Saturday 7 September 2024

Jack's Quilts

We got a lovely surprise through the post all the way from Australia. It was from my friend, Susan, who has the Granny Smith's Quilting blog. If you've looked at her blog, you'll know that she's a wonderful quilter.

A beautiful baby quilt. Susan didn't know whether she was making a quilt for a boy or a girl when she started this but I think it would suit either sex and it's perfect for Jack.

The cute little panels.

I always like to look at the back of a quilt, I think the design shows up much clearer. It's been quilted with butterflies, isn't that lovely.

Susan always names her quilts, this one is called Cuddle Up. Very apt.

Jack's been a very lucky little boy because one of Jacob's relatives has also made him a quilt. How beautiful is this.

Eleanor used to collect all things giraffe themed so this is such a coincidence.

The design on each panel has been stitched, even the writing and those tiny letters are stitched.

People are so generous with their skills and their time, I appreciate how much time these quilts must have taken to make and I know Eleanor is very grateful.

Each of the panels are so cute.

I think these gifts are ones which will be passed down and used by more babies after Jack, heirlooms for sure.

I absolutely love how quilts look and, in theory, would love to be able to make them myself but I just don't have the patience for it in practice, so I'm very grateful that there are others who are so generous making such beautiful gifts for my gorgeous grandson.


  1. What lovely gifts, so beautifully executed.

  2. What beautiful quilts and ones which will be valued so much. Such a lot of love, time and care went into making them.
    Best wishes

  3. They are both beautiful, I made each of mine a blanket using cotton and crochet, Will is 7 and his is still on the end of his bed.

  4. Aren't they wonderful and what a lovely surprise! I love all the stitching, they both have been made by experts who know what they are doing!

  5. Oh they are so beautiful! Jack will love them forever!

  6. Many belated congratulations on the safe arrival of your grandson, how wonderful! Such lovely quilts, the giraffe one is exquisite, such detail. A beautiful heirloom.

  7. The baby quilt from Susan is absolutely stunning, with its thoughtful design and the added charm of butterflies on the back. Jack is indeed a lucky little boy, surrounded by such love and creativity in these beautiful handmade pieces. I just posted a new blog post, I invite you to read. Thank you:

  8. Your friends are so kind and talented. Belated good wishes on the birth of Jack.

  9. Superb quilts! Lucky baby Jack getting such lovely gifts!

  10. Both are adorable. Two very talented quilters. Lucky you and Jack.
    Sandy's Space

  11. They both look lovely, Jack is a lucky boy ... he's going to be so warm and snug.

    All the best Jan

  12. I adore handmade quilts! They are both beautiful! I know Jack will treasure them forever.

  13. How kind of your relative and quilting friend to make such pretty quilts for Jack. They are both gorgeous designs.

  14. What beautiful quilts, Jack is a very lucky boy. Lots of work and love put into both and i'm sure they will be treasured

  15. Both quilts are gorgeous. Jack is a lucky boy. Xx

  16. Jack is a very lucky little boy. He certainly will have some happy snuggles this winter.
    P.S. New blog for me ......

