Monday 16 September 2019

Better Than Expected

I decided not to grow as many tomatoes this year as I usually do. In the end, I settled for just four plants of my favourite variety, Maskotka, a cherry tomato with a thin skin and a sweet taste.

I set out with good intentions and the seeds were sown back in March, not long before my lovely mum died. They germinated and were potted on and then, as you can imagine, they got forgotten about amid the grief and sorrow, and then when I did remember them and bring them back from the brink, they got forgotten about all over again during the busyness of arranging the funeral and supporting my dad.

Somehow they survived but it was quite late when they got moved into their final pots and what with one thing and another this year, they've been quite badly neglected. I really wasn't expecting very much from them at all but they've actually done me proud.

The first tomato started ripening towards the end of July and I've had a steady stream since then. Although early, I finally stripped the plants, which were way past their best, on the 10th of September and this is the final haul. There's only a few green ones amongst this little lot which needed to be ripened off the vine.

I think four plants is just the right amount for me to grow, there's not so many that they take over the garden, but enough for my own needs and to supply friends and family with some too. I do like to share my bounty as there's nothing quite like the taste of homegrown tomatoes.


  1. Wow, what a haul, considering their journey they certainly came on well. I agree nothing like nipping out and harvesting right outside your door and they always taste sweeter. xcx

    1. I really wasn't expecting such a good haul, they didn't seem to be doing at all well earlier in the season but they came good at the end. I love the taste of home grown tomatoes and rarely buy tomatoes from the shops as they just never taste as good.

  2. A box full of loveliness :-) I have a lot that are still green, I've been picking the ones that are ready though and they do taste sweeter than shop bought ones.

    1. I usually end up with quite a few green tomatoes at the end of the season but they seem to have ripened really well this year. Don't discard the green ones, when you come to clear away the plants just pick them still green and they'll still ripen in the kitchen.

  3. We only had 2 plants this year and we've had such a wonderful harvest. We've been eating them, cooking with them and still giving them away! Tomatoes are so cheap and easy to grow, delicious and so good for you. Best, Jane x

    1. It's amazing just how many tomatoes you can get from a couple of plants, isn't it? I think the secret is picking the best varieties too, Maskotka gives such a good yield.

  4. Wow, they look great, I only had one plant, and I have just a few left to harvest.

    1. I think it's always worth growing your own, even if it's just one plant. Last year was the first year for many years that I didn't grow any tomatoes and I missed that home grown taste so much, I shan't be making that mistake again.

  5. I'll keep that variety in mind in case I decide to plant some tomatoes next year. That's a great haul. X

    1. Maskotka is my favourite variety. They're a cherry tomato but the best tasting I've ever grown.

  6. Such a lovely harvest you got there! Now, time to enjoy them 😊
    Did you plant anything else?

    1. The only things I've grown this year are tomatoes and a couple of bags of potatoes. They didn't do as well as I'd hoped but what I did harvest tasted delicious. I also sowed some cucumber seeds but I lost those when the plants were neglected when my mum died. I do have some fruit bushes and trees in the garden which have done very well this year.

  7. Think I'll look out for that variety here, as I need to get my veg beds under way now we are home. I usually grow one of the yellow variety as well, as they aren't quite as acid for me. Enjoy & take care.

    1. You should definitely try Maskotka if you can get hold of the seed, they're so sweet, absolutely delicious, I eat them like sweets.

  8. It's surprising how they seem to still do well despite being neglected. I've had a good year, and for the second year running there's been no blight on the plot. xx

    1. I think plants do their best to do well, even with a little neglect. I'm glad you've had a good year with your tomatoes, the lack of blight certainly makes a difference.

  9. Wow, what a lovely lot of tomatoes....and red!! We have a lot but they're still mostly green....admittedly, they did get planted very late.

    1. I'm quite amazed by how my tomatoes have ripened this year. I don't usually clear the plants away quite so early and yet there's usually lots of green tomatoes still waiting to ripen.

  10. They sure look tasty. You did very well. Pretty amazing given all you had going. I so relate with doing for Dad, getting him into assisted living, and selling his house. I felt I did well just to get a few flowers planted in boxes for the deck. Do you can?
    Sandy's Space

    1. They're very tasty, I can definitely recommend this variety. I don't can, I think that's something Americans tend to do more. We tend to freeze to preserve more than anything over here, though these will be eaten fresh.

  11. How beautiful they are toooooo! Like little jewels!

    and you have found the perfect amount to plant, from now on.



    1. They are beautiful, they sit glistening on my kitchen worktop. I think I've found the right amount of plants for my needs, in this variety anyway. Maskotka gives a good yield.

  12. Wow! What a haul! We had such a wet summer here that ours split open before they ever came close to ripening. We also had 4 plants but only got 5 or 6 edible tomatoes a week from them. Of course, my lack of gardening skills may have something to do with it.

    1. I had quite a lot which split too. Maskotka is a cherry variety which usually give a higher yield than you'd get from a larger variety, but they've still done much better than I was expecting earlier on in the season.

  13. Wow, that is an amazing amount of tomatoes to get from four plants. You are so right about the past of home-grown tomatoes, there is nothing like the taste. I have been like a child in a sweetie shop this year as it is the first time in over twenty years that I have been able to eat tomatoes.

    1. I hope you've made up for the last twenty years. I know from past experience that Maskotka is not only a great tasting tomato but it also gives a good yield. I wasn't expecting great things from them this year due to their poor start but I was pleasantly surprised.

  14. wow, great harvest. I love tomatoes.

    1. I must admit that I rarely buy tomatoes as their taste just doesn't compare to home grown but I make up for that at this time of year when I've grown my own.

  15. Wow!
    These do look good Jo … enjoy them.

    All the best Jan

    1. They taste delicious. Friends and family are tucking in too.

  16. What a fantastic haul and great that there are only a few green ones too. You can make so many dishes with tomatoes, I'm sure you'll enjoy them very much.

    1. I was really pleased that most of them have ripened on the plants this year, I usually have many more green ones left to ripen at the end of the season.

  17. I can't believe you got such a fantastic harvest from four neglected plants. I should take note!!! Who knew???xxx

    1. They certainly came good in the end, despite my neglect.

  18. That’s a great haul from just four plants.

    1. I know from previous years that it's a great variety but I wasn't expecting such great things this year after the neglect the plants suffered at the start.

  19. What a great haul, they look good. Nothing beats the flavour of a home grown tomato.

    1. Very true, they taste wonderful. It's nice to be able to share the bounty too.

  20. That is an impressive haul, especially given the circumstances. It's been a tough year for tomatoes here too as our weather was very wet early in the season so it didn't take long for disease to take hold. I'll likely have another small harvest or two, but I have to say that I'll be glad to pull up the plants as most are looking rather horrible.

    1. My tomato plants looked terrible, that's why I wanted to get them stripped so soon. So many things can affect tomatoes, from the weather to disease, and disease because of the weather. It can be a struggle with them some years but still definitely worth growing.

  21. Looks like you had loads. I had 13 plants this year, it's the first time I've ever grown them (I don't like tomatoes), and I don't think I cared for them very well but I had enough to keep Andy munching on them all summer. I'll grow fewer next year and try to take better care of them. Any tips?

    1. I'm the wrong person to be asking for tips after mine were so badly neglected this year. I would say don't sow the seeds too early, late sowings always catch up, and don't grow too many that it becomes a chore to care for them. Saying that, just look at the harvest I got even though they weren't very well cared for, they do try to do their best for you whatever.
