Friday 12 April 2024

He Proposed


Daniel and Jasmine spent last weekend in London. They arrived home on Monday and came round to tell us that whilst they were there they got engaged. It was a surprise, though it will be ten years in May since they started seeing each other, so they haven't rushed into things. 

Apparently, Jasmine didn't know it was on the cards either. Daniel suggested they take a walk in Kyoto Garden in Holland Park and there, underneath the cherry blossom with no one else around, he got down on one knee and popped the question. The ring you see here is a promise ring, temporary until they go ring shopping together. Daniel wanted the proposal to be a surprise but also wanted Jasmine to be able to choose her own ring, he really thought of everything.

They met in their first year at university, they were both on the same science course and were lab partners, they met in exactly the same way as Eleanor and Jacob, they were lab partners at university too. Jasmine comes from Colorado in the US but has settled here, she's recently applied for British citizenship and the application is being processed so we're hoping that will come through soon, there's no reason why it shouldn't, she's jumped through many hoops over the years to get to this point.

So the next step will be choosing the ring and then a wedding will be on the cards, though I don't think they're in any rush, after all, it's taken them ten years to get this far!


  1. How lovely, what a thoughtful chap.

  2. Congratulations! That's wonderful news, you must be thrilled. What an exciting time for you all at the moment, so many important things happening. I wonder if the wedding will be in Colorado!

  3. Congratulations! Lovely news.
    My son and his now wife were together for several years, having met in the first year of university, though on different courses. They didn't rush into marriage, either:-)

  4. Congratulations to the happy couple, fantastic news Jo.
    My son also proposed in London last year, on Tower Bridge. There must be something about London. All the best xx

  5. How lovely and exciting for you and your family.

  6. Congratulations to the happy couple and to you as well! What a lovely proposal!

  7. Congratulations to Daniel and Jasmine. Yes it sounds like he did put a lot of thought into his proposal, how lovely.

  8. That is such lovely news to read.
    Many congratulations to Daniel and Jasmine on their engagement.

    All the best Jan

  9. How romantic, and under a cherry blossom tree, it must have been a pretty sight.

  10. Congratulations to the happy couple! Wonderful news. Xx

  11. How romantic! I've never heard of a promise ring but what a good idea, congratulations to them both.x

  12. Congratulations to Daniel and Jasmine on their engagement. Such a lovely romantic setting for the proposal too.

  13. How wonderful! Congratulations Daniel and Jasmine! What a lovely place to get a proposal, very romantic! Daniel is a sweet guy to be so very thoughtful! Thank you for sharing the details. I leave smiling and very happy for these two young people.
