Tuesday 24 March 2020

Socks Again

It's almost unheard of for me not to have a pair of socks on the needles. They're my favourite thing to knit, I love wearing them myself, and there's always plenty of people amongst my friends and family who are always very happy to be a recipient of a pair of hand knit socks.

I cast off the last pair of socks I had on the needles back on the 15th of January, that's over two months ago now, and though I've lost a bit of my crafting mojo over the last month or two, I've been itching to cast on a new pair.

The last pair I knit was the Wildflowers & Honeycomb Socks by This Handmade Life. I love these socks, it's such a pretty pattern, but I would have preferred the leg of this sock to be a little longer. I'm still wearing these socks but I've decided that I'm going to knit this pattern again, this time making them a little longer in the leg.

Yesterday, I went stash diving and came up with this yarn from Ducky Darlings in the colourway Confetti which I think will look lovely knit up in this pattern. Eleanor bought me this for Christmas 2018 so it's time I made something with it. I've just got to get it caked up and then I'm ready to go.

Are you doing any extra crafting now that we're all stuck at home because of the coronavirus? What projects are you working on?


  1. My knitting is growing by the day, plus I have a clean house and tidy garden. I even sorted my shed!

  2. That yarn will look lovely knitted up into those socks.
    I have several unfinished knitted toys that need my attention, one of which is a meerkat.

  3. Lovely you feel able to cast on your socks again especially with such lovely yarns. I have been making some soft toys for Theo, although I don´t have many childrens fabrics in the stash, but as long as they are bright and colourful I don´t think that really matters. xcx

  4. Those yarns are truly some of the most delicious things I have seen!

    I’m currently tacking previously cut fabric scraps to paper hexagons. Absolutely no idea or plan what I will do with them after that. It is calm, mindless activity which requires enough brain to keep me from fretting about the current shape of our world, but does not need too much concentration.

    It is also, amusingly, a bit like a jigsaw puzzle - you know when you plan to put in Just One More Piece, and find yourself still there an hour later . . .

  5. Your socks are going to be amazing, Jo. As for extra crafting - not really. But then I'm *always* making something. The lockdown just means I can spend *all day* at it! I doubt I'll ever run out of things to make! Be safe!

  6. I think many are doing extra crafting and some may even have started craft hobbies ...
    You've got a good selection of yarn there Jo, enjoy using it.

    All the best Jan

  7. All that lovely yarn! You could open a shop. I have a feeling I will need to order some myself as the weeks go on. X

  8. That yarn will make lovely socks! So far, for the month of March, I have knit two sweaters, worked on a third, and started a shawl. And I'm about to finish my 9th book. If this keeps up, I may actually reach that life goal of reading all my books and using up my yarn stash. Yikes!

  9. I wish I had that stash right now! I'm knitting a bulky baby blanket. Also a summer cowl ! I should do the cowl today. One is heaven the, blanket, one is light , the cowl.
    Lots of woodwork with Fireman!

  10. Ooh, love both the pattern & colour of your next socks. Yes, we are both busy with our crafts & I've even quilted one of the small charity quits & am going to put the next one on the machine today. Also crocheting Lucy's dahlia rug & am about half way there. Been weeding in the garden, taking out some things that have grown too large & working out how we can make the garden on a big slope easier to manage in our old age. Oh dear, wonder how long all this will last? Not supposed to peak here till June, so that is a looooong time to stay in our own space. Take care, stay safe & big hugs to all the family.

  11. Pretty yarn for the new socks. I'm liking that pattern, I think I saved it last time you knitted them?
    I've just finished stitching an Easter exchange (that will be on hold but still needs to be finished off). A crochet blanket of odd bits and using some of the new wool I bought last week. I cast on a pair of socks at the weekend too.
    Take care Jo,hope dad is doing well x

  12. yesterday I sewed cushion covers which had been cut out for months. Today I started the 2nd sleeve of my Timely cardigan. NZ goes into total lock down for a month in about 8 hours. I've plenty to do at home. DO need to kitchener a pair of socks and have printed off the Beloved bonnet pattern to make one for myself. We've a month lock down and I've plenty of supplies... keep safe yourself!

  13. I look forward to seeing how the wool knits up, I could do with a pair of socks this morning with it being rather chilly!

  14. So pretty. I cannot knit to save my life but I always drool over the hand knitted ones that I see on blogs. I have given myself a time after lunch to cross stitch every day and I have found a couple of quilts that need finishing too. I really do have plenty of stash to keep me busy during my twelve week isolation. x

  15. Look at all that lovely sock yarn, wow! I don't seem to have any more time that I usually do, which is weird because all of our out of the house stuff has stopped..............amazing how you can fill your time!

  16. What a lovely lot of gorgeous yarn! Looking forward to seeing the new make when you've finished.

  17. I would love to be able to knit! And would love to be able to make cotton socks. Only cotton, feel "right" on my feet.

    Don't even know if such socks, can be knit, in a light cotton yarn though...

    Yes I tried to learn. -sigh- And didn't get far. -smile-

    Gentle hugs,
    🌸 🌸 🌸

  18. What gorgeous yarns! Well of course you have a stash, I don't expect anything less.xxx
