Friday 21 June 2024

He's Here!

It's a boy!

He was born yesterday at 2.25am, but everything began around 4am two days earlier. It was a long, painful and exhausting labour for Eleanor and it resulted in a caesarean section, even that didn't go to plan as she had a major hemorrhage when an artery was nicked, but Mum and baby are doing fine.

They're still in hospital at the moment but we visited twice yesterday and I have to say that grannie cuddles are the best.

And something very special, they've named him Jack with Michael as his middle name after Mick. Perfect.


  1. Congratulations to you all! Jack looks to be a big beautiful bouncing boy. Love his middle name - my eldest son has the same name.

  2. What a bonnie little lad, bit of a trauma for Eleanor but I'm sure Jack Michael is worth it!

  3. Oh he is gorgeous!! Well done to mummy who seems to have been through it to get him here safely. Lots of love Suzie (ambling along who can't get on her phone atm).

  4. Congratulations to all Jo. Sorry that things didn't go as planned for the birth but happy both Eleanor and baby Jack are all OK now. Enjoy your nanny cuddles, they certainly are the best. ❤

  5. Gorgeous - much fun to come I think.
    Hope Eleanor is soon fit again

  6. Oh my goodness congratulations to everyone! What an adorable little baby boy! He looks so wonderful after his traumatic entry to the world. Enjoy this time! Best healing wishes to Eleanor.

  7. Congratulations! May everything go well for him and his parents! Best of Luck to the new born boy!

  8. Hello and welcome to baby Jack Michael.
    Aww I do like the photograph of him.

    My congratulations to Eleanor and Jacob on their new baby boy but I was sorry to read that his birth was not straightforward, and I wish Eleanor a good recovery.

    My congratulations to all the family and keep enjoying your Grannie cuddles, they are so special :)

    My very good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  9. Oh, congratulations on your new, precious grandson! He's adorable. And I love his name - so classic. I'm sorry to hear Eleanor had an exhausting labor, but I'm glad it all turned out well in the end. He's precious, just precious! Enjoy all those sweet newborn cuddles.

  10. He's beautiful, hope your daughter is getting better, sound as if she had a tough time, it's the best club ever being a granny or nana.

  11. Huge congratulations to the whole family! Jack is simply adorable.
    I hope Eleanor is able to rest as much as possible and that she makes a quick recovery. Xx

  12. Congratulations! I've been keeping my fingers crossed for you all. Hopefully Eleanor will soon be feeling better and out of hospital and little Jack Michael too, he looks absolutely gorgeous. ❤

  13. Wonderful news from you today. Many congratulations to you all and especially to Eleanor and Jacob as new parents. I hope Eleanor is able to get a little rest and time to recover after a difficult birth. Little Jack Michael is perfect. Thank you for sharing such a precious photo of him. Enjoy all those cuddles with him xx
