Sunday 6 December 2020

One Moment

I've only read one book by Linda Green in the past and to be honest, I wasn't impressed. I don't know why I decided to read another book by this author but I'm so pleased I did because I loved it. I reserved One Moment at my local library before the first lockdown and my name has only just come to the top of the list. It was worth the wait though.

"Ten-year-old Finn, a quirky, sensitive boy, is having a tough time at school and at home.

Outspoken Kaz, who has a sharp sense of humour and a heart of gold, is working at the cafe when Finn and his mum come in.

They don't know it yet, but the second time they meet will be a moment that changes both of their lives forever..."

The chapters of the story follow both Finn and Kaz and are told before and after the life-changing event, which isn't revealed until the end. It jumps between time and characters but is still very easy to follow. It was such an easy to read book and it kept me wanting to pick it back up to read more. I don't want to say any more about this book in case you choose to read it yourself, I don't want to spoil it for you in any way, it's a book I would thoroughly recommend. 


  1. I just added it to my list of 'must reads'. It sounds like a great book and I don't know that author at all. xo Diana

  2. Isn't it funny how we can't get on with some books by authors we love. I often find that myself.
    I love a book that keeps calling me, if it doesn't I usually give up. Tom on the other hand will keep ploughing through even if its not that interesting. Chalk and Cheese, that's us. lol

  3. Sounds like a good read, thanks for the recommendation!

  4. Hmmm...sounds interesting. I will have to look for it.💖

  5. It looks like a wonderful book Jo, thank you for the suggestion. Stay safe.

  6. Sounds interesting. Off to see if it's available for my Kindle.

  7. Sounds like a great read - I love book recommendations.

  8. Sounds an excellent read Jo, many thanks for the recommendation.

    All the best Jan

  9. I'll keep an eye out for this. I love a book that's hard to put
