Friday 28 May 2021

Too Good To Go

I first read about Too Good To Go on Jane's The Love Of Nostalgia Blog in her Food Too Good To Waste post. Then last week, I read Marlene's Bags of Savings post on her Poppy Patchwork blog. I thought I would give Too Good To Go a try for myself.

Too Good To Go is an app which connects customers to restaurants and shops that have unsold, surplus food. They sell this off at a much lower cost thus avoiding wasting the food. Once you've downloaded the app you can search for restaurants and shops which are close to where you live which are joined up to the scheme and when they have food available for you to buy it is indicated on the app.

At the time I downloaded the app there was only one shop close by which had food available and that was Greggs. You don't know what you'll get, it's whatever they've got left at the end of the day, but you do know the price you'll pay. The cost of a bag from Greggs was £2.59 and it's food they'd been selling that day so it wasn't going to go off straight away.

The above is what I received. I think it was an absolute bargain. Four sausage rolls, a ham and cheese baguette, a pack of cheese sandwiches, a doughnut and a jammy shortbread biscuit. I'm not a lover of glazed doughnuts so I took that round for Eleanor, the baguette was huge so I had half for my lunch on Saturday and half on Sunday, Mick took the cheese sandwiches with him to eat at cricket on Saturday and he ate the sausage rolls over the following days. We shared the shortbread biscuit.

Mick's got a day off work today so we're going to be heading off for a day out shortly. Knowing that we'd be eating out, I reserved another Greggs bag yesterday, however, this time it was from a different Greggs shop. Again, it cost £2.59 and the photo above shows what was included. A chicken mayo baguette, four sausage rolls, a beef and vegetable pasty, a croissant, six corn topped bread rolls, a jam doughnut, a caramel glazed doughnut, a triple chocolate muffin, a lemon muffin and a gingerbread person. Wow, we're going to be eating well on our picnic. I gave the caramel glazed doughnut to Eleanor as neither me nor Mick will eat that.

Eleanor decided to try Costa. Their bags cost £3 but I don't think they're a patch on Greggs, which are cheaper. There's two toastie sandwiches, one sausage & onion chutney and the other cheddar & roast tomato, and an egg, mushroom & spinach breakfast bap. I don't suppose it's bad at £1 per item but I prefer the selection of sandwiches, pastries and sweet items which you get at Greggs, though of course, as they're just things which are leftover at the end of the day, the contents of the bags are probably different each time you buy one. Both Eleanor and Jacob really enjoyed all three items.

I think it's a great scheme, shops and restaurants are able to still make some money on their surplus food without it going to waste, and customers are able to buy things a bit cheaper, it's win win for everyone.


  1. It's brilliant, we are close to a M&S garage, so we can walk down for their bag, at £4, it's great value, and stopping food waste, like you said, the food last for a couple of days.

  2. What a good idea as food waste really annoys me. xx

  3. What a great idea and you certainly got a good haul from Greggs for a bargain price. Food waste is one of my pet hates.

  4. They sound great value for money and what a great way of avoiding food, win! I'll have to download the app to see if there is anything close to me.

  5. A good idea to save on wastage at the end of the day which is something I can't stand. Pity Costa don't have coffee too, as K & I often say we'd love a Costa coffee which we don't have out here & their lemon tarts. We've used Greggs takeaway sandwiches many a time when we've been to UK. Wonder if that will ever happen again......
    Take care, stay safe &hugs.

  6. It's not good to waste food is it!
    This sounds a good idea.

    Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend.

    All the best Jan

  7. I hate food waste of any kind so I think this is a great idea. I haven't got a phone which does apps but my son has so maybe we'll give it a try.

  8. What a bargain with a bit of exciting anticipation thrown in! I can see you'll be visiting Greggs quite often.

  9. This app sounds helpful for all concerned with bargains for the buyer and a way of selling off end of day food instead of adding to food waste. I hope you had a good day out and enjoyed your picnic.

  10. Oh wow Jo thanks for letting us know about this I had never heard of it. What a great idea, I'm downloading the app as we speak. Have a great weekend. xx

  11. What a great idea. I love a heart jam cookie and day. We had them in Mexico for breakfast!

  12. I downloaded the app after Marlene mentioned it too, I had one from M&S. Not sure it's something i would do on a regular basis because I think most of them contain teat items, although I did get a fish pie which went in the freezer, Mark won't eat it but I can share it with mum one night. You got a good amount from greggs, did those sausage rolls stay fresh for a few days? I haven't seen a greggs one come up on mine yet,

    1. Yes, they're items they'd been selling that day and as they're fresh they're good for a few days.

  13. I have never heard of these apps but what a fantastic idea. Glad you are finding them useful. Stay safe.

  14. Great idea! Wish it was available in Pennsylvania! P. x

  15. That is such a great concept! Food waste is such a problem here, as I'm sure it is there as well, and this could really put a dent in it.

  16. What a great idea. Food waste is awful. I've downloaded the app in the hope I'll get Greggs vegan sausage rolls! Thanks for this, as you say, good for a picnic with family and

  17. What a great idea. I wish there was something like this here in the U.S.
