Thursday 20 September 2018

In Search Of Colour

I wrote about our trip to Lotherton in The Changing Seasons post and although we found lots of signs that autumn is on the way, we weren't very lucky in seeing much autumnal colour so on Sunday we headed off to Temple Newsam to see if it was any different there.

A first glance made us think that there wasn't much seasonal colour here either.

As we looked further we could see some small changes in the trees which shows that autumn is definitely on the way.

The trees seem to be changing colour very slowly. There's subtle changes at the moment but somewhere down the line, it will seem as though the changes have happened overnight.

This tree was covered in berries. I hope it doesn't mean there's a harsh winter on the cards.

Now this is more like it, a tree dressed in its autumn finery already.

It was a dull morning and really quite windy as you can tell from the ripples on the lake.

These little birds were right by the edge of the lake, their brothers and sisters were swimming close by.

I wonder how long ago these carvings were made on the trunk of this old tree. They look as if they've been there for some time.

Ahhh, here it is, the colour I was searching for. It would have looked better with a blue sky though.

I think it will be a different story in a few weeks, many trees will have lost their leaves by then and those that haven't will stand radiant in their autumn splendor.


  1. A nice bit of red amongst all the green. We'll be sweeping up the leaves before we know it! x

    1. I don't think it'll be long now until autumn takes a definitely hold.

  2. Some of the trees around where we live are just starting to change, I love to see all the different autumn colours.
    Our oak tree is definitely shedding, you can hardly see the grass for debris, I've been busy inside this week but hopefully Saturday will be garden tidy up day.

    1. I hope the weather is kind on Saturday if you're planning on getting some outdoor jobs done.

  3. Thanks for the Temple Newsam photos, as we both know it's a special for us. I hope you get to see more autumnal colour soon & you don't have a bad winter. Take care.

    1. I'm all for a mild winter, and a short one too, I'm not a fan of cold weather.

  4. Sometimes the autumn colours shows up better in photos taken when they aren’t bathed in bright sunshine.

    1. They do. It'll be nice to see some more colour around soon.

  5. Lovely post and pictures. I think that autumnal colour will be later, but more spectacular, than usual this year. xx

    1. I hope so. The colours of autumn can be quite spectacular.

  6. It's starting! That last tree is especially beautiful, but you can just see it elsewhere. Here, I have trees starting to go yellow and brown, but very little red. We don't get much red or orange here. I grew up in a place that did, so I rely on my happy memories. The weather is beginning to change here at least, yay. :)

    1. I don't think it'll be long now until we see lots of colour around. After a lovely summer I was hoping that the good weather would continue but there's definitely a chill in the air now and it's raining heavy here today.

  7. No signs of Autumn yet, but hopefully there will be when we get back from out trip.

    1. I think you see a big difference when you've been away for a while, it appears that things have changed almost overnight.

  8. Tress around here are still very green although with the wind yesterday and today the roads are covered in leaves.
    You captured a little autumnal colour on your walk.
    Hoping the toe is improving.

    1. The wind was really bad yesterday, there's a few trees down here, never mind leaves. I can't believe how long it's taking for my toe to mend, the couple of short walks I took at the weekend has really aggravated it so it seems I need to try and rest it still.

  9. Lovely photos. We are back up to 29/30 so all still very green. We do start to lose the almond leaves around July though, but they just go crispy and drop lol xcx

    1. I wish we were still getting some summer days here. It's a shame when trees just lose their leaves instead of putting on a bit of a show first.

  10. Slow down colored leafs, I say. SLOW it down. :)

    1. I'm of the same mind, I'd much rather summer went on for a while longer, though as much as I'm never ready for autumn to come, I do love the colours in nature.

  11. A joy to see the Autumnal colours. I am hoping its just an old wives tale and there is no truth in the harsh winter if the trees are laden with berries. The birds are loading up with them that's for sure.

    1. I often think things are old wives tales but then they seem to be true. I'm certainly hoping that this isn't right though, I don't like the cold weather at all.

  12. 'Tis the same here.... We see peeks of color, here and there. And then, the next day, they increase, in some places.

    I hope they take some time... If they all change quickly, and then a hard rain/wind comes, 'poof' and they are gone. -sigh-

    So I guess, we all really need to enjoy this magical Autumn Season, daily... As much as we can...

    🍁 🎃 🍁

    1. We do. There are trees dropping leaves here before they've changed colour, though we've had some strong winds so that may be why. I hope we do get a good autumn before winter arrives though.

  13. I love the changing of the seasons.. its my favourite time. beautiful moments captured here - thank you for sharing

    1. I'm never ready for summer to leave but the beautiful colours of autumn are a positive so I hope to see lots more colour in the coming weeks.

  14. Lovely to see the splashes of red and brown as autumn takes hold. It's definitely nippier in the mornings!
    Lisa x

    1. It certainly is, I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. I don't mind the crisp autumn days so much as the dull and soggy one we've got today.

  15. Such lovely photos Jo:)

    I especially love the Birds and the last tree
    it's so vibrant and uplifting to look at.

    It has been very bright and
    sunny with a little bit of rain
    here today,but very cold and I
    almost needed my gloves.

    Wishing you a good weekend x

    1. The birds were so cute, and there were a few swimming around too. We've had quite a bit of rain this week and it's been very dull and windy too. I'm not sure what the week ahead will be like.

  16. There are loads of berries this year. They'll satisfy the garden birds. Those red leaves certainly stand out against the green. A big branch from one of the huge horse chestnut trees near to where we live crashed down during the recent strong winds. Fortunately not in the road and not on the pavement, but on the bank where a row of them grow at the top of a hill. I hope you're having a relaxing weekend.

    1. I've noticed lots of berries too, I'm hoping that it's not a sign of a harsh winter ahead. We had some strong winds here too, a tree came down in a local car park damaging cars and I've seen another couple by the side of roads too. I just hope that they didn't injure anyone.

  17. I do enjoy the Autumn and seeing the colours change …
    There are some very nice splashes of Autumn shades in your photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. I hate letting go of summer but the colours of autumn do go some way to compensate.
