Wednesday 15 May 2019

I Love The Works

There, I've said it, I Love The Works. It isn't often that I go in that shop and come out empty handed. They sell some wonderful books at such cheap prices.

I'd seen that a couple of people had recently bought the Making Luna Lapin book by Sarah Peel and I quite fancied a copy myself. Now I'm the first to admit that I can't sew, well, I say that I can't but it's something I've never really given a good go, so I'm going to try and if I can't do it I'm happy just looking through this lovely book. Not only does it show you how to sew Luna but it also has patterns for her clothes.

How cute is this little dress.

And if you're clever enough you can even make her an armchair.

This book should have been £15.99 but The Works were selling it for just £5.

Whilst I was there I noticed Pronto! by Gino D'Acampo, again hugely discounted from £16.99 to £5. I can't say I'm a fan of Gino's but there does look to be some delicious recipes in this book. The lamb cutlets coated with parma ham and parmesan was the first thing to catch my eye.

Or how about chicken breast in rosemary and orange sauce?

There's lots of other lovely Italian recipes which are quick to cook in this book, I'm looking forward to giving some of them a try.

Do you buy books from The Works? Have you picked up any gems?


  1. We have The Works in town where I work and I go in to have a look most weeks, they do have some bargains. I had my Luna Lapin book from there a few months ago, I did buy the pack with everything to make her but haven't got round to it yet, like you i'm not good at sewing, especially hand sewing, but to be honest reading through it does look fairly straight forward.
    The cookery book looks interesting, I tend to cook the same things over and over so do let us know if you try out any of the recipes.

    1. I shall have to have a look at the pack with everything included to make Luna Lapin, more convenient than having to get everything together yourself. I'm just the same with cooking, I'm not very adventurous so I like recipes which are straightforward when I try anything new. There looks to be some very tasty things in this book.

  2. I too am a great fan of The Works and always pop in when I am on the Mainland. Its the perfect place for a cheap book for the children.

    1. It's such a great place to pick up cheap books for both children and adults.

  3. I truly Do Not Need Any More Projects - but your rabbit is so, so cute . . . look forward to seeing how you get on.

    You'll certainly have lots of support from your bloggy friends and if you get stuck with any of the sewing bits I am sure there will be someone who knows the answer and can come to your rescue.

    1. I couldn't resist the Luna Lapin book, isn't she cute? Mick's auntie does a lot of sewing so I'm sure she'll help me if I get stuck, I find it so much easier with things like that if there's someone with you to show you the ropes.

  4. I have to admit, I have never been in The Works. I don't often get the chance to visit the city centre and when I do, I am on a mission. Very tempting though! Oh, and I am sure you'll love to sew once you explored it a bit. The little rabbit would make a perfect gift for Eleanor's friends baby..... xx

    1. My visits to The Works were so much less when the only store was in the city centre but they've recently opened one much closer to home so I'm in there all the time now. I'm not sure I'll be able to part with Luna Lapin if I do manage to make her, even for Eleanor's friend's baby.

  5. I donated about six sackfuls of books to the charity collection centre so am trying very hard not to buy any more. The Works is a good shop for other craft things and jigsaws too, love it myself. One criticism is they are small shops packed to the rafters and difficult to get round.

    1. It's very easy to buy lovely books and then have more than you know what to do with, isn't it? I'm quite ruthless these days with the books I keep, I was like you and donated sackfuls to the charity shop quite a number of years ago now so I don't keep anything that I'm not going to read again. I agree about The Works being great for other things too, and about the fact that they pack them out, it's quite uncomfortable in their shops when they're busy.

  6. I love The Works. I always make a point of having a look around on the rare occasions I go into town. I got rid of a lot of my cookery books a few years ago but I miss being able to read through and get some ideas. I like the look of that Gino one and might go and see if there is a copy in store. X

    1. I too got rid of a lot of cookery books a few years ago but they were ones I never really used, I kept all the ones I really like. I'm looking forward to trying some of Gino's recipes now, I haven't had any of his books before.

  7. I've bought many books from The Works and I love going into have a browse and see what they have on offer so there I've said it I love The Works too. I will be popping in to pick up some their children's books 3 for £5 for little Freddie's birthday. Never too young to introduce children to books.


    1. I agree, I remember reading to my kids and showing them books before they could even sit up on their own. There's always so many interesting things to Browse in The Works.

  8. My nearest branch of The Works in in Neath, I have bought a few books from there but in the last few years their stock of crafty books has dwindled to next to nothing. I have far too many cook books so try hard not to "notice" any when I am out.

    1. I know what you mean, I have a thing for cook books but use them more for inspiration rather than following the recipes so they're a bit of a waste usually. I'm looking forward to trying some recipes from this one though, they look very tasty.

  9. Arh Luna is so sweet isn't she. I haven't been to the works before, though I've been to the range. Maybe one day when I go into the city next I'll pop in. Cathy x

    1. The Range is another shop I love but the nearest one to me is in a place where we very seldom go so I don't visit it very often. Definitely have a look around The Works, I'm sure you'll find lots of lovely books you like the look of.

  10. Dear Jo
    We have two The Works shops here which is fatal for me! My husband bought me the Luna Lapin book too although I am not sure I will actually get round to making her. Possibly another long term project! Over the years, I have bought lots from The Works, and it is rare for me to come out without having bought something!
    Best wishes

    1. I think The Works appeals to so many people, they do a good range of books on all subjects, they sell other crafty things and all at great prices. You must give Luna Lapin a go, even if it's a long term project as you say.

  11. I bought the Luna book and I'm on my second Luna, also made Wilhelmina from her second book. I get my felt from Coolcrafting.

    1. That's the great thing, once you've got the book there's no stopping you making a whole range of Lunas. Thanks for the tip, I'll take a look at Coolcrafting.

  12. I definitely intend to give Luna a go. The Works is a great shop, you can always find a bargain there and there's always lots of things you'd like to buy.

  13. Don't now of any The Works here. :-)

    Oh my, those recipes!!!! -sigh- And just when I realize that I really should lose some weight!!!! >,-)))

    1. I'm the same. Why is it that everything you fancy just isn't good for you?

  14. Ummmm! Never heard of The Works, but then I am a long way off. I'm looking forward to see what you make from both books. Help from here too, if we could find a way to overcome the distance.(lol). Take care & huggles.

    1. You will have to look in The Works when you come over, there are always books I'd like to buy in there but I do try to limit myself.

  15. I've bought books for bargain prices at The Works outlet in our out-of-the city megacentre, but haven't been there lately. Your bargains caused me to look to see if there's one in the city centre and there is! Thanks for mentioning as books make good gifts and even better when you can get them at a good price. Daughter D would like that Gino D'Acampo cook book. The book on sewing looks good too.

    1. I agree, books are great for gifts, it's something I love to receive. I like that The Works stock so many genres so there's something for everyone in there.

  16. I like the Works too and always make a point of popping in, I always make a beeline for the craft books and have to restrain myself from buying because I have so many already. I went through a phase of making Tilda bunnies a few years ago and have them sitting on my stairs they could do with some new clothes, that may be my next project.

    1. They usually have some great little craft books, but like you, I do try to limit what I buy. I've seen the Tilda bunnies but have never tried to make anything like this before.

  17. What great finds. I used to go in there regularly when the children were small but it's slipped off my radar in recent years. I must pop back in.

    1. The craft book section is the one I head for first but they do some real bargains like paperback fiction books at 3 for £5, you can't go wrong at that price.

  18. Oh, I love buying books so much and that cooking one seems so interesting ☺

    1. There are so many great cook books out these days, it's hard to choose between them. I suppose there are recipes in them all that you'd enjoy so it's a case of looking for something where you know you'll enjoy quite a few of the different dishes on offer.

  19. Very limited choice of book shops here with an English selection and Amazon postal rates are quite high, so tend not to buy. Have to keep my eye out for one when we next come over. I hope you enjoy making your rabbit, she does look cute, and trying your new recipes xcx

    1. I can see the problem you'd have over there but at least you do come here quite regularly and then you can stock up on things you want. I bet your list is quite long.

  20. Of course, I've not even heard of the Works, but I find it VERY hard to resist a good book when there's a bargain to be had. We have a similar discount store here and I think that at least 1/2 of my knitting books are from there. Many of them were on my "list" but there are also quite a few that I didn't know about until I saw them there and I promptly snapped them up.

    1. I could spend hours in book shops but a bargain book shop, well, leave me there all day! I've picked up quite a few craft books from The Works, it makes such a difference when you can snap things up at a fraction of the recommended price.

  21. Always good to browse in The Works, a great place to pick up a bargain gift too. DH always finds something he wants in there as he's a reader of War type real life stuff.

    1. They cover so many genres that most people can find something they like in there. I've bought many gifts from The Works as well as books for myself.

  22. I love the works too! We were only in one the other day. John got a new map book and I got a new colouring book. I've often thought of putting my colouring in my blog, then thought it might be to many subjects, to many posts. I also love their pretty blank notecards as they're always BOGOF and I have many designs, for thank yous and just because I like to write to family and friends. Best, Jane x

    1. I got bought a colouring book a few Christmases ago but I've never got round to using it yet, I really should get it out and start it. I know The Works used to do lovely notepaper as well as notecards but I'm not sure they do that any more, I haven't seen it recently.

  23. The Works is great for discounted books and craft items too. I love popping in one I'm near one.

    1. They have such a good range of books, I always find something I want.

  24. They look like wonderful books, enjoy!

  25. I have to admit, I have never been in The Works, in fact I don't know where my nearest branch would be … I'll have to check it out.

    I like many Gino recipes, I'm sure you will enjoy giving some of them a try! Bon Appetit or should I say Buon appetito!

    All the best Jan

    1. There's some lovely recipes in the book which I shall enjoy giving a go. Grazie.

  26. I've never heard of The Works. Sounds great though. I've eaten in Gino's in Liverpool, lovely

    1. Gino has opened a restaurant not far from here but we haven't been. Keep a look out for The Works, they have some great bargain books.

  27. I do like the look of the Luna Lapin book. I love her little patchwork scarf! That armchair might be good for the bear I knit... oh I'm going to have to pay The Works a visit now!
    I look forward to seeing your sewing in coming posts.

    1. It's so cute, isn't it, and as you say, the accessories could be used for other soft toys too.
