Saturday, 3 November 2012

On With The Challenge

At the start of the year, I set myself the challenge of reading at least one book per month. I'd got out of the habit of reading books, and as I used to be an avid reader, it was a habit I was eager to reestablish.

Last month, I read Blue Shoes and Happiness by Alexander McCall Smith, the seventh book in The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency Series.

I mentioned that I'd picked up The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party at a charity shop, and Sft from Sft's Life After Mortgage -  Frugal Fun, Travel & Retirement asked if I would like to swap this book, once I had read it, for The Double Comfort Safari Club, another book from the series which I was missing. The book arrived through the post, thank you Sft, so I'm trying to get through the rest of the series now so that I can fulfil my part of the bargain and post the book which I've promised back.

At the moment, I'm reading The Good Husband of Zebra Drive, then I've got another three in the series to read before I get to the one I've promised Sft.

I'm sure I can manage that before the end of the year.

Archie went back to the vets yesterday for a check up and I'm pleased to report that his infection has now cleared up. It's such a relief after the worry I've had over the past couple of weeks.


  1. Mr Sft and I are delighted about Archie! That has made our day!

    Glad you are enjoying the books.

    I've got a whole book case of ones to choose from (really!) so I'm in no hurry.

    Just started a new one about Fletcher Christian.

    Good so far.

    Sft x

    1. It's so lovely to see Archie back to himself again, he's been outside in the garden with us today, whereas he just wanted to sleep all the time when he first started with the infection. Glad you're enjoying your new book. I had a read in bed this morning before I got up, unheard of for me as I usually jump up the minute I'm awake.

    2. Thanks for replying. Mr Sft was asking whether Archie was back to his old self again!

      Sft x

    3. Thank you both for your concern about Archie. He's got one tablet left to take tomorrow and then I'm hoping that we can put this whole ordeal behind us, as he really is his happy little self again now.

  2. I hope that you're enjoying these books, Jo! I found a boxed set on my mum's bookshelf a couple of years ago and was surprisingly entertained by them. What a lovely idea to swop books after you've read them; so many of mine find their way into my charity bag.

    1. I'm really enjoying the series. I found the first book a little hard to get in to, but once I had, there was no stopping me. I must admit that most of my books end up in the charity shop so it's nice to be able to swap with a friend.

  3. Hi Jo, glad you are still reading away! I go in fits and starts really but at the moment I have one on the go called Started Early took my dog by Kate Atkinson, which is based in and around Leeds! Its a detective sort of story and I'm about a quarter of the way through.
    Glad Archie seems to be improving.

    1. I've just looked that up and it sounds really good. I do like to read about places I know too, I think that's why I read so many blogs which are written by people who live in Yorkshire. It's so good to see Archie back to full health, the vet was really pleased with him.

  4. The covers of these books are certainly interesting and colorful. I'll have to see if I can find a copy of her book here.

    1. I have to say that the covers make these books stand out, great when I'm on the lookout for them in the charity shops.

  5. Actually, Alexander is probably a male author. It's morning and sometimes I miss things when I read.

    1. You're right, he's a male author. I often miss things when I read, I really need glasses so I should book for an eye test.

  6. Hi Jo, I'm reading The Betrayal of Trust by Susan Hill at the moment and so far it's good. The goodies came today and everything is fab, thank you so much. Brilliant news about Archie, bless him xxx

    1. I've just looked that book up and it sounds as though it could be a page turner. It's good to have recommendations. Pleased to hear that the parcel arrived safely, I'm sure you'll make some lovely things with the goodies. Archie's had a lovely day out in the garden today, he does like to be with everyone.

  7. I'm trying my best to type a comment on my laptop but George is not being helpful! So glad to hear that Archie is on the mend. I too was an avid reader and then life got in the way followed by illness but I have started reading again.

    1. Archie is much better now, I'm hoping that this is an end to it all. I'm really enjoying reading again, as you say, life does get in the way of things at times, so it's good to get back to them.

  8. Pleased Archie has been enjoying himself out in the garden with you. I've just finished 'Playing the Fat Girl' by Mikyla Dodd. I don't usually read autobiographies , but it was 25p in the charity shop, and I really enjoyed it.

    1. Archie loves to follow us wherever we are, he's like our little shadow. That sounds like an interesting book, and like you say, you can pick up some great bargains on books in charity shops.

  9. It#s always good when you find a book series that you enjoy reading.
    That's good news about Archie. xx

    1. I'll be sorry when I come to the end of the series, but I'm enjoying having plenty to go at. It's such a relief that Archie is back to his old self.

  10. Good luck with your reading challenge! To my shame, I have not opened a book for about a months and have been reading magazines in bed. So glad to hear Archie is better. x

    1. I've stopped buying magazines this year to help me get back in to reading books, it's so easy to just pick up a magazine when you have a spare five or ten minutes. I'm pleased that I set myself the challenge as it's helped me focus on reading books again and I'm really enjoying it. The vet was really pleased with Archie, but we could tell already that he's feeling much better.

  11. I seem to have got out of the habit of reading recently. Your post has made me think about the joys of curling up in the evening with a book rather than the TV.
    Glad to hear that Archie is OK. Jx

    1. I think we all get in the habit of doing other things sometimes, or we're busy with other hobbies. I read mostly when I go to bed, even if it's just a chapter. Archie is fine now, thank goodness.

  12. Wonderful news about Archie.
    Will email soon.
    Lisa x

    1. It's such a relief to have Archie back to normal. He's finished his tablets now and seems fine.

  13. I'm so pleased to read that Archie is better. They're like one of the family and it's heartbreaking to see them ill. x

    1. That's so true. It's really hard when they can't tell you how they feel.

  14. Great news about Archie :D

    I think I need to try your challenge, I read books but I am totally out of the habit of reading fiction.

    1. Archie is back to himself again, up to all sort of mischief. I could easily pick up non fiction books, there's so many interesting things to read about. I found it harder to pick up fiction, but I'm now loving the challenge and look forward to reading, even if it's only a chapter.
