Wednesday 15 May 2013

A New Toy

I often get given money for birthdays or Christmas which I put aside until there's something I really want to buy with it. I'm always very careful what I spend it on, so it can sometimes be years before it actually gets spent, by which time, more money has been added to it.

I had accumulated quite a bit of money this way, and after reading blogs for years now, and seeing the wonderful photos which people share, I decided that I would invest the money I had saved in a new camera, not just any camera but a DSLR.

I haven't got the first clue about photography, I don't understand a thing about it, but I'd like to learn, so after reading up about different models on the market, I've treated myself with the money I'd got saved to one of the more basic models. I say basic, but I'm sure there's more features in this camera than I'll ever use.

I just hope I manage to work out how to turn it on.


  1. I need to up my game too & invest in a proper camera. There always seems much more fun things to buy though first.

    1. I don't know, I think it's going to be a lot of fun learning to use this camera. It's just a case of finding the time to study the instructions as well as everything else which is going on at this time of year.

  2. How exciting, I'd love a 'proper' camera, but wouldn't have a clue where to start. Have fun with your new toy :) xx

    1. I don't have a clue where to start, but I'm sure it will be fun finding out all about it. I'm a bit nervous to use it at the moment if truth be told.

  3. What a treat! Looking forward to seeing your pictures x

    1. I'm thrilled to bits with it. I'm not holding my breath that my first photography attempts will be any good though, and I can't even blame it on my camera now.

  4. Congratulations. With love and care, your camera will be a constant companion (and source of joy) for many years to come! There is something special about one's first SLR and the settings will become easier in time, once you feel comfortable using the camera. I suggest popping down to the library and stocking up on a couple of good how-to SLR books, which will take the 'fear' out of all the buttons and settings. Any questions: feel free to pass them my way :)

    Tash from

    1. Thank you, I can't wait to take it out somewhere nice and get clicking away. There's a book completely devoted to this model, so I thought I might buy that as I'm sure it will be helpful to someone like me who doesn't have a clue where to start. The camera actually has a guide mode for beginners with step by step instructions on how to change the settings, so I'm sure that'll come in handy too. Many thanks for your kind offer, I'm sure there'll be plenty of questions in the days and weeks ahead.

  5. Looks a great camera Jo. I've been using my daughters camera this morning to take some pictures of the dogs and I got a bit lost using it. I'm not very good with technical stuff. Would love a really good camera though myself. Look forward to seeing some great pictures from you x

    1. I'm exactly the same, I ask for Daniel or Eleanor's help if I've got any technical problems, so I don't know how I'll go on with my camera. It will be fun muddling through though, I'm looking forward to learning as I go.

  6. Looks like a lovely camera which you are going to have a lot of fun with! I got a new one with lots of complicated setting last year. Mostly I leave it on 'super-intelligent auto' and it seems to work out things for itself. Sometimes it gumpily informs that I have too much 'back-light' but it seems to be able to make allowances for my stupidity! Jx

    1. Your camera sounds great, it's amazing how machines know more than we do, isn't it? It's good that it can rectify things. I don't think I would have bought a DSLR if it didn't have an auto setting, I'm sure I'll use that to begin with, then hopefully find out more about photography as I go along.

  7. Oh what a good buy with your pressies money!
    I do find it a bit daunting using it on anything but manual but it's just a case of reading and then having a go.
    Would you go on a course?
    Lisa x

    1. I'd love to go on a course. They run courses in local schools around here, and I was hoping that a beginners photography course would come up, but there isn't one at the moment. I shall keep my eye out though as that would be ideal. In the meantime, I'm thinking of buying a good book so that I can start learning.

  8. I'm just a point and shoot gal. I shall look forward to seeing many wonderful, professional pics here. Happy studying!
    Love from Mum

    1. I think it may be some time before there's photos of that standard, but I'll certainly give it a go. I've always just used point and shoot cameras up to now so I've got lots of learning to do.

  9. Funnily enough I've just ordered the same model. I, like you, am very excited!

    1. Congratulations on your purchase. I can't wait to get going with mine, it will be fun comparing photos.

  10. Once you have found out how to turn it on have fun, and I look forward to seeing lots of terrific pictures. Flighty xx

    1. It may be some time before I manage to take any photos of a decent standard, but I'm going to enjoy trying. I can't wait to try it out.

  11. Such a good idea. I actually need a new camera as my is playing up just lately. I'll see how yours goes and then may get a little feedback about it, if that is ok. I'm not good with my camera either.

    1. I'm sure I'll keep everyone updated about how I'm finding it. All the different functions and settings are a little daunting, so I think it'll take me plenty of time to get used to everything.

  12. How exciting, Jo. Have fun with your new "toy"! :o)

    1. I'm hoping to have lots of fun with it this weekend, I'd like to take it out somewhere and get snapping.

  13. My camera is a Nikon. They are very good cameras. It is as easy to use on the auto setting as any point and shoot. The added bonus is that it takes a photo far quicker than a point and shoot and the zoom is easier to handle too. Looking forward to seeing your photos with your new piece of kit!

    1. It was really between a Nikon and a Canon, but I've had a Canon camera before and wasn't very impressed with it, so I went for the Nikon. I'm looking forward to trying it out.

  14. What a great camera. I've got a Nixon, but mine's the Nixon 1. You'll have loads of fun working out how to use all its features and you'll be snapping away like a professional in no time. Happy snapping! xxx

    1. I don't know about snapping away like a professional, it looks very complicated to me. I'll have lots of fun finding out about all the features though.

  15. How exciting! Just play around with it and have fun with it, that's what I try to do. I have no idea what half the buttons on mine do. x

    1. It will be fun trying to work out what all the buttons do, but there's so many that I doubt I'll ever learn them all.

  16. Wow looks great Jo! Ours is a sony and is nice but puzzles me half the time, might go back to my smaller one, I learn as I go. Have fun! :)

    1. I'm sure this will puzzle me too. I think it's easier to learn as you go, sometimes things just click as you're using them.

  17. I was very interested in this post as I'm very tempted to upgrade my camera although my two little point and shoot digitals have been a great asset and added to the enjoyment of photography so far.

    1. I couldn't be without a pocket camera to carry around with me in my bag, this one is rather cumbersome, to say the least, but each will have it's place, I'm sure.

  18. Ooh! Go and enjoy! Hope we get plenty of photos on the blog!

    1. I'm sure everyone will be fed up of all the photos once I get going with it. I'm sure photography will be a hobby which I enjoy.
