Saturday 2 March 2019

The Yorkshire Coast

Mick's got over two weeks holiday to take before the end of March so he's taking a full week off later on in the month and he's taking the rest of the holiday he's due as odd days scattered throughout March, the first of which was taken yesterday. Typical then that the gorgeous weather we'd had in February came to an end, though it wasn't too bad, we avoided any rain. We decided to hop over to the coast to catch our first glimpse of the sea this year.

No one was more happy than Archie, he loves it at the seaside, all that open space to run around in and lots of smelly seaweed to sniff out.

Our first port of call was Bridlington, a place my mum and dad used to take me when I was a child. In fact, I think I've mentioned before that my first steps were taken on Bridlington beach. It's a wonder I didn't hurt my toes on all the stones, though there's plenty of sand too.

Archie looks to be asking if he can go in the sea, he loves paddling.

There were quite a few cormorants about, three of which were balancing on this buoy.

It wasn't long before Archie was getting his feet wet...

...and rolling in the sand to dry off. Just look at that sandy nose!

It was quite chilly when we first arrived but we soon warmed up once we started walking, it was a pleasant day for this time of year even though the mercury wasn't quite reaching the temperatures it had in February.

Archie was in and out of the sea as we wandered along the sand.

I think these seagulls were waiting to see if there were any picnics about, still a bit too cold for that I think.

There were lots of boats in the harbour yesterday.

We spent a couple of hours in Bridlington before travelling a little further north to Filey. The sun had put in an appearance by the time we got there.

Archie enjoyed a bit more rolling on the beach. You wouldn't believe that it's less than six weeks since he was last groomed, he looks like a big woolly bear with his thick winter coat. If I'd known we were going to have such a mild February I'd have asked for a shorter cut. As it is, he's ready for another trim already.

A little further north and we were in Scarborough to finish off our day. The weather was turning decidedly chilly and it was looking rather dull too.

I was surprised that most of the shops and amusement arcades were open with it being out of season, especially midweek, I thought the resort would have closed down for the winter. We visited one of the seafood stalls and purchased a couple of crab sticks for Archie for a treat, he loves them.

Scarborough Castle stands atop high cliffs overlooking the North Sea. The old town, with it's narrow cobbled streets, is nestled below.

Looking from the beach across to the pier you can see Scarborough Lighthouse. You can walk to the end of the pier but we didn't bother yesterday.

I've been wanting to visit the coast for a while so it was nice that we got to spend the day there yesterday. Archie was worn out by the time we got home and slept soundly all night. I'm looking forward to some more lovely days out this month whilst Mick's on holiday. Let's hope the weather cooperates.


  1. Awww, I don't have to tell you how much I have enjoyed this post :-) The photos of Archie at the beach are just wonderful, it is so lovely to see him having such a good time.
    Buying him a couple of crab sticks sounds just like the bonkers sort of thing I would do. 🐾 💚

    1. Archie really loves spending time at the coast, I think it's all the open space on the beach which he loves the most, though he does enjoy the sea too. I think fish is Archie's favourite food so I like to treat him when we're at the seaside.

  2. I also took my first baby steps in Bridlington!! Our eldest who's 31 also took his first steps there too!! Not been for ages but we go to Scarborough/Whitby/Robin Hoods Bay whenever we can. We're about 2hrs from Whitby. Middle son and wife who live near Leeds (Idle) go quite often as it's not far for them. Archie looks so happy playing on the sand. Lovely photos. I hope the chippies were open too!

    1. There's must be something in the air at Bridlington which get's babies walking. We love Whitby too, though we don't often visit Robin Hoods Bay, it's a lovely place though. The chippies were open and I'll admit to sharing a bag with Mick.

  3. Nothing better than walking along the coast, I'm lucky I have always lived close to the sea, firstly in Somerset and now in Hampshire. We went to Scarborough once many years ago, Archie had loads of fun.

    1. I'd love to live closer to the coast, especially now we have Archie, I know he'd enjoy his morning constitutional walking along the beach. I think Bridlington is our nearest seaside resort but Scarborough isn't much further. Archie was worn out by the time we got home.

  4. There's nothing better than a brisk walk along the beach to blow away the cobwebs!

    1. I agree. We don't often visit the coast out of season but we always enjoy it when we do and say we should do it more often.

  5. What a lovely day out! Shame the weather turned on Friday :( During our last holiday, which was 5 days in Thirsk, we popped over to Whitby, Filey and Scarborough. I didn't like Scarborough ( don't know why ) but Whitby I loved and Filey too. We've been to both several times on holidays over that way. Our Ginger hates water considering her breed is a terrier once bred to hunt otters in the water! Archie looks like he had so much fun! Best, Jane x

    1. What a shame you didn't like Scarborough, I think it's got something for everyone with it's two bays, the historic castle and it's connections to the Brontes. We love Whitby too, and the nearby Sandsend, but we didn't venture that far north this time. Archie had a great time, he loves the seaside.

  6. It looks and sounds like you all enjoyed yourselves, especially Archie. I hope that the your days out this month are just as good. xx

    1. We all enjoyed the day out, but as you say, especially Archie. I'm trying to think of some more nice places to go when Mick takes some more time off.

  7. I have had several holidays along that stretch of coast, they were great fun. We were always lucky with the weather which makes all the difference for a holiday. Archie looks as though he ought to have 2 tails to wag to express his obvious pleasure. Ben treats the coast with disdain and we are yet to find out how Herbie will react.

    1. I love the east coast, there's some lovely places to visit, and it always seems milder than the west coast where it always seems to be blowing a gale whenever I visit. What a shame that Ben doesn't like the seaside, I hope it suits Herbie better.

  8. Jo-I felt like I was right there with you. It is so much fun to watch Archie enjoy the ocean and the beach. I bet he smelled like salt water and sandy dog when you headed home. He really is a pretty boy.

    I am surprised that the shops were open this time of season.

    Have a wonderful day- xo Diana

    1. He most certainly did stink a bit when we got him home, that sand and salt water clings to his fur. I wasn't expecting much to be open at this time of year, not that we went in any of the little gift shops or amusements, but we did share a bag of chips which was nice.

  9. sounds like a lovely day, I'm having beach withdrawl now !

    1. We had a great time. I've been wanting to visit the coast for a while so it was nice to finally get there.

  10. That brought back some lovely memories of my childhood. I had several holidays to that coast and one when we went camping to Primrose Valley, such fun.

    1. I have lots of childhood memories of days spent here too. It was always a treat to have a day out to the seaside.

  11. We've been to Yorkshire and Lincoln several times but never that stretch of coast. It looks interesting. Lovely to take a dog to the beach.

    1. It's a lovely area. As well as the places I mention there's Whitby, Robin Hood's Bay, Staithes, Sandsend to name just a few more, all worth a visit. There's something about seeing a dog running free on a beach, enjoying the freedom they have.

  12. Scarborough Castle.... Even here, on this side of the pond, we know "Scarborough Fair"... :-)

    Oh to be able to visit the sea side. How lucky you are.

    Archie must have needed a good brushing when he go home. :-) And a bath, the next day. But so much fun, he had!!!!

    1. We live quite a distance from the coast, by UK standards. It takes us about an hour and a half by car. I tend to forget that we live on a small island and that in the US people can live a thousand miles away. We have to brush Archie every day to keep his coat tangle free, especially at times when it's so thick. He goes for regular grooming so I tend not to bath him myself, unless he really needs it.

  13. I love a happy tired out pup!! Great photos

    1. Archie was certainly that. He'd got his bounce back the following day though so it was out for another good walk.

  14. I think Archie had the best time of all. Thank you for sharing your beautiful day.

    1. Archie always has a good time at the beach, he loves running around and playing in the sea. We love seeing him so happy.

  15. A day at the seaside is always a treat. Archie looks to be having a fantastic time. I expect he would have needed a good brush when you returned home. X

    1. I've been so looking forward to a day out at the seaside so it was a welcome treat. Archie loves it on the beach but he does tend to carry a lot of sand home with him. A good brush sorts him out.

  16. How lovely for me to "meet" Archie and him having such a fabulous time on the beach. It's a shame all the sunshine of earlier in the week had disappeared but looks like you really enjoyed your visit to the seaside.
    I live on the coast and the beach is only a ten minute walk away but our beach is pebbly so we often drive to a more sandier beach just so our dog can enjoy the sand between her toes, they do love it don't they :)

    1. Even though the sun wasn't as apparent as it had been in February it was still quite mild and it didn't spoil our day. I would love to live closer to the coast, especially having Archie, it would be lovely to walk him on the beach more often.

  17. It looks as if you had a lovely time and managed to do a lot, loads more than if you'd stayed at home probably. All that fresh sea air, you just can't beat it!

    1. It was nice to start off in one resort and make our way along the coast. It felt great to be able to stride out along a beach which was almost empty.

  18. What a lovely time you had, such fun to see Archie thoroughly enjoying himself, not surprised he was worn out xcx

    1. I don't think Archie stopped all day, he has such a lovely time.

  19. I’m married to a man whose father came from Scarborough and he spent many holidays there as a child. In December 1971 we spent 10days there for our honeymoon in Norrie’s Great Aunt Elsie’s house while she stayed on after our wedding with my in-laws. We have continued to visit every year and love it best in the winter. We live about 40 miles from the west coast of Scotland which is usually milder because of the Gulf Stream. Any seaside resort will do me really-I just love to be at the seaside. PS Think the shops were open as some of the the children in Yorkshire were on Half term last week.

    1. You must have some lovely memories of Scarborough. I think it's a lovely place, something for everyone there and two beaches too. I thought all the children were back at school last week. I know the kids around here had the week before off and some others were off the week before that. They must have staggered them over three weeks this time then.

  20. March is going to be such a lovely month for you with days out planned, fingers crossed for some nice days for you.
    I love the Yorkshire coast, Scarborough is a favourite. We stayed about 5 houses down from the castle one year in the most magnificent flat that looked out across the bay from the lounge windows, perfect even in the wet windy weather. Loved seeing you pics. I'm hankering for a visit to the seaside... just need to hint a bit more to DH!

    1. I love having Mick off work and at home with me. I hope we managed to get out plenty but there's a few jobs we want to get done at home too. How lovely to have that view in Scarborough, I can just imagine it, you must have been able to see right over the bay and out to sea. I'd been hankering for a visit to the seaside too, now I want to go back again.

  21. Lovely Jo & you are certainly having a mild winter. Ah, places I know & especially Scarborough as that is where my DSD lives. Not long & we'll be there.........I can see Archie is happy. Have a good week & take care.

    1. The weather's not so good today, Storm Freya has hit and it's rather gusty to say the least. We love this stretch of the east coast, so many lovely resorts to visit, and Archie loves it too.

  22. I don't know either. I must admit that he didn't go in the sea as much as he usually would in summer so he must have thought it was a bit cold.

  23. I love the English seaside, even in Winter. It's been a good few years since we visited Robin Hoods Bay, I remember it being very pretty. Hope the weather keeps dry enough for you to make the most of the rest of Mick's holiday days.

    1. I must admit that we don't often visit the seaside out of season but we always enjoy it when we do and say we must do it more often. I love Robin Hoods Bay but that hill plays havoc with my back!

  24. I’m with Archie on the beach, I love the space and smell of seaweed :) I might not be as keen to dip my toes in the water at this time of year though. The photo of him with the sandy nose is utterly adorable., he obviously had a lot of fun.
    Hope you have some lovely days out.

    1. One thing about the beach at this time of year is that you're sharing it with hardly anyone, it's nice to have so much space, especially when Archie want to run around.

  25. I've just found your blog indirectly through both Jayne and Eileen and looking forward to reading pat and future posts. I remember holidays in Scarborough when I was a child, and I had a holiday romance there back in 1971. Took my young son for a holiday there in 1980, and visited for a couple of days out while camping in Filey a few years ago. I also visited Bridlington, more than one person had previously told me it was a dump but I found it quite nice and got some lovely photos there.

    Archie looks adorable and it's lovely to see him having a great time on the beach :)

    1. You've got lots of very different memories of Scarborough and visited at different times of your life. I think it's somewhere which appeals to all different ages and there's something there for everyone. Bridlington got very run down but there's been a lot of regeneration work done in recent years. Archie loves the beach, especially out of season when he can have a good run around.

  26. Looks a wonderful day out, a great selection of photographs to see.
    Thank you.

    All the best Jan

    1. We had such a nice time. An unexpected trip to the coast at this time of year.

  27. What a wonderful day out. I'm glad the rain held off. Archie is such a sweetheart, he does have a lovely

    1. We try to give Archie the best life possible. Dogs are here for so short a time it's important to make every day count.

  28. WOW,Stunning photos and such an interesting post.I just love to see Gorgeous Archie enjoying himself bless him.x

    1. I think Archie's favourite place is the coast, he always has a good time at the beach.
