Plum Street Samplers blog but to make things easier, I've put links to each of the charts here.

Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days Layout.

Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days Day One.

Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days Day Two.

Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days Day Three.

Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days Day Four.

Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days Day Five.

Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days Day Six.

Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days Day Seven.

Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days Day Eight.

Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days Day Nine.

Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days Day Ten.

Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days Day Eleven.

Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days Day Twelve.

If you want to read more about the original stitchalong you can find all the details on posts on Plum Street Samplers blog during October, November and December of 2015.

I do hope some of you will join me in stitching this sampler, I'm very excited to get started and I hope you will be too. Don't forget to let me know in the comments if you intend to stitch along with me.

Don't forget, if you haven't already entered my giveaway, you've got until midday on Wednesday the 16th of September 2020 to do so, just leave a comment on my Tenth Blog Anniversary Giveaway post. I also just want to mention that some comments which have been left on that post have not shown up. I've gone back through my emails and added the comments I'm able to, but unfortunately, I don't get an email for every comment which is left and so I'm unable to track down two or three missing comments. Please check back on that post and make sure that your comment is there, if not, please leave another comment in order to be entered in the giveaway. I'm sorry to have to ask you to do this but I can't see any other way round it as I don't know whose comments are missing.


  1. I've downloaded all of those cross stitches. Thanks for the links. I don't know when I'll ever get around to it but I like it a lot so must try and make the effort! I'm sure you'll be finished yours long before I get around to it!
    I thought it was me not clicking the publish button on my comment on your anniversary post that made it not show. It's a bit of a relief if it wasn't my fault and therefore I'm not a numpty after all - maybe! LOL

  2. I've not done cross stitch for years, I do have fabrics, I will check if I have the right colours and get back to you.

  3. I love this, what a great project, I would love to join you but I'm not sure my eyes will be up for the task, I may try a small area to see if I can manage it. Congratulations on your 10 year blogiversary! doesn't the time fly? I think it must be almost ten years since I started blogging too, I didn't enter the giveaway but good luck to all those that did. Have a lovely weekend. :) xx

  4. That looks a great idea Jo. I might have a go if I've got some suitable material and colours. Thanks I could do with something to get me going again!

  5. Not for me I'm afraid as my eyes aren't up to it but yours is going to look lovely with those colours. Can't wait to see your progress.

  6. It looks great I can't wait to see it. I can never remember the song properly so sewing it would probably be a great way of remembering it but I doubt I could do anything like that.

  7. A bit of stitching? That looks like a lot of stitching to me :)
    I'm looking forward to following your progress. X

  8. It's not for me, but I look forward to following your progress.
    Happy Stitching :)

    All the best Jan

  9. Wow that does look like a lot of stitching to me too! Lovely project though, I look forward to you sharing your progress.

  10. Look forward to seeing your progress & I know it will look lovely with your neat work. Haven't done any X-stitch for ages as I need daylight & have way too much other "stuff" to do during those hours. Take care, stay safe & huggles.

  11. Looking forward to seeing how you get on. Sadly, not something that I have done for a lot of years.

  12. Well, if I'm missing I'll congratulate you here again. And WHAT A project that big sampler is!!! Beautiful

  13. You're very good Jo getting started with a Christmas project early doors. I've just ordered some really nice cards from Etsy but must start thinking about pressies etc.

  14. It looks lovely and will definitely be a keepsake once you are done. I wish I did cross stitch, so that I could join you! Now, if you ever want to do an KAL for some socks or a shawl...I would be all in :)

  15. I printed theses charts off when they were released but never got round to stitching them. If I didn't have so many other things to get done before Christmas i would join you in a SAL.
    It's going to look lovely stitched as one piece.

  16. Love this project. Downloaded all except Day 7 kept coming up not found. Is there anyway I can get the download for Day 7?

    1. I'm afraid it looks as though the original download link is broken. I have messaged the owner about it but unfortunately, as it's not my design, there's little else I'm able to do.
