Friday, 26 April 2013


Eleanor and I love going to see shows at the theatre, especially musicals. One of the shows Eleanor really wants to see is Wicked, so when I found out that it will be touring next year, I knew I must get tickets.

Wicked is the story of the two witches from The Wizard of Oz, Glinda and the Wicked Witch of the West, as they meet and become friends as sorcery students. This is as much as I know about the storyline, so I'm really looking forward to seeing it. I find I really enjoy shows where I don't know what to expect, you tend not to go with pre conceived ideas and just enjoy it for what it is.

It's so expensive to go to the theatre these days, so I usually buy seats in the balcony which are a bit cheaper, but as this is a show which Eleanor really wants to see, I decided to splash out and buy seats in the stalls. It's going to be part of her Christmas present anyway, so I don't mind paying a bit more on this occasion.

There's three other shows coming up in the next three months which we've got tickets for, so that's exciting. I'll tell you more about those as we see them.


  1. That will be lovely for you. I love The Wizard of Oz film and Laura's been to see Oz, The Great and Powerful and said it was really good. We're off to see Michael Buble in July, I'm so excited! Have a lovely weekend xxx

    1. I always associate The Wizard of Oz with Christmas, it seemed to be on every Christmas Day when I was a child. I bet the Michael Buble concert will be fantastic, don't forget to tell us all about it.

  2. Hi Jo, I have heard that it is a good show, me and my girls love the Wizard of Oz, I bet you'll have a great time!

    1. Although I don't know much about it myself, I've heard it's got great reviews. Eleanor has wanted to see it for a long time so I'm really pleased it's coming to Leeds.

  3. My youngest daughter loves the music from this show. She had to perform a piece for one of her classes. She has never see the musical but I am sure she would love it.

    1. I only know a couple of the songs, whereas Eleanor knows a lot of the music from the show. I'm sure we'll both enjoy seeing the show.

  4. Replies
    1. I'm sure we'll both enjoy it. It's a long time to wait though.

  5. The musical will be something to look forward to as I know you have to book well in advance to get seats in the stalls.

    1. I couldn't believe how far in advance the tickets have gone on sale. I don't think I've ever booked to see anything this early before.

  6. I didn't know this was going on tour. I must go and investigate. This is one we would all like to see.
    Lisa x

    1. We get some good shows at The Grand Theatre in Leeds, and things which aren't on there are sometimes on at The Alhambra in Bradford. I hope you manage to find Wicked at a theatre near to you.

  7. Lucky lucky! I only really know defying gravity and a hint of the story, but this is on my would love to see list!

    1. My love to see list is so long, there's so many things I'd like to see. If only I lived near London where all the shows are, I'd never have any money.

  8. Oh wow, my sister saw Wicked and said it was fantastic. What a lovely thing to do together :) xx

    1. I'm so lucky that Eleanor loves shows as much as I do, it's nice to do things like this together. Mick enjoys the theatre but is very selective in what he likes to see.

  9. KP would love to go and see that! One of my favourite films is The Wizard of Oz. Its still on every Christmas. You'll have to let us know what else you are going to see!

    1. It's great that shows like this tour the country, I wouldn't get to see anything otherwise. I'll post about the other shows we're going to see at the time, one a month for the next three months.

  10. My daughter and her husband saw it here in Oz a couple of years ago and absolutely loved it, so I am sure you will both enjoy it.

    1. I haven't heard anyone say that they didn't like it. I'm sure it's going to be a fabulous show.

  11. It looks like you've lots to look forward too. Enjoy! Flighty xx

    1. It's nice to have a few things booked, as you say, plenty to look forward to.

  12. This is the one musical KL has always wanted to see. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time together.

    1. Eleanor is the same, she's been hoping that it would tour. We both really enjoy musicals so I'm sure we'll both enjoy it. It just seems such a long way off yet though.

  13. I went to see it shortly after I started my blog - with a group of Year 8s. It was a great show. I'm sure that you'll love it! Jx

    1. To be honest, it wouldn't be a show I'd have chosen to see myself, but Eleanor wanted to see it so much that I didn't take much persuading. I'm looking forward to it now.

  14. This is very popular with the children at school. They have loved it.

    I hope you have a lovely time and I think it's the perfect Christmas present for your girl.

    Sft x

    1. I'm sure we'll both enjoy it. It's a very popular show, they're staging it for four weeks in Leeds and I'm sure it'll be a sell out.

  15. Jo thats marvelous I love attending the theatre. I must admit I don't get their often anymore ,perhaps I should try this year. Let us know about Wicked !

    1. I'll definitely blog about Wicked once we've seen it, quite a while to wait though. I love the theatre, it's such a shame that the tickets can be so expensive.

  16. OH wow!!!! So awesome!!!
    I'm so jealous! I have never been to the Theater!

    1. It looks like a really good show. Eleanor and I absolutely love going to the theatre, and all the better if it's a musical we're going to see.

  17. I hope you have a great time JO. We are going to Boston in september and we have just been checking out the shows there.Sadly they are very very expensive so I doubt we will be going. I had noticed Wicked was coming to Leeds though but we are so busy saving at the moment we darent splurge!!

    1. It's such a shame that the tickets are so expensive, it certainly isn't a cheap night out. I'm sure they'd get more people wanting to fill the seats if they reduced the costs, though they probably don't need to.
