Monday 19 November 2012

Diary Love

I've used a diary for as long as I can remember. In the beginning, I would use a pocket diary which was easy to carry around in my bag. I've had many different types over the years from freebies given to Mick at work to the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel one I used in 2011. This one was especially cute as it had a picture of a Cavvy on every page.

In 1997, Mick bought me a filofax type organiser, which incorporated a diary. I love all things stationery so I thought this was the bees knees. It was personal size, but I found it a little too big to carry around with me, so he eventually bought me a pocket sized one. I've still got all the pages from the years that I used these.

I eventually went back to using a pocket diary, I can't remember why now. It was only whilst reading Angel Jem's City Cottage, and her posts back in May and June about her filofaxes that my love of them was awakened. I've had some birthday money saved up for ages, so I decided that I would treat myself to a Chameleon in red. It was half price in filofax UK sale, so I got a bargain. I decided on a5 size as I wanted to use it more of a household file, logging finances, addresses and appointments rather than a diary. I absolutely love it, and it's keeping me organised.

It wasn't long after I bought the Chameleon that I decided I wanted to go back to a filofax for every day use, rather than a pocket diary, so I treated myself again. This time I bought a pocket sized filofax, the Malden in vintage pink. I've been using it for quite a while now, and it's working well. I keep lots of notes and lists in there as well as things like Daniel and Eleanor's timetables, it was only last week that I needed to know which lessons Eleanor had on a certain day.

I never knew that filofaxes have such a following. There's whole blogs devoted to them as well as numerous filofax videos on YouTube. A great site for all things filofax, as well as bits and pieces about other stationery, is Philofaxy.

A new year's nearly here now, and all I'll be buying this time round are the inserts to pop in my filofax.


  1. I love stationary, notebooks, diaries :) I don't use a diary as we have a wall calendar and that seems to manage us, but always love a new notebook to add to my stash :) x

    1. I love notebooks too, oh and pens, anything like that really. I've never taken to a calendar. Last year, I bought one of those which has a section for everyone to write down what they're up to, handy when the kids are up to all sorts of things after school, but I couldn't use it properly. I much prefer a diary.

  2. I've owned a small Filofax for years. I used to use the diary inserts, but since Violet starting school I tend to have so many things to put in each day, that it's become too small to be useful. I invested in a Family organiser for this year, but it still doesn't fit everything in. Nowadays my Filofax has blank pages, for thoughts, memos, to do lists, etc.

    1. You could do with a bigger filofax. The good thing about them is that they do all different types of diary inserts, so there's usually one which will suit your needs. It does get harder once you've got school aged children, their social life takes over.

  3. You've chosen some lovely colours.
    I've never used a Filofax, I read Angel Jem's posts too and like you never knew there was such a following for them.
    The idea of keeping everything in one place is very appealing.
    Lisa x

    1. I was really pleased with the red Chameleon and would have loved the Malden in red too, but I don't think they do the pocket size in crimson. I'm really loving using this type of organiser again, it keeps me on the straight and narrow.

  4. I suppose that iPods and mobiles have eroded the market but almost everyone I know still uses diaries and/or filofaxes.
    I kept several diaries when I worked full time but nowadays just use one. For next year I've bought myself a hardback A6 day to view. Flighty xx

    1. Mick uses his Blackberry for everything, he would never think of writing anything down. I suppose it's like books though, Kindles seem very popular but I still prefer the feel of a proper book in my hands. It's interesting hearing what other people use.

  5. Oh - I love stationary (which is perhaps as well, given my job!). I'm a chronic list maker so I love having a nice book to keep writing them in. At the end of each school year my book of lists is also a great log of day to day activity in the department. I had a folifax back in the 90s but I'd forgotten how flexible and useful they can be. Jx

    1. I love looking back over my old diaries, they can tell you so many things which you'd forgotten about, and they've also helped me many a time to remember dates on which certain things happened. I think most people have had one type of organiser or another, they were all the rage in the 80's.

  6. I have had my filofax for over 10 years and every year I get a new diary refill as part of my christmas present. Everything from birthdays, to adresses crossed out and changed. to the menu for dinner every week is in there. There is even a list of the names of the 6 wives of Henry V111. I would be lost without it.

    1. Same here, I always used to get a diary refill as part of my Christmas present, I expect it will happen again now that I'm using a filofax again. I can't remember why I stopped using my organiser before, I'm loving using it again now.

  7. Good grief! Thanks for the plug! I have been such a rubbish blogger of late I had a fit when I saw my name!!!
    Your filofaxes are gorgeous! I love the red Chameleon and Maldens are my favoirite. My ultimate dream is an A5 crimson Malden..... unfortunately it doesn't exist! I'm in pocket size at the moment just for convenience size.
    Enjoy the planning!

    1. You're welcome. I like the pocket size to carry around with me, but I definitely wouldn't be able to fit all my household stuff in it so this is where the a5 comes in. I would have liked the pocket Malden in crimson, but I don't think they do that either. I look forward to hearing more about your pocket size filofax.

  8. Ooh, ooh ... I've been thinking of buying a Filofax ... which would be your recommendation Jo? I don't have a hugely appointment filled life but I do need to keep a lot of notes about stuff. What a well timed post :D

    1. I think it's really down to personal choice, though there are things to consider, such as will you be carrying it around with you. An a5 wouldn't fit in my bag, so would be no good to keep on my person. A pocket isn't big enough for all my household things. After you've decided on size, the fun begins. There's so many styles and colours to choose from, though I have to say that price is limiting to me, there's some really expensive ones. Have a look on Philofaxy, there's loads of reviews on there which should give you a better idea. Have fun choosing.

    2. Thanks Jo, I'll let you know what I decide on :)

    3. You're welcome. There's some great styles out there so I'm really looking forward to hearing what you think of them. Let me know when you've indulged.

  9. I have been using the same brown leather filofax for about ten years. Every year I buy new inserts for the following year. I love it. I'd be lost without it to be honest, and I can't get used to the idea of using my phone as my diary as so many of my friends do! x

    1. I wouldn't even know how to access the diary on my phone, so that wouldn't suit me at all. I'm just an old fashioned girl at heart and still write everything down.
